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Payne County Obits

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | Mc | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W XYZ

A  Back to Top
Abernathy, Arlen Keith
Acklin, Imogene Willis
Adams, Leon H.
Adams, Leota Sue Robinson
Adkins, Earl Ray
Ahrberg, Robert Fred
Alexander, Jack L.
Allen, Mildred Hazel Criswell
Anderson, Charlaine Marie Davis
Anderson, Scott Lee
Anderson, Sheldon J.
Asher, Lorie Jaye McConnell
Atwell, James Sterling
Autrey, Delpha Irene
B  Back to Top
Baker, Dale Berwyn
Baker, Sean Paul
Barnard, Janie EstaLee Jackson
Barnes, Tina Eileen Goucher
Barnett, James Garfield
Beard, Lillian Bernice McQueen
Beavers, Vernice
Belknap, Eldon W.
Bennett, Judge Thomas E.
Benson, Margie L. Royce
Benthall, Lester L. Jr.
Benton, Bradley
Billings, James W.
Billings, Loralu D. Dean
Black, Charles Allen
Black, Darrell Charles
Blair, Ralph Foy
Blankenship, Roy J.
Blue-Webb, Earline Gelushia
Boatman, Joe Allen
Bouse, Helen Grace Shepherd
Boyce, Randall O'Dell
Boyle, Bessie Butcher
Bowdoin, Wayne Kent
Bowling, Deaun Allie Wright
Bradley, James Newton II
Brandle, Verdun Lee Roy
Brannon, Ruby Lee Gentry
Brassfield, Mary Lou Lemons
Breazzeal, Vernon Ray
Brewer, Patsy L. Holland
Brock, Sandra Mae Swalley
Broyles, William Bryant
Brown, Agatha Ryan
Brown, Elda Helen Pool
Brown, Joyce Viana Ranger
Brown, Lynn Bennett
Brown, Thomas Jess
Brown, Wayne Russell
Browne, Henry Allen
Brumley, Joyce May Cole
Bruns, Shirley
Bryan, Charlene Elizabeth Clarke
Buck, Daniel Charles
Buckles, Gloria Louise Booten
Buckmaster, Daisy Ann
Buffington, Elmer Asa
Buffington, Louis Lincoln
Buffington, Sarah Ann Groggin
Bullard, Guy Bruce
Burden, Frances Ann Cobble
Burnett, Pamela Smith
Butler, Karlene Kautz
C  Back to Top
Cackler, Jerva M. Bush
Cackler, Richard Dwight
Cackler, Ron D.
Carlisle, Kathryn Norton
Carr, Pauline Knight
Carruth, Judith Hope
Case, Kevin Lynn
Cates, Carlos Warren
Cathey, Nellie Johns
Caylor, Judith E.
Chadwick, John Blenford
Clark, Glenda Hays
Clayton, Dora Thompson
Clemons, Ruth P. Acklin
Cleveland, George Lee
Clopton, Herman Sr.
Cochran, Frank E.
Cochran, Mary E.
Coffman, Lenville Glenn
Collier, Francis Geraldine Smith
Collier, Joe Hubb
Collier, Francis Geraldine Smith
Cook, Berniece Seaba
Compton, Linda Lou Decker
Cooper, Jerry Allen
Cordell, Glenna Mae Fowler
Courtney, K. Kyann
Courtney, Treva O'Kelley
Cunningham, Jerry
Cox, Daley Junior
Cox, Eleanor Jean Graham
Cox, Joyce Marlene Freed
Coyne, Marjorie M. Tucker
Crenshaw, Alice Lee King
Cruzan, Clarah Catherine
Curry, Nancy Pridmore
Cyphers, Rev. Frank William
D  Back to Top
Daniel, Phyllis Ann Davis
Daugherty, Helen K. Grotheer
Davis, Darrell Wayne
Davis, Elmer J.
Davis, Peggy Louise Lowrey
Davis, Virginia Lee Linn
Dawes, Franklin Allen
Dawes, Janet Lynae Burton
Day, Dottie L.
Day, Victor Glen
DeGraw, Helen
Demaree, Esta Mae Caldwell
Denny, Eldon Orel
Dobson-Hall, Mary M. Daugherty
Dodson, James Howard
Donaldson, Robert D.
Driggs, Margaret Morgan
Driggs, Richard King
Driver, Gary Wayne
Duncan, William J.
Duncan-Stafford, Norma L. Monger
Dunlap, Betty Jo
Dunlap, JoAnn Loretta Anderson
Dupus, Elisabeth M. Barnes
Dwinell, Daniel Earl
Dwinell-Somers, Rhoda M. Belveal
Dye, Doris F. Clark
E  Back to Top
Early, Alan Grant
Earp, Otis G.
Earp, Ray W.
Easley, Paul J.
Eaton, Jack Loyd
Eden, Jewell W.
Emmons, Wilbur
Engelke, Frederick D.
Evans, Joy Janice McKnight
Evans, Sharon Lou Potter
Evans, Stella Mae Hooper
Exton, Carl Henry
Exton, Joe
Ewings, Kathryn Marie
Exton, Betty Jo Troglin
F  Back to Top
Farrell, Michael Ralph
Farrell, Robert Joseph
Farris, Thaylia A. Little
Fielding, Dr. William L. Jr.
Fisher, Kathy Holmes
Fisher, Richard Dexter
Fitzgerald, Meta Pearl
Flagor, Litha Lillian Lane
Fleharty, Gene
Floyd, Betty Sue Gibson
Floyd, Lura Charlyn Davis
Foster, Larry Joe
Fox, Sharon Lael Larson
Francis, Ralph
Freeman, Shelly Denise Grigg
G  Back to Top
Garcia, Allison D.
Gentry, Edward Lee
Gibson, Paul H.
Glatt, Mary Lou Culver
Goad, James A.
Goetz, Gail William
Goff, Corey G.
Goff, Helen Pemberton
Goforth, Darrell Eugene
Goforth, Katharine Elizabeth Poyner
Gooding, Essie Lorene Wilcox
Goss, Ruth Maxine
Gottfried, Orvel Elmer Jr.
Grace, William Alec
Graves, Pamela Colene Christensen
Gray, Juanita Ryan
Green, Virginia May Quick
Griffith, Virginia M. Marckwardt
Grimm, Elnora B.
H  Back to Top
Hale, Douglas Denton Jr.
Hall, Beryl Mae Dumont
Hall, Leona Mae Sherrod
Hall, Mark Stephen
Hall, Mildred Juanita Hudson
Hall, Oleta M.
Hall, Patta Jean Blair
Ham, Alpha May Bunney
Hancock, Bryon Keith
Hansen, Dorothy Louise Rogers
Hargrove, Leonard W.
Harmon, Lela Mae Wardwell
Harris, Genette Rae Soyland
Harrison, Kathleen Flora Cates
Hart, Daniel M.
Hayes, Thomas Wellington
Haymes, Eleanor G. Mercer
Hayter, Billy Don
Hayter-Robertson, Eddie Ann Maret
Heath, Marilyn Ruth
Hedden, Margaret Carole
Heidemann, Irene E. Taylor
Heinly-Banks, Teresa Marie
Hickman, Bertha E. Lee
Hickman, Dorothy Hawk Baze
Hicks, Mabel Frances Sledge
Hiltzman, Larry Frank
Hitch, Alan Brent
Hodge, Patrick Varselle
Hodo, Mickey W.
Hoggatt, Vesta Violet Dooley
Hogue, OmaLea Louise Harmon
Hollingshead, Donna June Biswell
Holman-Brandle, Patti Lou Farris
Holt, Jodi Lynn
Holt, Phyllis Louise
Honska, Mark Edward M.D.
Hoover, Janice L. Robinson
Hopkins, Earline Faye
Hoy, Nina Mary Stout
Hudson, Dillard Farris
Huff, Emma Maxine
Hughes, Hugh Robert
Hughes, Thomas Jefferson Jr.
Hungate, Marie Elizabeth LaCost
Hunter, Grady Alan
I  Back to Top
Ingram, Mary Ann
J  Back to Top
Jacks, Judy Pothorst
Jay, Frank Malcolm
Jenkins, Lehman G. "Jerry"
Jeske, Betty Lou Allen
Jett-Ganoe, Annie Doreen
Johnson, James Jay
Johnson, Margaret Elizabeth Morton
Johnson, Melinda Beth {Sumpter}
Johnson, Ruth W. Watson
Johnston, Jimmie
Johnston, Tommy Lynn
Jones, Dorothy Ann Mason
Jones, Viola M. Fisk
K  Back to Top
Kautz, Samuel Henry
Keaton-Bratches, Marjorie Flowers
Kelly, Robert Floyd
Kemp, Roy Leon
Kent, Edna Francis Hayes
Kephart, Mary Eleanor Beckstead
Kime, Graham Steedsman
King, John E.
King-Lilly, Ruby Briggs
Kinsey, Wanda Rosetta
Kinzie, Bobby Lewis
Kirkpatrick, Juanita Cates
L  Back to Top
LaBouff, Glenna Wilson
Lacy, Larry
Lacy, Pattsie R. Crooks
Lackey, Jack
Lackey, Randy
LaFollette, Mary Lee Bilyeu
Laird, Dorothy Lottie Wulf
Lamb, Olive Etna
Lambert, Dolores Lucille Schmidt
Lanham, Albert Wayne
Lawson, Phyllis Marie
Leak, Charley G.
Ledbetter, Lew Wesley
Ledgerwood, Patrick Lee
Leising, Linda Marie Garretson
Leonard, Cleveland Carmack
Leonard, Jim C.
Leverich, Mary L. Bean
Lilly, Ruby Briggs King
Line, Ruth Iva
Longan, Laura Elizabeth Royster
Losey, Greta O'Dell
Lozier, Thelma Mae Whitten
Lyhene, Thelma Harmon
M  Back to Top
Martin-Cummings, Barbara Jean Camblin
Matlock, Eddie
Matthews, Dyton Bennett
Mayo, Donalvin Lee
Mayo, Seaman Alvin
Mays, Floy Nell Carter
Meisenheimer, Sheila Ann Yandell
Meyers, Bobby Dale
Miller, Basil Lee
Miller, Lorene O' Kelley
Minney, Juanita Mae
Mize, Judith Ann Sizemore
Moon, Robert
Moore, Barbara Jean Phifer
Moore, Wayne Henderson
Morgan, George Walton Sr.
Morgret, Darryl Glen
Morris, Robert E.
Morse, Doyce Benton
Morton, Ernest Cecil
Morton, William Edgar
Mosher, Mark W.
Moss, Carrel Caroline Moore
Mulchi, Mildred Clark
Mulder, Phillip George Sr.
Mc  Back to Top
McAulay, Bill Mac
McClellan, Patricia Ann
McConnell, Glenda Joyce Frizzell
McCurry, Vivian Marie Anderson
McDowell, Joseph Lawrence
McGill, Joyce Edna
McGrew, Wayne Eugene
McHendry, Donnie Ray
McKelvey, Norris H. "Mac"
McKnight, Julia May Kennedy
McKnight, Michael Kennedy
McLaury, Kenneth
McMillan, Phyllis Mae Sams
McVay, Willard A.
McWhorter, George
N  Back to Top
Naff, Mildred Ann Hyer
Newberry, Verna L. Hodgson
Newton, Elva Jean Richter
Newton, Kenneth Wayne
Newton, Pauline
Niccum, Alice Harris
Niccum, C. A.
Nichols, Barbara Jane Shell
Nicholson Alexander, Juanita M.
Nishimuta, Joseph J.
Noell, Edith Hufstedler
Norris, Harry E.
Norvell, Mark A.
Nugent, Chuck
O  Back to Top
O'Brien, Sean Christopher
Onstott, Don E.
Owens, Dr. Thomas Richard
Owens, Howard
P  Back to Top
Pack, Irene Elizabeth Cates
Paday, Cleta Patricia Morris
Parks, Thomas Daniel
Patterson, Lehman Ferrill
Pearse, Thomas H.
Pearson, Layla Ann
Peck, Douglass Mason
Penny, Billy Gene
Perry, Opal Marie Sorrels
Perry, William Marion
Pershing, Don J.
Phillips, Alex Edward
Phillips, Delmer Martin
Phillips, John
Pierce, Argle
Pitts, Armand Louise Privett
Pittser, Billy
Porter, Lloyd Meryl
Powell, Jaxson Henry
Powell, Maddox Austin
Powell, Parker Webb
Powell, Paul Percel Jr.
Presley, James Gary
Purcell, Catherine M. Clark
Q  Back to Top
R  Back to Top
Raff, Murna Jean Christofferson
Raffety, Darrell G.
Raffety, Ralph Wayne
Reagan, Tommy Kenneth
Reavis, Loweta M. Baker
Reed, Clarence M.
Reed, Mary Leta
Reid, Norman B.
Reiley, Leon Russell
Retherford, Troy A.
Rhodes-Owens, Dorothy Fry
Ricks, Eva Ruth Taylor
Ridenour, James Lloyd
Riggs, Edith Ellen
Rist, Raymond Henry
Robinson, Forrest Wayne
Robinson, Herbert L. Jr.
Robinson, Larkin W. Jr.
Robb, Virginia E. Allen
Rollins, Joshua Clint
Romig, William Thomas
Rotz, Paul E.
Roush, David Vaughn
Runnels, Bonnie L.
Rush, James Frank
S  Back to Top
Sadler, Conn Joseph
Salley, Zelma Irene Payne
Samuels, Kenneth Ray
Savory, Jennifer Lee
Scalley, Dakota Lee
Schutte, Jaxton Malachi
Scott, Clemine L. Tinnie
Scott, James Edward
Scott, Lawrence Raymond
Self, Ethel Irene Bonebrake
Sharpe, Jeremy Gene
Sherman, Don Dewayne
Shields, Jim
Shipley, Clara Florene
Skinner, Collene C. Phillips
Skinner, Steven Anthony
Sloan, Helen I. Carothers
Smith, Bobby Lemoine
Smith, Frank Manford
Smith, Georgia R.
Smith, Jack D.
Smith, Nita Marie Bays
Smith, Vaunita Isadora Rodgers
Snavely, Anthony Lee
Sneed, Randy
Somers, Gary Wayne
Sparkman, Ruby L. Willerford
Srock, Donald Glenn
Stallings, Frank Ray
Stallworth, Charles Dale
Standridge-Lyman, Roberta Helen Shields
Stanton, Rose Marie Baldridge
Steincamp, Bruce Lee
Stillwell, Louella Jean
Stinson, Wanda June McNally
Stites, Pauline K. Bonebrake
Stokes, Perry "Red"
Stonecipher, Mazie C. Bristol
Storm, Steven Bradley
Strong, Ruby G. Altom
Swindell, Carol Nelle Fuller
T  Back to Top
Tarkington, Charlotte Jean Brock
Taylor, Jeffery Lee
Thomas, Alceed
Thomas, Betty June Nash
Thompson-Hunziker, Bertha Mae Lacy
Thompson, Lee
Thompson, Paul
Thornburg, Mary Opal
Tillson, Mozella I.
Tiner, Wendell Bruce
Toland, Wanda L. McCoy
Trumbla, Elfreda E.
Tucker, Linda Jean Rush
U  Back to Top
Uptegraft, Opal Brookshire
V  Back to Top
Vasso, Linda E. Day
Vaughan, Patricia Jeanette Cooper
Vick, Eric Lee
Vickers, Randall
Vickers, Robert Eugene
Villers, George E.
Vogt, Edward Leon Sr.
Vogt, Ina Mae Taylor
W  Back to Top
Waclaw, Robert E.
Wales, Sharon Kay
Wall, Jerry Dean
Wallace, Helen Lorene Brown
Warner, Barbara Jo Williams
Watkins, Michael Dean
Watson, Terry
Wedin, Edwin Eugene
Wells, Ruth Mildred Shoemaker
Wheeler, Louis M.
White, Delphia D.
Wilkerson, Lena June Allen
Williams, Alice Stiles
Williams, Billy James
Williams, Charles Anthony
Williams, Harold Gene
Williams, Lawrence Harvey
Williams, Marilyn Sue Kenney
Wilson, Joseph Wayne
Withiam, Dorothy Helen Mathias
Williams, Russell Jean
Wolven, Teresa Elizabeth
Womack, Eugene
Wood, Henry Leon
Wood, Patricia Sue Fitchett
Woods, William Edward
Wooldridge, Hazel Lee Myatt
Wright, Luana June Carter
Wright, Natalie Box
Wright, Stella Belle Howe
Wyant, Candace Jean
Wynn, Mary Lou Duncan
XYZ  Back to Top
Yaunt, June L. Hunter
Young, Thelma Blankenship
Youngker, Joe Lee
Zierau-Cooper, Robin
1911 Obituary Index Payne County NewspapersSubmitted & © by: Mahlon Erickson

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