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Fort Cobb/Oak Grove Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

If you have family or friends buried in this cemetery and
would like to add their names and information, please send
an e-mail to Sandi Carter.

K Surnames

Row 9.37KARDOKUSBetty J.17/Apr/1938  
Row 9.37KARDOKUSJohn Arthur16/Jan/1922
Caddo CO OK
 Pfc US Army ~ World War II"
SS/W & H/O Louise [Sesline] Kardokus, S/O Joseph Ezra & Florence [Flansburg] Kardokus
Row __KARDOKUSLouise [Sesline]01/Oct/1922
Fort Cobb Ok
Fort Cobb OK
"Though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me"
W/O John Arthur Kardokus, D/O Louie Leon & Veda M. [Earp] Sesline
See photo
Row __KAUDLEKAULEHarrison10/Feb/193716/Jun/1938Harvey Funeral Home
Unmarked grave
Row __KAYBarry  No dates on marker
Row __KEEVERH. W.19001977Unmarked grave
Row 41
KEEVERJohn19001977Unmarked grave
Row 41
KEEVERMable L.19041984Unmarked grave
Row __KELLYBilly J.18/Jun/1927 08/Mar/1998 "US Navy"
Row 13.7KELLYDaniel19051913 
Row 13.9KELLYDora Elizabeth [Clayton]29/Feb/1888
Lawrence TN
Carnegie OK
SS/W & W/O William Arthur Kelly, M 05/Jan/1904, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
See obit
Row 13.8KELLYIna19181921 
Row __KELLYJustina Joyce [Guy]14/Jun/193217/Nov/2004FHM
Row 2.5KELLYLora Marie01/Jul/190622/Jul/1907"Infant Daughter of A. M. & M. M. Kelly"
Row 38
KELLY Robert Marcus26/Mar/1892
Lawrenceburg TN
Fort Cobb OK
H/O Winnie D. [Brown] Kelly, S/O Daniel Webster & Frances Joanna [Clayton] Kelly
Unmarked grave
Row 13.9KELLYWilliam Arthur "Cap"03/Dec/1881
Lawrenceburg TN
Carnegie OK
SS/W & H/O Dora Elizabeth [Clayton] Kelly, M 1903, S/O Daniel Webster & Frances Joanna [Clayton] Kelly
See obit
Row 38
KELLYWinnie D. [Brown]29/Nov/1895
Caddo CO OK
Binger OK
W/O Robert M. Kelly, M 22/Nov/1916 Chickasha OK
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row 19.8KELSAYEarl E.21/Jan/191331/May/1917 
Row __KELSEYJohn E.16/Oct/1886
Wayne CO KY
Anadarko OK
SS/W & H/O Mae E. [McPherson] Kelsey
Row __KELSEYMae E. [McPherson]14/Jul/1888
Fannin CO TX
San Bernardino CO CA
SS/W & W/O John E. Kelsey, D/O George Oscar & Callie Dona [Hulsey] McPherson
Row __KENNEDYDarla "Da'tank"* [Wetselline]26/Nov/1969
Lawton OK
Carnegie OK

W/O Timothy Kennedy, M 07/Apr/1994 Anadarko OK, D/O Glen Walker & Iris Wetselline, Apache Tribe of OK, *Big Sister
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row 30.14KENNEDYEdna LaFay06/Dec/192029/Oct/2001W/O Harry Ray Kennedy
Unmarked grave
Row __KENNEDYHarry Griffin "Skeeter"15/Aug/195112/Feb/1998 "US Navy ~ World War II"
Row 30.15KENNEDYHarry Ray03/Jun/191529/Jan/1997 US Navy ~ World War II
H/O Edna LaFay
Unmarked grave
Row 36
KENNEYChester Marvin 22/Jul/1896
Cedar CO MO
Fort Cobb OK
burial 1 Dec
68 Yrs, H/O Malinda [Niece] Kenney, M 23/Jun/1919 Mountain Park OK, F/O Harold Kenney, Fort Cobb Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
See photo
Row __KENNEYEmma J. [Huston]06/Nov/1863
Peoria IL
Fort Cobb OK
"We will meet again"
SS/W & W/O John W. Kenney, M 23/Aug/1885 Hartsnills KS, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
See obit & photo
Row 36
KENNEYHarold12/Sep/192729/Apr/1992 "US Army ~ Korea"
S/O Chester Marvin & Malinda [Niece] Kenney
See photo
Row __KENNEYJohn W.31/Jan/1856
Cedar CO MO
Caddo CO OK
"We will meet again"
SS/W & H/O Emma J. [Huston] Kenney, M 23/Aug/1885 Hartsmills KS
See obit & photo
Row 36
KENNEYMalinda [Niece]18/Feb/1901
Fort Cobb OK
80 Yrs, W/O Chester Marvin Kenney, M/O Harold Kenney
See photo
Row __KEYESEarl Thomas31/Jul/195127/May/2009 "SP4 US Army ~ Vietnam" 
Row 31
KEYESKatheryn  "2 1/2"
Same plot W/ Thomas & Nettie Keyes & Alice SturmSee photo
Row 26.37KEYESMargaret "Juanita" [McPherson06/Feb/1920
Fort Cobb OK
Mesa AZ
"In God's Care" "Married 4 May 1940" "Parents of: Joe Carl Swanda ~ Margaret Alice ~ Linda ~ Betty ~ Arnita ~ Thomas ~ Inez ~ Ray"
W/O [1] Unknown Swanda [2] SS/W Ralph Keyes, M 05/May/1940 Fort Cobb OK, D/O Earl "Shorty" & Inez McPherson, gifted seamstress and suit/dressmaker
See obit
Row 26.37KEYESRalph27/Apr/192004/Apr/1997 "Cpl US Army ~ WW II" "Married 4 May 1940" "Parents of: Joe Carl Swanda ~ Margaret Alice ~ Linda ~ Betty ~ Arnita ~ Thomas ~ Inez ~ Ray"
SS/W & H/O Margaret Juanita [McPherson] Keyes
Row 31
KEYESThomas Merle22/Feb/1888
Caddo CO OK
See photo
Row __KIELTYCatherine T. [Thomas]07/Nov/1942
Fort Cobb OK
Rock Springs WY
W/O Harold Kielty, M 31/Dec/1983 Rock Springs WY, D/O William Douglas & Grace Thomas, John Ireland Funeral Home ~ Moore OK
Row 29.25KILEYJharamy Richard Thomas13/Sep/197324/Jul/1974"A rare treasure ~ a great joy, so much love"
See obit
Row 11.39KIMBERLINMabel Elizabeth "Bell" [Perkins]1884
Fort Cobb OK
"Age 41 Yrs" "Prepare to meet me in heaven"
W/O [1] William David "Dave" Lee Ferrell, M 25/Aug/1907 DeQueen AR [2] Buddie Clyde Kimberlin
See obit & photo
Row 29.23KINCYCharley B.10/Feb/186623/May/1945 
Row 29.21KINCYGeorge Lee05/Dec/191011/Mar/1982H/O Velma Ruth [Weaver] Kincy
Row 22.19KINCYHarold Olen1911
Caddo CO OK
Caddo CO OK
S/O Thomas Jefferson & Ruth Ellen [Fisher] Kincy
See obit
Row 22.20KINCYJames Henry19061986 "TEC 5 US Army ~ World War II"
S/O Thomas Jefferson & Ruth Ellen [Fisher] Kincy
Row 29.22KINCYLary Wayne15/Nov/194515/Jun/1967 "Oklahoma Sgt 66 Trans Co"
two markers
Row __KINCYMinnie Ola18981990 
Row 22.18KINCYRuth Ellen [Fisher]01/Apr/1890
Belton TX
Caddo CO OK
W/O Thomas Jefferson Kincy, M 1895 Gainesville TX, Fort Cobb Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
See obit
Row 22.17KINCYThomas Jefferson15/May/1866
Dyersburg TN
Fort Cobb OK
H/O Ruth Ellen [Fisher] Kincy, M 17/Aug/1895 Dexter TX, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Fort Cobb Pioneer
See obit
Row __KINCYUnknown
W/O J. W. Kincy, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Caddo CO OK
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row __KINCYVelma Ruth [Weaver]23/Dec/1917
Fort Cobb OK
Norman OK
W/O [1] Ovid Davis [2] George Kincy, D/O Joe & Ethel [Hawn] Weaver, Fort Cobb Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row 31
KINGAlluwa Darrell06/Dec/191121/Aug/1981 "TEC 4 US Army ~ World War II"
Row 31
Row 32
KINGJamie Enola13/Mar/191- 25/Feb/1998
W/O Rolla King, Moore's Southlawn Chapel ~ Tulsa OK
Unmarked grave
Row __KINGLena L.14/Jun/191509/Oct/1979Unmarked grave
Row 31
KINGLeoti Maybelle [Foults]03/Feb/188718/Jan/1972W/O Unknown Kins, D/O William Henry "Harry" & Margaret Ann "Maggie" [Commons] Foults
Row 31
KINGPaul P.16/Oct/191729/Oct/1954 Oklahoma Pfc 3 BN 12 Inf REG ~ World War II BSN
Unmarked grave
Row 32
KINGRolla D.07/Apr/190810/May/1993H/O Jamie Enola King
Unmarked grave
Row __KINGVayden Ray31/Jan/193411/Nov/2008 "Pfc US Army ~ Korea" "[Married] June 7, 1956" "Parents of Jackie Sue Brenda Ray Brenta Ray Carol Le , Kellie Jean"
SS/W & H/O Wanda Faye [Ratliff] King, S/O Ray Melvin & Nora Luella [Sanderson] King
Row __KINGWanda Faye [Ratliff]04/Apr/1932 "[Married] June 7, 1956" "Parents of Jackie Sue Brenda Ray Brenta Ray Carol Le , Kellie Jean"
SS/W & W/O Vayden Ray King
Row 12.6KINNAIRDJames D.09/Nov/1844 02/May/1912SS/W & H/O Nettie M. Kinnaird
Row 12.6KINNAIRDNettie M. [Shive]13/Mar/1864
Metcalfe CO KY
Carnegie OK
SS/W & W/O James D. Kinnaird
Row 12.3KINNARDAngela M. [Shive]19122003"Dear Heavenly Father we thank you"
SS/W & W/O Guy Ernest Kinnard
Row 12.3KINNARDGuy Ernest09/Aug/191509/Oct/1989 "Tec 3, US Army ~ World War II" "Dear Heavenly Father we thank you"
SS/W & H/O Angela M. [Shive] Kinnard
Row 3.18KINNARDLula J. [Jesse]13/Sep/189208/Oct/1978"Married 12 Feb 1911"
SS/W & W/O Robert H. Kinnard, D/O George W. & Amanda [Howser] Jesse
Row 3.18 KINNARDRobert H.12/Feb/1881
Edmondson KY
Broxton OK
"Married 12 Feb 1911"
SS/W & H/O Lula J. [Jesse] Kinnard, M 12/Feb/1911 Apache OK, S/O J. C. & Unknown Kinnard
See obit
Row 22.6KINNEYEmma J.06/Nov/186302/Mar/1933SS/W J. W. Kinney
Row 22.6KINNEYJ. W.31/Jan/185603/Oct/1934SS/W Emma J. Kinney, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Roddy~Kirk Family Plot
Row 36
KIRKE. "Hill"27/Jun/1891
Sugar Grove VA
Chickasha OK
  "US Military ~ World War II" "In Loving Memory"
SS/W & H/O Pearle R. [Roddy] Kirk, M 24/Aug/1926 OK City OK, S/O J. J. & Inknown Kirk
See obit & photo
Row 3.11KIRKJames N.18631920 
Roddy~Kirk Family Plot
Row 36
KIRKPearle R. [Roddy]08/Dec/1902
Rhea CO TN
Fort Cobb OK

"In Loving Memory"
W/O E. H. "Hill" Kirk, D/O Henry Thomas & Amanda Alice [Ewing] Roddy
See photo
Row 37
KITCHELLEthel Harry14/Aug/190326/Jan/1975W/O Unknown Kitchell, M/O Louis Lee Kitchell
Unmarked grave
Row 37
KITCHELLLouis Lee19/Jul/193203/Mar/1994 S/O Ethel Harry Kitchell
Unmarked grave
Row __KITCHENSAl16/Jun/1868
Booneville MS
Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row __KITCHENSMerrill Eugene "Gene"19/Oct/1925
Waltreak AR
11/Feb/2014"The Lord is my Shepherd"
SS/W Oleta D. [Tramel] Kitchens
See photo
Row __KLINEKOLEJeanette [Berry]01/Aug/1951 SS/W & W/O Houston Eustace "Sonny" KlineKole Jr
Row __KLINEKOLEHouston Eustace "Sonny" Jr25/Jan/1949
Lawton Ok
Fort Cobb OK
  "Sgt US Marine Corps ~ Vietnam"
H/O Jeanette [Berry] KlineKole, S/O Houston Eustace & Mary Virginia [Jay] KlineKole, Apache Tribe of OK, Comanche Nation Funeral Home ~ Lawton OK
See obit
Row 15.5KLUMPPCharles D.18641941SS/W Martha A. Klumpp
Row 15.5KLUMPPMartha A.18641946SS/W Charles D. Klumpp
Row __KNASSPaul Elmore15/Jul/192029/Nov/2007"61 Yrs" "[Married] Dec 15, 1946" "Son Paul Edward" "Daughter Paula Ruth"
SS/W & H/O Ruth Berneice Knass
Row __KNASSRuth Berneice05/Jan/1925 "61 Yrs" "[Married] Dec 15, 1946" "Son Paul Edward" "Daughter Paula Ruth"
SS/W & W/O Paul Elmore Knass
Row 26.34KNAUSSBurl E.05/Oct/192222/Mar/1983"Married 17 Dec 1941" "Parents of: Kathleen ~ Karl ~ Karen ~ Kris"
SS/W & H/O Roberta P. Knauss
Row 26.14KNAUSSCharley10/Aug/1914
Fort Cobb OK
Yukon OK
 "US Army ~ World War II" "Father" "61 Years"
SS/W & H/O Myrtle Zane [Hughes] Knauss, M 20/Sep/1941, S/O Claude Edward & Lector Lillian [Hall] Knauss, Fort Cobb-Hackney Funeral Home ~ Firt Cobb OK
Row 26.14KNAUSSClaude Elmore18721968"Married 9 Sep 1909"
SS/W & H/O Lector Lillian [Hall] Knauss, S/O Charles Henry & Rebecca Jane [Clark] Knauss
Row 26.15KNAUSSDonice Evelyn29/Sep/1918
Fort Cobb OK
Carnegie OK
 "Pvt US Army ~ World War II"
D/O Claude L. & Lector Lillian [Hall] Knauss, two markers
Row 26.15KNAUSSHarry Richard04/Feb/1869
Allentown PA
Crescent OK
S/O Charles Henry & Rebecca Jane [Clark] Knauss, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK, never married
See obit
Row __KNAUSSJolene Lee06/Mar/194819/Nov/1999 
Row 26.14KNAUSSLector Lillian [Hall]18891971"Married 9 Sep 1909"
SS/W & W/O Claude Elmore Knauss
Row __KNAUSSMyrtle Zane [Hall]03/Jan./192010/Dec/2001"Mother" "61 Years"
SS/W & W/O Charley H. Knauss
Row 26.34KNAUSSRoberta Phyliss31/Aug/192430/Sep/2004"Married 17 Dec 1941" "Parents of: Kathleen ~ Karl ~ Karen ~ Kris"
SS/W & W/O Burl E. Knauss
Row __KNAUSSRuth [Blackburn]05/Jan/1925
Hoyt OK
"Married Dec 17, 1941" "Parents of: Kathleen ~ Karl ~ Karen ~ Kris""
W/O Paul Knauss, M Anadarko OK, D/O William & Mary Ella [Hightower] Blackburn, Ray & Martha's Funeral Home ~ Carnegie OK
Unmarked grave
Row 18.1KNIGHTBenard B. K.  Small concrete W/ marbles at base of cedar tree
Row __KNIGHTJohn15/Apr/190826/Dec/1928Harvey Funeral Home ~ Caddo CO OK
Unmarked grave
Row 6.29KUHNAlbert18651947H/O [1] Barbara Kuhn [2] Fannie Elizabeth [Dorsey] Kuhn
Row 6.28KUHNBarbara186319171st W/O Albert Kuhn, M/O Velma [Kuhn] Christian
Row 17.4KUHNFannie Elizabeth [Dorsey]18851933 "Mother"
2nd W/O Albert Kuhn, M/O Raymond Cordel Kuhn
Row 38
KUHNSarah Carnetta "Bea" [Davis]04/Mar/193110/Feb/1998Beloved Moma & Wife"
W/O [1] James Clyde Grant [2] Unknown Kuhn, D/O Harlan Thomas & Bessie Ann [Stark] Davis
Row 8.34KUSELDorothy Ellen27/Sep/191527/Oct/1994"Married 19 Aug 1941"
SS/W & W/O John Christopher Kusel
Row 8.35KUSELJames Reynolds "Jim"22/Nov/194726/May/1999 
Row 8.34KUSELJohn Christopher Jr09/Mar/191407/Mar/1999"Married 19 Aug 1941"
SS/W & H/O Dorothy Ellen Kusel

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