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Retrop Cemetery
Retrop, Washita County, Oklahoma

Photo ©
Rita Collvins Mayfield


From Sentinel, take HWY 55 west 10 miles, then 1 1/2 miles south Located in South Elk Township.  SW1/4 of sect 29, twp 8N Range 20W.

If you have family buried in this cemetery and would like to add their information to this website, please contact the temp. area coordinator.

Adkins Linda Gaye Graham 8/18/1951 10/23/2009  
Aguaire Joe 1885 1938 Photo kg
Aldridge Deema Hyder 12/1/1903 11/8/1972 W of Willie   Photo kg
Aldridge James William 5/14/1859 8/30/1935 Wed Mahala 1/22/1880
Aldridge Laureen Z 3/6/1937 8/25/1977 Photo kg
Aldridge Mahala Catherine Coy 4/30/1860 10/26/1935 Wed James 1/22/1880
Willie Denton 4/12/1897 2/7/1936 H of Deema   Photo kg
OK Pvt 164th Depot Brig
Anderson Bertha Garrison 12/7/1909 1/13/1946  
Andes Edward Thompson 11/24/1897 Jul 1969  
Andes Goldie Belle Williams 1902 1997  
Askins Eura Waldroop 3/12/1908 12/13/1963  
Aston Amy Kennemer 1892 1925 W of Lawrence Photo kg
Aston Charles David 6/19/1945 10/7/2007 H of Johnny
Aston David Wayne 7/1/1967 7/10/2022  
Aston Eugene Jay "Gene" 4/20/1954 11/22/2001 Wed Virginia 12/22/1981   Photo rcm
Aston James Edward Lewis "Jim" 1/12/1942 1/21/2001 Photo rcm
Aston Johnny Kay Robison 1/25/1947 8/3/2004 W of Charles   Photo rcm
Aston Lawrence Davis 2/8/1886 3/12/1960 H of Amy
Aston Maurine Virginia Lewis 2/23/1925 10/13/1994 W of Newton
Aston Newton Lawrence "Cotton" 8/12/1920 12/9/1985 H of Maurine
Aston Virginia Dale West 5/22/1950 7/13/2020 Wed Eugene 12/22/1981 Burial unk
Dudley D 11/9/1896 9/30/1971 OK AS US Navy  WW I
Wed Macie 10/12/1924   Photos rcm
Atkinson Infant Twin Sons 1926 1926 Sons of Dudley & Macie  Photo rcm
Atkinson Kanzada Frances Weaver 1865 1951 W of Thomas    Photo rcm
Atkinson Macie L Swing 9/15/1907 11/27/1991 Wed Dudley 10/12/1924  Photos rcm
Atkinson Nan 1898 1978 Photo rcm
Atkinson Thomas Pane 8/10/1859 8/12/1933 H of Kanzada  Photo rcm
Atwater Charles L 3/31/1879 6/25/1908 H of Myrtle  (m 1906)
Atwater-Ray Myrtle Newberry 6/5/1888 11/9/1918 W of Charles Atwater (m 1906)
W of Henry Ray  (m 1916)
Babcock Edward William "Eddie" 4/29/1970 8/15/2018 Obit
Bailey Ambrose I 5/3/1869 7/11/1959 H of Ida M (m 1890)
Bailey Ida B Mitchel 1870 1944 W of William Ed   Photo kg
Bailey Ida May Davis 12/299/1871 8/13/1943 W of Ambrose ((m 1890)
Bailey Mary Hannah Lumsden Jun 1886 1956 W of William Earl  (m 1908) Photo kg
Bailey Sarah R Jackson 1/20/1844 3/29/1907 W of Willis  (m 1861)
Bailey William Earl 11/16/1888 May 1962 H of Mary (m 1908)   Photo kg
Bailey William Ed 8/6/1866 5/10/1956 H of Ida B   Photo kg
Bailey Willis Anderson 4/4/1833 Mar 1916 H of Sarah  (m 1861)
Bant B 5/18/1896 7/31/1954 OK PFC 343rd FldArty 90thDiv
WW I      Photos kg
H of Ella   (m 1920)
Baird Ella Ethel Brown 8/16/1900 9/16/1979 W of Bant  (m 1920)   Photo  kg
Rolley C 9/12/1930 5/9/1999 PNT2 US Navy    Photo kg
Baker Lloyd 1902 1958 Photo rcm
Baker Lois Winnifred Clearman 12/23/1903 1/22/1990 W of William (m 1924)  Photo rcm
Baker Lucille 1905 1958 Photo rcm
Baker William Oscar 5/18/1894 8/16/1961 H of Lois  (m 1924)   Photo rcm
Beach Auldin Douglas 7/21/1916 6/25/1998 Wed Dona 11/18/1939   Photo rcm
Beach Dona Belle Carlton 8/28/1921 12/10/2012 Wed Auldin 11/18/1939   Photo rcm
Beach James "Jimmy" 10/5/1879 2/7/1949 H of Martha  (m 1908)
Beach Martha Adeline "Addie" Russell 7/25/1886 6/12/1967 W of James  (m 1908)
Beach Maude Mae Felkner 12/24/1889 4/15/1970 Wed William 1/10/1910  Photo rcm
Odis Lawson 11/21/1910 3/7/1957 OK Pvt 2ndOrdnance Co WW II
Photo  rcm
Raymond W 2/26/1913 9/12/1986 PFC US Army  WW II
Photo rcm
Beach William Abraham "Willie" 7/31/1883 8/22/1977 Wed Maude 1/10/1910   Photo rcm
Bell Ada B 8/12/1880 4/23/1967 W of H Hugh
Bell Frank Ulice 4/29/1883 3/17/1954 H of Mamie Foster (m 1904)
Wed Samanthia Denton 9/3/1921
Photo rcm
Bell Helen Mary Greis 3/10/1923 11/4/2017 Wed Jesse 5/1/1943
Bell Infant Twins 1917 1917 Photo rcm
Bell J Hugh 8/18/1880 8/20/1930 H of Ada
Bell James Benson 11/27/1854 5/27/1902 Photo rcm
Bell Jesse Edgar "Jake" 10/30/1915 8/4/1975 Wed Helen 5/1/1943
Bell Lloyd 5/12/1910 2/14/1919 Photo rcm
Bell Mamie Foster 11/21/1888 2/5/1919 1stW of Frank  (m 1904)  Photo rcm
Bell Minnie Ella 1/31/1919 9/20/2003 Photo rcm
Benefield Armitta C Veasey 1/9/1846 12/4/1932 W of Josiah
Benefield Edwin J 12/15/1878 8/2/1911  
Benefield Josiah Pope 2/5/1847 7/21/1925 H of Armitta
Benefield Susan Elizabeth 12/5/1867 11/11/2916  
Bennett Clara Easter 11/30/1905 Jun 1980 Wed Joe 12/6/1930
Bennett Joe R 1/14/1906 5/3/1992 Wed Clara 12/6/1930
Bermejo Dorothy E McIntyre 12/20/1921 6/9/2022  
Besse Arthur Joseph 1870 1943 H of Daisy  (m 1898) 
Besse Daisy Belle French 5/18/1883 10/6/1959 W of Arthur  (m 1898)
Blackford Martin Douglas 3/10/1862 5/19/1900 Photo rcm
Blain Leslie Green 4/4/1917 11/25/1998 Wed Lorene 1/4/1941  Photo rcm
Blain Lorene Edna Beach 10/16/1923 11/15/2012 Wed Leslie 1/4/1941    Photo rcm
Bledsoe Zippie I Benham 1872 1946 Photo rcm
Bolin Lora M 11/16/1929 11/21/1994 Photo kg
Elmer Lee "Bud" 2/19/1926 11/23/2003 H of Gladys  (m 1947)
S2 US Navy  WW II   Photo kg
Bost Gladys Maxine McCracken 2/23/1927 7/10/2013 W of Elmer  (m 1947)
Bowie Bava Felkner (Stringer) 1896 1961 Wed Lester Stringer 11/5/1916
Wed Roswell Bowie 1/29/1950
Bowman Donia Menzie Prater 3/23/1880 12/15/1967 W of Jacob Bowman
Bowman Jacob H 8/25/1857 3/23/1916 H of Donia
Boyd Ada Mitchell Evans 1871 1914 W of William   Photo rcm
Boyd Arthur C 1890 1967 H of Emma
Boyd Emma E Wallace 1891 1960 W of Arthur
Boyd William H 1869 1955 H of Ada   Photo rcm
Briggs Bell May Stone 1/3/1866 1/2/1917  
Kenneth G 5/18/1922 6/25/1944 OK TSgt 786th AAF Bomb SQ
WW II   KIA   Photos kg
Brookshier Leona 9/24/1918 3/4/1929 D of W G   Photo kg
Brown Alice A Easley 1873 8/29/1940 W of Joe
Brown Joseph T "Joe" 1868 1946 H of Alice
Brown Lahoma A 1920 1940 D of Leland & Myrtle
Brown Mary Amy Perkins (Kennemer) 8/31/1839 3/8/1932 W of Abraham Kennemer  Photo kg
W of Jefferson Brown (m 1890)
Brown Thelma Mae 3/9/1911 3/18/1918 D of Joseph & Alice  Photo rcm
Buford Benjamin Arvin "Ben" 1/8/1889 1/15/1944 H of Mary
Buford Comer Alvin 2/5/1924 5/10/2005  
Buford Mary Jane Rusk 1/4/1892 12/31/1975 W of Benjamin
Burch Alice Lee Hurst 6/20/1867 2/9/1919 W of Francis
Bryan DeKalb 10/28/1896 12/15/1962 OK Pvt Co M 80th Inf  WW I
Photo kg
Burch Floy W 4/14/1933 12/15/1907  
Burch Floy Winifred Ward 1911 1985 W of William O  Photo kg
Burch Francis Marion 11/11/1857 4/17/1916 H of Alice
Burch Freddy M 1939 1978 Photo kg
Burch Infant 9/30/1928 9/30/1928 Infant of J H
James Leroy 2/5/1949 7/30/2020 US Army
Burch Johnny Lee 1/18/1956 11/18/1969  
Burch Robert Lee "Bob" 1/10/1890 4/4/1956  
William Bruce 10/6/1933 1/16/2006 SP4 US Army  Korea
Burch William Oscar 9/6/1909 1/11/1979 H of Floy Ward    Photo kg
Burnett Delpha Irvine 5/19/1908 6/15/1998 W of Fred   Photo rcm
Burnett Frank Lea 10/16/1961 9/22/2013  
Burnett Fred 12/8/1908 5/18/1985 H of Delpha  Photo rcm
Burnett Horace Jefferson 5/28/1900 6/30/1984 H of Marian   Photo rcm
Burnett Jewell Ethel Wallace 12/15/1908 6/28/1985 Wed Smith 5/1/1927   Photos rcm
Burnett Johnny Lynn 5/11/1945 6/24/1945 S of Fred & Delpha    Photo rcm
Burnett Joseph Jefferson Jr 8/24/183 6/20/1925 Wed Mary E  8/6/1899  Photo rcm
Burnett Marian Verna Smith 11/5/1906 10/14/1987 W of Horace   Photo rcm
Burnett Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" Denley 1/28/1878 1/21/1925 Wed Joseph Jr 8/6/1899  Photo rcm
Burnett Mary Nelle 5/2/1936 11/30/1936 D of Horace & Marian  Photo rcm
Burnett Smith L 7/26/1906 8/22/1997 Wed Jewell 5/1/1927   Photos rcm
Burton Emma Laura 1910 1945 Photo kg
Burton Louisa Holt 3/9/1838 2/19/1928  
Byrd Freddy Lynn 10/3/1947 10/3/1947  
Carnes Gwendolyn "Gwen" Graham 5/19/1943 6/15/2020 Wed Louis 11/8/1963   Obit
Carnes Louis "Sam" 3/20/1942 10/19/2013 Wed Gwendolyn  11/8/1963
Cheatham Molly Anna Burnett (Harris) 5/13/1934 8/22/2012 Obit
Ferris Marynell McGowan (Baird) 9/5/1928 10/11/1988 W of Bant Baird Jr
W of ??? Ferris
McIntyre Artie Lee Preskitt 1/17/1899 1/7/1990 W of Edgar  Photo
Billy Muril 10/3/1931 12/7/1950 Cpl US Army  KIA Korea  Photo
McIntyre Edgar Robert 1900 1950 H of Artie   Photo
McIntyre Edward J 1869 1947 H of Sallie   Photo
McIntyre Evelyn LaVesta Bohanan 5/31/1922 6/11/2020 Wed Verne Jr 6/6/1942 Obit
McIntyre Opal I 3/13/1904 1/2/1909 D of Edward & Sallie  Photo
McIntyre Sallie Anna Fowler 11/15/1875 1961 W of Edward   Photo
Verne Legrand "Jay" Jr 4/11/1923 4/6/2014 Wed Evelyn 6/6/1942 Obit
US Army Air Corps
US Air Force  WW  II
Verne Legrand Sr 11/20/1902 7/15/1973 H of Vida  Photos
OK Pvt Air Service
McIntyre Vida Mae Burton 8/21/1904 2/4/1986 W of Verne Sr  Photo
Billy Glynn 4/13/1926 3/27/1988 H of Leora
US Navy WW  II  Photo
Robinson Leora 2/13/1929 9/3/ 2015 W of Billy   Obit
Schmidt Jimmie Lynn Rice 5/2/1960 4/7/2002 Obit
Wallace Ernest Lloyd 12/2/1912 9/2/2002 Wed Ruby 7/25/1936    Obit
Wallace Fletcher J 1888 1920 H of Maude
Wallace Freddie Juanita Buford 4/27/1916 8/22/1983 Wed Wayne 4/15/1934
Wallace Gayla Lynn 7/6/1963 6/1/1968 Photo
Wallace Ida Mae Roberts 6/27/1889 6/21/1969 W of Oda
Wallace John Spinks 4/3/1851 1938 H of Malissa   Photo rcm
Wallace Malissa Myria Green 10/3/1854 1924 W of John  Photo rcm
Wallace Maude F Crone 1889 1969 W of Fletcher
Wallace Oda Lee 8/9/1885 9/21/1921 H of Ida
Wallace Ruby Alice Hall 1/19/1917 7/29/2004 Wed Ernest 7/25/1936
Wallace Wayne Doyle 4/14/1917 10/15/1996 Wed Juanita 4/15/1934

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 17:58:10 UTC

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