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Memorial Park Cemetery
5111 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Phone (918) 627-0220

W Surnames

If you have family buried in the Memorial Park Cemetery and/or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.






Walker Raye Jean "Jeannie" 4/19/1936 1/11/2018 Photo
WALLACE Elizabeth Daniel 1910 1987 photo
Ward Helen Louise Berry (Black) 11/13/1939 4/7/2008 W of Rodney Black
Wed Wallace Ward 8/22/1981   Obit
Wallace Gary Sr 7/24/1932 10/21/2010 Wed Helen 8/22/1981
US Navy
Ware Esther Elizabeth 7/9/1906 9/16/1969 W of Stewart
Ware Ethel Mae Dodson 1903 1987 W of James
Ware George Allen 10/22/1931 8/15/2014 H of Mary E
Hazel Rosella Hartin 8/19/1917 10/20/2000 Wed Robert 10/3/1947
Capt US Army Nurse Corp
Ware James "Jim" 1898 1985 H of Ethel
Ware John Allen 12/20/1894 4/27/1960  
Ware John Monroe 11/11/1926 10/18/1973 H of Thelma
Ware Laura Elizabeth Jones 8/31/1900 1/30/1983 W of Timothy
Ware Lewis Barnes 3/28/1889 3/11/1942  
Ware Marie May Call 1891 7/29/1950  
Ware Mary E 1932   W of George
Orten Lee "Stormy" 11/19/1948 4/20/1968 PFC Co E 2ndBn, 5thMar 1stMarDiv  Vietnam
Robert Ewing 4/27/1923 7/23/1982 Wed Hazel 10/3/1947
US Army  WW II
Ware Smiley T 5/12/1864 9/6/1958  
Ware Stewart B 7/20/1891 2/20/1973 H of Esther
Ware Thelma Harlene Lyle 7/8/1925 1/11/1977 W of John M
Ware Timothy "Tim" 12/8/1898 3/3/1970 H of Laura
Wareham Bessie L Hobbs (Crabtree) 12/18/1891 10/25/1979 Wed James Crabtree 8/23/1916
W of Frank Wareham
Wareham Billy Ayres 1/15/1923 7/27/1934  
Clifford Henry Ayres 5/19/1897 12/14/1961 H of Gladys
Nebraska Ord Sgt, Ord Det 30 FA  WW I
Wareham David Edward 1/27/1939 5/16/1939  
Wareham Frank Ralph 9/1/1885 6/20/1968 H of Bessie Hobbs
H of Ollie Tetherow
Wareham Gladys Mae Miner 1/6/1898 3/17/1991 W of Clifford
Glenn Galloway 10/11/1888 6/4/1948 Nebraska Pvt 412th Bakery Co QMC   WW I
Wareham Ollie Tetherow (Winkler) 10/4/1872 6/20/1936 Wed Elijah Winkler 6/13/1893
W of Frank Wareham
Warehime Wanda Lee Claxton (Eslick) 9/29/1931 9/15/2014 W of William Eslick
W of Lester Warehime
Albert Parker 9/2/1939 12/4/2021 US Air Force ROTC  Obit
Weeks Bobby Charles 6/25/1923 8/6/2006 H of Loella
Weeks Bonnie Mae 4/8/1894 4/16/1981  
Weeks Earett Alderman 3/20/1880 2/9/1955 Photo
Edgar Lee 5/2/1922 11/11/2016 LtCol US Army  WW II
Laurence Lyman 1/14/1906 1960 US Merchant Marines
Weeks Lloyd Webster 1900 1982 H of Ruth   Photo
Weeks Loella Christine Wuhl (Ligon) 10/29/1941 1/2/2020 W of Ghent Ligon
W of Bobby Weeks
Weeks Nancy Jane 5/19/1869 8/18/1950  
Weeks Olsa Jean (Morgenstern) 1/13/1905 4/15/1988 W of Frederick Morgenstern
Wed Vergil Weeks 12/29/1949  Photo
Weeks Ruth Connally 1903 1983 W of Lloyd   Photo
Vergil Hampson 1/23/1899 12/19/1979 Wed Olsa 12/29/1949
WW II Veteran
Weeks Warren Brinson Sr 7/3/1907 7/3/1991  
WELLS Zula Etoe (Neal) 6/6/1902 12/4/1994 d/o Francis Whitcomb & Mary Elizabeth Lawson Neal
w/o James Bryant Jones
Info provided by:
Dawn leFlorce
White Joyce Laverne (Martin) 11/23/1922 12/23/2011 Obit
Whitehead Wilma Alice Pendergraft (Stephens) (Pratt) 6/2/1909 4/15/1991 W of Bura Stephens
Wed Charles Pratt 1/23/1964
W of Robert Whitehead
WILLIAMS Leonard A.  Jr
1/11/1971 12/11/2000 photo
Williamson Alice 1868 1934 W of William G
Arthur D 1893 1948 US Navy
Williamson Betty Ann (Sherrod) 12/4/1940 1/11/1997  
Williamson Claudine A 1911 1972 W of Edwin Jr
Williamson Douglas Ray 3/14/1933 1/16/2003 H of Glenda
Williamson Edwin H Jr 1/3/1910 7/18/1998 H of Claudine
Williamson Elizabeth Elinor "Betty" (Eddy) 3/15/1930 12/18/2017 Obit
Williamson Elizabeth V 1861 1939 W of William H
Williamson Ellen Mae (Bannister) 12/14/1913 11/12/2009 W of Paul
Williamson Ethel L Age 78 11/29/1995  
Williamson Frances Mae (Hart) Aug 1879 1953 W of Lee
Williamson Glenda Joyce 1940   W of Douglas
Williamson Harold B "Barney" 6/9/1913 2/18/1996  
Williamson Harry L 1881 1966 H of Jennie
Jack Vaughn 5/2/1927 12/8/2011 H of Wilma
F1C US Navy  WW II
Williamson Jayson Carlile 4/21/1989 11/6/2008  
Williamson Jennie D 1886 1967 W of Harry
Williamson John Albert 10/20/1898 3/16/1982 Wed Mayme 2/24/1923
Williamson Lee Archa 1/2/1879 1951 H of Frances
Williamson Leta Mae (Smith) 11/3/1920 9/13/2005  
Williamson Marjorie M "Margie" 3/25/1929 1/26/2006  
Williamson Mary Frances (English) 6/14/1917 3/16/1988 W of Willard
Williamson Maxine L 4/30/1914 2/15/1997  
Williamson Mayme Gail (Lowrance) 10/27/1901 7/8/1989 Wed John A 2/24/1923
Williamson Paul Lee 1/12/1913 9/9/2002 H of Ellen
Williamson Willard Donald 3/31/1916 6/28/2006 H of Mary F
Williamson William Floyd 1902 1978  
Williamson William G 1865 1941 H of Alice
Williamson William H 1860 1941 H of Elizabeth V
Williamson Wilma Jean (Alford) 9/10/1929 12/9/2007 W of Jack
Wills Betty Lou Anderson 8/6/1926 3/14/1993 W of Bob    Photo
Wills Billy Jack 2/26/1926 3/2/1991  
Wills Emma Lee Foley 1/31/1886 6/12/1972 W of John
Wills Ethel Irene Sapp 8/29/1915 3/26/2001 W of Johnnie  Photo
Wills Infant Son 8/24/1956 8/24/1956 S of Jack Wills Jr
James Robert "Bob" 3/6/1905 5/13/1975 US Army WW II
H of Betty  Photo & Info
Wills John Tompkins 12/25/1880 12/28/1952 H of Emma
Wills Johnnie Lee 9/2/1912 10/25/1984 H of Ethel
Wills Lorene M 8/6/1923 3/4/2011  
Wills Roy Thaddeus 4/20/1884 4/23/1952  
Ruby 10/28/1895 10/31/1926 OK Pvt 89thAeroSq
Wills Verda Faye Hogan (Curdis) 2/17/1936 1/9/2016 W of John Curdis
W of Jim Wills
Willsey Albert Roy 9/13/1886 11/7/1940 H of Margaret
Willsey Charles P 1904 1976 H of Geraldene
Edward Reed "Ed" 12/22/1919 9/9/2000 H of Lois
US Army  WW II
Willsey Geraldene W 1908 1983 W of Charles
Lewis Edwin "Ed" 6/1/1920 11/13/1976 Sgt US Army  WW II
Willsey Lois Leora Carnes 1/1/1922 10/25/2016 W of Edward
Willsey Margaret Mae 6/23/1899 8/31/1988 2ndW of Albert
Willsey Wynona Lee 10/3/1934 10/3/1934 D of Albert & Margaret
Willson Annie B 1858 1950  
Willson Cecil S 1917 1989  
Willson Charles S 1854 1937  
WINEY Forrest Emanuel 1/11/1924
Humble, TX
Info provided by:
Sharyn "Sherry" Winey Carr
H of Mary
WINEY Kathryn (Stott) 8/22/1900
Quincy, ILL
Humble TX
Info provided by:
Sharyn "Sherry" Winey Carr
W of Maurice
WINEY Mary Jayne (Heller) 7/14/1923
Emporia, KS
Humble, TX
Info provided by:
Sharyn "Sherry" Winey Carr
W of Forrest
WINEY Maurice Emanuel 6/14/1885
Peabody, KS
Tulsa, OK
Info provided by:
Sharyn "Sherry" Winey Carr
H of Kathryn
WINTERS John Calvin 3/25/1924 9/12/1999 photo
WINTERS Wanda Kathleen (Nanninga) 5/9/1925   photo
Wise Doris Elaine (Wright) 7/12/1916 12/5/1999 W of Jack
Wise Jack Sr 2/5/1913 11/6/1985 H of Doris
Wofford Benjamin H 1889 1967 H of Grace
Wofford Claudine (Reynolds) 8/6/1932 3/28/2015 W of Walter
Wofford Francis 12/13/1931 9/28/1992  
Wofford Grace T 2/28/1898 7/29/1989 W of Benjamin
Jack 8/9/1939 10/1/2008 US Navy   US Army  Obit
Wofford Walter C 2/26/1931 7/3/2005 H of Claudine
James E 9/21/1923 9/4/2013 US Army  WW II
Edwin Gail 7/20/1920 2/1/2007 Wed Georgia 7/13/1946
US Army  WW II
Photo & Obit
Wooters Georgia Francis (Russell) 1923 1999 Wed Edwin 7/13/1946
WRIGHT Aimee R (Miller) 12/30/1921 1/6/1996  
WRIGHT Alan Dale 6/19/1952 5/28/2014  
WRIGHT Alton Emerson 12/4/1903 1/19/1983 H of Emogene  photo
WRIGHT Alvah Lee 8/3/1910 5/17/1958 H of Carol
WRIGHT Andrew R 1908 1971  
WRIGHT Ann (Samuel) 2/6/1868 4/1/1949 W of Simeon
WRIGHT April L Age 12 2/10/1999  
WRIGHT Arthur T 1885 1965 H of Maggie
WRIGHT Ben O 1896 1967 H of Garnett
WRIGHT Benjamin Harrison "Ben" 3/26/1895 11/29/1946 Wed Ethel Hamilton 12/25/1922
WRIGHT Bert Louis 12/24/1903 11/1/1958  
WRIGHT Bertha Mae (Fountain) 2/19/1918 10/30/1990 W of Clarence W
WRIGHT Brooksey Nelle (Smith) 8/20/1917 9/20/1974 W of Claude L
WRIGHT Burnie Harris 9/24/1918 2/13/2006 H of Eva L
WRIGHT Byrde Sumner "Birdie" (Pilcher) 10/23/1883 1954  
WRIGHT Carl H 7/8/1908 4/5/1974 H of Hazel
Carl Lee 1/28/1926 11/18/2007 TEC5 US Army  WW II
WRIGHT Carl N 1893 1981 H of Enone
WRIGHT Charley P 3/19/1883 4/29/1944  
WRIGHT Clarence Herman Jr 11/23/1919 11/10/1929  
WRIGHT Clarence Herman Sr 10/29/1891 Jan 1975 H of Eva B
WRIGHT Clarence Leo Sr 1/19/1928   H of Patsy
WRIGHT Clarence W 1917 1987 H of Bertha
Claude H Jr 2/27/1926 9/2/1999 H of Jane A
TEC4 US Army   WW II
WRIGHT Claude Lesser 7/31/1915 Jul 1977 H of Brooksey
WRIGHT Clifford R 9/25/1916 6/4/2000 Wed Donna S 9/16/1946
WRIGHT Donald Loyd 6/5/1931 1/14/1989  
WRIGHT Donna Joye (Carson) 7/11/1939 2/26/2017 W of James E
WRIGHT Donna S (Shoe) 7/19/1918 3/12/2014 Wed Clifford 9/16/1946
WRIGHT Doran Eugene 7/29/1955 3/11/1966 S of Orville & M Martha
WRIGHT Dorothy M 4/6/1944   D of Clarence & Bertha
WRIGHT Dovie J 1900 1993  
Duane Dean 2/14/1947 8/31/2006 SP5 US Army  Vietnam
WRIGHT Ed 1/18/1904 8/5/1980 H of Mamie
WRIGHT Ella B (Clark) (Mills) 12/5/1862 1/9/1952 Wed George Mills 2/10/1881
W of A Eugene Wright
WRIGHT Elnorah 6/26/1891 Jul 1987 W of William A
WRIGHT Emogene (Piper) 1/21/1903 12/3/1995 W of Alton   photo
WRIGHT Enone 1897 1984 W of Carl N
WRIGHT Ethel M 4/11/1889 Aug 1982 W of Harry
WRIGHT Ethel May (Hamilton) 12/9/1895 9/18/1968 Wed Benjamin 12/25/1922
WRIGHT Eva Blanche 1890 1974 W of Clarence H Sr
WRIGHT Eva L 9/12/1919 1/23/2006 W of Burnie
WRIGHT Floyd Guy 12/25/1893 10/22/1949  
WRIGHT Garnett Lucille 1902 5/11/1989 W of Ben O
WRIGHT Gary Reid 1/14/1945 8/6/1988  
WRIGHT Geneva June (Scott) 6/12/1918 7/21/1996 W of Grant
George H 12/2/1935 7/29/2001 H of Louise
US Army
WRIGHT Gertrude 11/28/1917 3/30/2001 W of J Woodrow
WRIGHT Glenn Allen 9/10/1937 4/11/2016  
WRIGHT Glenn R 3/15/1899 5/7/1954  
WRIGHT Gordon Lynn 1898 1958  
WRIGHT Grace Olean (Cook) (Bryant) 3/23/1904 6/9/2001  
WRIGHT Grant Regan 6/19/1916 5/30/2007 H of Geneva
WRIGHT Hallye Age 85 3/13/1999  
WRIGHT Harold H 1907 1973 H of Pearl
WRIGHT Harry D 12/20/1891 Sep 1982 H of Ethel M
WRIGHT Hazel B 4/8/1911 1/23/1999 W of Carl H
WRIGHT Helen Lorraine (Gordon) 12/2/1918 4/2/2017 W of L Harold
WRIGHT Hema C 1/14/1913 1/18/1941  
WRIGHT Henry A 6/23/1914 1/10/1992 H of Lena
WRIGHT Henry F 1918 1973  
WRIGHT Henry James "Jimmy" 3/6/1946 8/6/2011  
WRIGHT Henry Willard 1880 1951 H of Hilka
WRIGHT Hilka M (Poulter) 1882 1962 W of Henry W
WRIGHT J Woodrow 11/7/1912 11/17/1985 H of Gertrude
WRIGHT James D 1/1/1974 3/6/2005  
WRIGHT James D 3/16/1900 5/7/1933 Wed Marguerite Roades 4/19/1924
WRIGHT James Edward 11/24/1934 11/27/1993 H of Donna J
WRIGHT Jane Ann (Colby) 10/27/1923 2/26/2005 W of Claude H Jr
WRIGHT Jeannette H   9/5/1994  
WRIGHT Jefferson Davis 1862 1953 H of Margaret
WRIGHT John Robert 11/6/1861 8/12/1950 H of Sarah C
WRIGHT Joseph A 1908 1985 H of Maxine
Joseph James 11/20/1890 11/26/1982 US Army  WW I
WRIGHT Kenneth Lloyd Sr 11/18/1900 12/19/1976 H of Reba
WRIGHT L Harold 3/5/1910 1/27/2004 H of Helen
WRIGHT Rev. Lemuel 2/21/1863 10/13/1954 Wed Sarah J  11/25/1894 photo
WRIGHT Lena D (Hufford) 1916 1995 W of Henry A
WRIGHT Leona B (Cordray) 1900 1953 W of William E
WRIGHT Loretta Mae 5/12/1921 11/15/1938  
WRIGHT Louise 1/27/1930 10/19/1990 W of George H
WRIGHT Luther 1925 1997 Wed Mary L 9/7/1946
WRIGHT M Martha 11/11/1919 5/18/2004 W of Orville
WRIGHT Madge (Clarke) 11/11/1924 1/1/1984  
WRIGHT Mae (Vowell) 9/4/1918 11/19/2007 W of Stephen M
WRIGHT Maggie R (Crain) 1890 1982 W of Arthur
WRIGHT Mamie Lea 8/14/1911 1/28/1971 W of Ed
WRIGHT Margaret Louise "Maggie" (Gilbert) 1874 1941 W of Jefferson
WRIGHT Martha   5/18/2004  
WRIGHT Mary (Minor) 1885 1960  
WRIGHT Mary Ethel 11/29/1916 7/6/1992 W of Samuel
WRIGHT Mary Louise (Knight) 4/27/1931 7/31/2011 Wed Luther 9/7/1946
WRIGHT Maxine 1917 1986 W of Joseph A
WRIGHT Nelma Lee 6/28/1928 5/10/2018 Obit
WRIGHT Orville Eugene 9/28/1917 5/23/2007 H of M Martha
WRIGHT Oscar M 12/2/1908 Feb 1981 H of Ruth
WRIGHT Patrick N Jr 9/13/1957 3/17/2003  
WRIGHT Patsy Ruth (Miller) (DeCamp) 2/8/1928 6/10/2016 W of Leslie DeCamp
W of Clarence L Wright
WRIGHT Pearl M 1911 1968  
WRIGHT Phoebe Edith (Hendrix) 10/13/1897 2/13/1989 W of Robert L
WRIGHT Raetta Jean 5/19/1979 7/31/1995  
WRIGHT Reba Marie (Ermey) 2/23/1900 2/27/1987 W of Kenneth Sr
WRIGHT Robert F 8/24/1935 12/26/1994  
WRIGHT Robert Joe 5/3/1948 5/12/1965  
WRIGHT Robert Leonard 8/6/1893 1951 H of Phoebe
WRIGHT Rogia Bayan 8/9/1903 10/18/1990  
WRIGHT Ronald Brady Age 51 7/17/1995  
WRIGHT Ruth L 1906 1958 W of Oscar
Samuel Arthur 12/1/1913 2/2/1987 H of Mary E
WRIGHT Sarah Catherine (Reynolds) 11/7/1863 11/10/1929 W of John R
WRIGHT Sarah Jane (Farrow) 2/14/1862 3/28/1947 Wed Lemuel  11/25/1894 photo
WRIGHT Senith Mary 3/5/1891 2/4/1956  
WRIGHT Stephen Marshall 12/20/1907 Feb 1972 H of Mae
WRIGHT Steven Walker 5/11/1953 6/7/2003  
WRIGHT Valerie Ann (Morgan) 2/14/1956 1/2/2016  
WRIGHT Victoria Lea 2/19/1946 2/20/1946  
WRIGHT Dr. Wilfred Clay 8/9/1927 1/6/1991  
WRIGHT William A 3/9/1890 Nov 1981 H of Elnorah
WRIGHT William Earl 1889 1972 H of Leona

This page was updated: Tuesday, 04-Feb-2025 21:30:56 UTC

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