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Memorial Park Cemetery
5111 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Phone (918) 627-0220

B Surnames

If you have family buried in the Memorial Park Cemetery and/or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.






BAILEY Bryce 6/19/1920 7/8/1996 H of Doris
BAILEY Doris Fern 3/30/1927 6/25/1998 W of Bryce
BAIN Kent Mitchel 8/17/1941 6/7/1960 photo
BAIN Sandra Kay 11/8/1945 8/16/1949 photo
BALL Amy E 4/1/1903 5/12/1983 photo
Barker Agnes Davis 10/26/1911 1/23/1983 W of Herbert
Barker Agnes P 4/17/1912 6/9/1992 W of Lester
Barker Alfred Bruce 11/16/1914 4/17/1992  
Barker Alvin L 1928   H of Anna
Barker Anna Ruth Scott 1/30/1930 3/31/2013 W of Alvin
Barker Buster Hugh "Buck" 10/1/1918 9/13/2010  
Barker Cleo 7/2/1900 5/14/1946  
Dale Lawrence 11/17/1917 5/11/1977 TSgt US Army
Barker Dorothy Teller 1/29/1879 2/26/1938  
Barker Dwight Leo 6/14/1934 6/20/2017  
Barker Herbert 8/21/1910 8/24/1964 H of Agnes
Larry Dale 2/6/1948 2/23/1969 OK Sgt Co C, 23rdInf 25thInfDiv Vietnam     Info
Barker Lester W Jr 12/1/1908 4/14/1986 H of Agnes P
Barker Norman 6/30/1872 2/19/1962  
Thomas Neil 2/24/1932 3/13/2013 PFC US Army  Korea
BAZE Bertha Sarah "Bert" Stansberry 11/23/1883 1969
Muskogee, OK
Info provided by:
Liz Franklin
W of William Sr
William Perry Jr 2/18/1914 2/2/1983
Info provided by:
Liz Franklin
BAZE William Perry Sr 1/23/1880 1948
Muskogee, OK
Info provided by:
Liz Franklin
H of Bertha
Beasley Aline 1918 1986 W of Oscar
Beasley Barry Knight 1/13/1960 3/1/2017  
Beasley Donna Bonita Knight 8/8/1935 3/1/2017 W of William R
Beasley Edna Marie Smith (Southwood) 4/12/1916 1/12/2000 W of Frank Southwood
Wed Guy Beasley
3/17/1951    Photo
Beasley Elizabeth Ann "Betty" (Jones) 12/11/1927 11/17/1998 W of James L
Beasley Fred D 7/30/1906 9/22/1989 Wed Mayme 5/17/1930
Beasley Guy Augusta 8/19/1919 12/31/1993 Wed Edna 3/17/1951
Beasley Herbert M 1902 1976  
Beasley Ida May (Luttrell) 8/4/1879 2/20/1957 W of William A
Beasley Jacqueline Ann 1930    
Beasley James L 7/8/1927 10/21/2006 H of Elizabeth
Beasley Jeff D 8/23/1951 6/26/2003  
Beasley Mayme G 8/15/1907 1/1/1994 Wed Fred 5/17/1930
Beasley Oscar A 1910 1998 H of Aline
Beasley Ruby J 5/22/1925 10/9/2007  
Beasley Samuel Bryant 10/15/1898 8/6/1946  
Beasley William Alonzo 12/11/1869 9/1/1951 H of Ida
Beasley William Rex "Billy" "BR" 8/29/1934 1/3/2015 H of Donna
BECHTEL Elizabeth Carrol (Piper) 6/25/1905 4/14/1981 W of William
BECHTEL William Charles 7/31/1904 5/24/1984 H of Elizabeth
Beckham Ada (Cates) 10/24/1886 Jan 1987 W of Samuel
Carl 9/16/1891 1/1/1965 H of Pearl
OK Pvt Co F, 57thInf
Jerry Lee 9/27/1947 5/19/1967 SP4 188thAHC, 269th
AvnBn, 12thAvnGroup,
1stAvnBde, USARV
Beckham Lynda Marie 5/17/1945 3/10/1946  
Beckham Pearl Ann 10/13/1899 10/24/1986 W of Carl
Beckham Samuel Wesley "Sam" 12/28/1881 May 1973 H of Ada
Beckham Willard C 7/13/1906 3/1/1958  
Benear Geraldine "Gerry"(Thompson) 8/6/1926 6/26/1997 W of John   Obit
Benear John Benjamin 2/6/1928 3/24/2014 H of Geraldine
John Frank 7/3/1932 7/13/2010 Cpl US Army Korea  photo
H of Ruth
BLACK Ruth Ellen 3/22/1952 8/21/2009 W of John   photo
Blanton Arlys Virginia Narveson 1/21/1923 12/7/2015 Wed Max  8/31/1946  Photo
Blanton Carmen Elizabeth 5/17/1916 12/17/2007 W of Richard Jr
Blanton John Charles 1/26/1931 8/3/2002 H of Mary
Blanton Mary Jean Fleeger 12/3/1930   W of John
Blanton Max Daniel "Dan" 10/13/1922 3/31/1974 Wed Arlys 8/31/1946
Richard Dewitt Jr "Dick" 8/10/1906 8/9/1953 H of Carmen
US Navy  WW II   Obit
Blevins Alice E (Stepp) 5/23/1911 1/9/2009 W of Ervin  Photo
Blevins Alice Faye (Buhl) 1903 1958 W of William
Blevins Bertha Alice 11/19/1905 3/26/1989 W of Earl
Blevins Earl D 8/11/1900 10/28/1970 H of Bertha
Blevins Ervin L 1/4/1913 4/20/1999 H of Alice E  Photo
Jack Dale 8/7/1923 8/14/1995 H of Lorene
James Macon Jr 9/16/1923 11/25/2012 ENS US Navy  WW II
H of Martha
Blevins Lorene E 12/6/1924   W of Jack
Blevins Martha Joan "Joanie" (Haines) 5/10/1929 10/28/2017 W of James
Blevins Pearl Edith "Etta" (Bowlby) 10/27/1887 3/15/1957 W of Warren   Photo
Richard Lewis 8/25/1944 2/1/1968 SN3 US Navy  Vietnam
Blevins Robert O 11/27/1927 6/3/2014  
Blevins Timothy Gerald "Jerry" 6/6/1968 6/5/2016  
Blevins Warren Clarence 5/26/1885 6/24/1960 H of Pearl    Photo
Blevins William W 1898 1979 H of Alice F
Bond Avalene Jeanette "Ali" Albright 1/1/1944 5/25/2018  
Bond Bennett Nolen II 8/20/1934 8/1/1953 Photo
Bond Bob Henry 10/24/1898 9/13/1966  
Bond Christopher Joseph 11/7/1939 5/29/2005  
Bond Daisy 11/27/1916 3/10/1975  
Bond Diane Marie 7/31/1957 1/1/2013 Photo
Bond Dorothy Thweatt 1907 1967 Photo
Bond Dorthy Lorene 2/14/1917 5/14/1934 Photo
Bond Henry C 1877 1954 H of Maggie   Photo
Bond Josephine Stone 9/4/1898 9/15/1944 W of William I
Bond Josephine N 1914 1972 W of Reid
Bond Joyce Danel 2/19/1920 11/22/2007  
Bond Maggie I 1874 1965 W of Henry  Photo
Bond Michael C 9/19/1961 10/28/1979  
Bond Norma Pearl Scott 8/14/1897 7/16/1976 W of Ulious
Reid W 1/3/1900 7/2/1966 H of Josephine N
OK Col US Army  WW II
Robert Wesley "Robe" 7/1/1947 7/21/2020 US Army  Vietnam   Obit
Bond Ulious 3/26/1893 12/31/1962 H of Norma
William Ira 12/17/1888 8/15/1963 WW I Veteran
H of Josephine Stone
H of Elinor Huss
Edwin Martin 7/5/1896 11/10/1973 ND Cpl US Army  WW I
H of Olga
Bonde Olga Anita 11/10/1893 5/14/1973 W of Edwin
BOOP Claudyne F 10/12/1914 1/16/2004 W of Forrest
BOOP Forrest 1908 1984 H of Claudyne
Bowers Brandon Avery 2/9/1975 3/16/1975  
Bowers Cecelia A "Ceil" (Gossett)     Wed Madison 4/24/1959
BOWERS Doris Johanna (Gilliland) 6/22/1930 10/18/1984 Obit
Bowers Ernestine Frances (Worley) 1/12/1936 10/28/2017 W of John W
Bowers Jewell Iva (Jackson) (Holland) 3/13/1913 10/27/1999 Wed Sydney Holland 10/31/1929
W of Joseph E Bowers
Bowers John Samuel 8/8/1880 4/4/1939  
John Wesley 3/5/1934 8/10/1992 H of Ernestine
US Air Force
Bowers Rev. Joseph Edward Sr  "Joe" 8/12/1900 9/13/1985 H of Ruth E
H of Jewell
Joseph Samuel 10/12/1878 11/11/1961 H of Ollie
OK 1stLt Medical Corps WW I
Bowers Madison J "Jim" 8/19/1934 5/3/2012 Wed Cecelia 4/24/1959
Bowers Ollie Del (Cecil) 1/23/1906 8/12/1986 Wed Powell  7/4/1931
Bowers Ollie Mae 5/14/1887 12/3/1978 W of Joseph S
Bowers Powell Clayton "PC" 4/13/1890 6/1/1978 Wed Dell 7/4/1931
Bowers Ruby Cedalia (Wolery) 1/6/1906 Apr 1995 W of William
Bowers Ruth Ellen (Jackson) 9/21/1900 1/12/1970 W of Joseph E
Bowers Sara Elizabeth 7/5/1994 8/7/1994 D of Joe & Beth
Bowers Virginia Iona (McIndoo) (King) 9/17/1912 1/26/1982 Wed Granville King 9/23/1936
W of ??   Bowers
Bowers William Edward 8/24/1904 2/27/1996 H of Ruby
Brackett Winnie Theata (Land) 1880 1980 Info provided by:
Donna Sampson Shorten
Bratton Elizabeth Jane (Beckham) 6/2/1873 8/30/1940 W of Robert
Bratton Robert L 12/22/1865 8/29/1945 H of Elizabeth
Bridges Charlene (Severe) 1929 2013 W of Charles
Charles W 1929 1/27/1998 H of Charlene
US Army
Bridges Claude Russell "Leon Russell" 4/2/1942 11/13/2016 Photo
Bridges Clota Beatrice (Frye) 12/11/1892 8/25/1982 W of Thomas
Bridges Don Walter Jr 11/27/1929   Wed Patricia 10/27/1950
Bridges Grovera 1921   W of Russell
Homer East 7/21/1895 1959 US Army
Jesse William 2/8/1909 5/27/2002 US Navy  WW II
Bridges June G   1/15/2002  
Bridges Mary Dean (Yarborough)   5/15/2000  
Bridges Mary Ellen 3/25/1919 1/21/2001  
Bridges Nancy Neoma (Foor) 8/13/1913 3/11/2006  
Bridges Patricia Louise (Scott) 6/9/1932 12/6/2011 Wed Don Jr 10/27/1950
Bridges Ralph Allen 12/12/1902 7/23/1959 Wed Winona 8/11/1928
Bridges Russell Thomas 9/27/1913 6/14/1974 H of Grovera
Bridges Ruth Margorie 2/23/1910 2/5/1979  
Bridges Thomas Franklin 10/21/1878 3/4/1960 H of Clota
Bridges Winona Estelle (Calkin) 4/9/1904 1/14/2002 Wed Ralph  9/11/1928
Bridgman Rev. H Ray 5/10/1916 7/26/2008 Wed Viola 9/17/1936
Bridgman Viola Marie (Phillips) 10/6/1917 2/16/2006 Wed H Ray 9/17/1936   Obit
Briley Charlia B (Bridges) 11/8/1899 Jun 1972 W of James
Briley James Edwin 9/21/1900 Apr 1949 H of Charlie
BROWN Dessie Myrtle (Renee) 10/17/1919 4/30/2008 obit
BRUCE Lois T. 1908 2004 photo
BRUCE S. A. 4/26/1901 1/21/1967 photo
Bryson Dale Eugene 11/24/1922 7/19/1998  
Bryson Dora 2/23/1894 9/8/1968  
Bryson Flossie Jewell 1897 1978  
Bryson Gilbert A 1893 1976 H of Hildred
Bryson Goldie Lucille Ingram 4/5/1910 3/4/2009 Photo & Obit
Bryson Hildred 1898 1973 W of Gilbert
Buchner Jane (Tyson) 2/27/1905 8/29/1981 W of Charles
Body donated to Medical Science
Buchner Charles Edward 7/10/1910 7/22/1966 H of Jane
Buchner Robert E. 3/14/1915 6/1/2005 photo
Buckner Beatrice Mary "Bee" 8/16/1898 8/31/1951  
Buckner Betty Virginia Waller 2/18/1926 2/21/1989 W of J C
Buckner Emma Catherine Webb 4/27/1869 1/22/1953 Wed James 6/8/1886
Buckner Faye Marie Greathouse 3/9/1917 12/17/2003 W of Samuel J   Obit
Buckner J C 12/5/1920 7/28/1995 H of Betty
Buckner James Calvin "Jim" 9/15/1867 5/10/1935 Wed Emma  6/8/1886
Buckner Roy Eugene 10/11/1895 11/7/1937  
Samuel Delbert 12/24/1930 3/22/2000 US Army
Buckner Samuel John Davenport "JD" 9/23/1917 11/24/2013 H of Faye   Obit
BURGHER Marilyn Aspin (Lindsay) 5/24/1929 2/1/1988 Photo
Burkhart Arysetta Fae 2/13/1942   
Burkhart Herman Peter 1914 2003 H of Jenny photo
Burkhart Jenny (Guncelle) 1912 1992W of Herman
Burkhart Joel Peter 6/30/1935 3/2/2014 
Burkhart Julie Margaret 11/2/1920 3/16/2010 
Burkhart Dr. Sarah M 1/16/1910 4/5/1980 
Burleson Dorothy R 1927 1992 W of James
Burleson James E Jr 1927 1996 H of Dorothy
Burleson Jimmy Dale Age 73 12/31/2008  
John Allan 10/27/1947 10/22/1968 OK SP4 Co A, 1stBn 16thInf, 1stInfDiv  Vietnam   Information
Burns A J "Jack" 1915 1960 H of Maxine
Burns Betty Jane 6/12/1917 7/14/1938 D of Kenneth & Charlotte
Carl William 2/12/1917 1/5/1957 748th Engrs Base Equip Co  WW II
Burns Carol Jan 1/11/1947 10/7/1966 D of Helen L
Burns Charles Foster 9/22/1904 5/26/1987 Photo
Burns Charlotte C 7/25/1897 6/26/1979 W of Kenneth
Donald Kincaid 1/18/1929 12/12/2017 H of Harriet    Photo
US Marine Corps  WW II
Donald Lynch 5/17/1932 1/3/2013 SP 3 US Army  Korea
Burns E L "Bud" 1914 1958  
Elmo R 6/23/1924 11/30/1971 OK Cpl US Army  WW II
Burns Foster Nathaniel 7/4/1867 3/7/1948 H of Mamie
Francis Bernard "Bernie" 11/6/1930 7/29/1999 US Army  Korea
Burns Harriet M Blatchford 2/24/1928   W of Donald K  Photo
Burns Dr Harry A 6/27/1890 5/9/1972 H of Helen M
Burns Helen Lois Hall 6/3/1920 12/9/1987  
Burns Helen M Manning 9/18/1892 5/25/1977 W of Harry
Burns Jacob Felix 1877 1966 H of Mary E
Burns Jessica 12/9/1995 4/20/2018  
Burns John W 1875 1947  
Burns Josephine 1893 1935  
Burns Kenneth Chauncey 8/28/1895 1989 H of Charlotte
Lewis Alvin 3/11/1893 5/13/1972 PFC US Army  WW I
H of Willie
Burns Linnie H 1893 1961 Photo
Burns Mamie Fisher 8/3/1870 3/16/1960 W of Foster
Burns Martha 1876 1949  
Burns Martha E Keeling (Foutch) (Thrasher) 1888 10/4/1941 Wed Burl Foutch 3/22/1909
Wed Henry Thrasher 7/6/1911
Wed William J Burns 11/6/1920   Photo
Burns Mary Knowles 1/19/1896 2/4/1980 W of Paul   Photo
Burns Mary E 1885 1953 W of Jacob
Burns Mauree Squires 9/25/1897 6/17/1973  
Burns Mavis Aileen Page 10/11/1922 10/21/2005  
Burns Maxine 1918 1995 W of A J
Burns Monty Carl 4/22/1960 2/4/2018  
Burns Nancy Fleming 1915 1966  
Burns Paul Jerome Patchin 9/10/1897 10/11/1982 H of Mary Knowles  Photo
Burns Phyllis Jean Mozingo 11/29/1946 5/27/2009 Photo & Obit
Burns Robert Guy 8/4/1881 7/16/1960  
Burns Robert Milton "Bobby" 10/10/1930 3/25/1946  
Burns Ruth Price 8/25/1932 2/6/2011  
Burns Ruth Addlee Cox 2/16/1915 2/4/2002  
Burns Solon Porter 1866 1942  
Burns Viola S Vogt 1900 2/24/1967 Photo
Burns William Jennings Sr 2/5/1881 12/9/1945 Wed Martha Keeling 11/6/1920    Photo
Wed Mimie Hurst 11/10/1941
Burns Willie Mae 11/11/1897 8/9/1963 W of Lewis
Burnside Dorothy Elizabeth 5/7/1917 2/7/1996 W of Herman
Burnside Herman C 1913 2/12/1999 H of Dorothy

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