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Fort Cobb/Oak Grove Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

If you have family or friends buried in this cemetery and
would like to add their names and information, please send
an e-mail to Sandi Carter.

L Surnames
Row 3.7LaFORCELewis L.25/Oct/190121/Sep/1908"Son of L.A. & E.I. LaForce" "Gone to be an angel"
Row __LAMMERDINGAlberta Mae [LaForce]  W/O Unknown Lammerding, D/O O. L. & E. I. LaForce
Row __LANEBilly Don10/Nov/1935
Beaty OK
Fort Cobb OK
  "US National Guard" "[Married] Feb 5, 1973"
H/O Sandra Ann [Lee] Lane, M Purcell OK, S/O Samuel Houston & Callie [Butcher] Lane, musician, Pitcher~Hackney Funeral Home ~ Carnegie OK
Row 41
LANEJanet [Petree]15/Nov/193220/Dec/2001"Mother"
Row __LANESandra Ann [Lee]28/Oct/1947 "[Married] Feb 5, 1973"
SS/W & W/O Billy Don Lane
Row __LARRIEUClaudine O.04/Sep/192004/Nov/1992"In Loving Memory"
See photo
Row __LATHERSEarl09/May/1893
Fairfield IA
Caddo CO OK
H/O Willie Margaret [Fitzgerald] Lathers McBride, S/O Joseph Wilson & Ida Virginia [Chadduck] Lathers
Unmarked grave
Row 7.29LATHERSIda Virginia [Chadduck]13/Aug/1871
Locust Grove IA
Caddo CO OK
"That peace which the world cannot give"
SS/W & W/O Joseph Wilson Lathers
Row 7.29LATHERSJoseph Wilson 12/Nov/1861
Jefferson CO IA
Caddo CO OK
"That peace which the world cannot give"
SS/W & H/O Ida Virginia [Chadduck] Lathers, house fire
See obit
Row 27.36LAURENZANACharlene [Williams]19321985"In Loving Memory"W/O Rudy Laurenzana, D/O Charles & Bertha [Parton] Williams
Row __LAURENZANAChristopher28/Jan/1958
OK City OK
Fort Cobb OK
Comanche & Caddo Tribes of OK, Comanche Nation Funeral Home ~ Lawton OK
Unmarked grave
Row 5.46LAWRENCEMildred B.23/Jan/192327/Aug/1996"In Loving Memory"
Other side of double marker is blank
Row __LAWSONJ. C.12/May/1852 17/Aug/1912Unmarked grave
Row 4.8LAYMANAustin C.20/Apr/184229/May/1909"Age 67 yrs, 1 mos, 9 dys"
Row 4.9LAYMANMary J.14/Sep/1845 23/May/1915"Age 69 yrs, 8 mos, 9 dys"
Row __LAYTONDorothy Jean11/Jul/193826/Feb/1984"Mama of Rhonda ~ Renee ~ Butch"
W/O Unknown Layton, D/O Ural Edward & Cleo Ella [Marquis] Newton
Row __LAYTONLewis26/Oct/1901 02/Sep/1902"Gone to be an angel"
Row 22.12LEDBETTERMalcolm Bertram "Mack"24/Aug/1924
Fort Cobb OK
Fort Cobb OK
"In memory of our Son"
S/O Vernon Henderson & Nora Bell [Brewster] Ledbetter, infection
Row __LEDFORDMira Malinda [Stovall]26/Oct/1863
Rusk CO TX
Caddo CO OK
W/O William J. Ledford, D/O Sims Kelly & Frances Hannah [Berry] Stovall
Unmarked grave
Row __LEEBeulah M. [Pack]04/May/1919
Dabney AR
Lawton OK
"Loving Wife, Mother, Sister"
W/O Johnny W. Lee, M 15/May/1948 Anadarko OK, M/O John Weslewy Lee, D/O Luther Lafayette & Mary Ann [Blaney] Pack
Row __LEEFretta Fern [Teague]12/Jun/1923
Caddo CO OK
Carnegie OK
W/O [1] Deward Richard Dirickson, M 1949 [2] Virgil Lee, D/O Oscar & Estella Elizabeth Teague, Ray & Martha's Funeral Home ~ Carnegie OK
Row __LEEGlen W.19121980
"Husband ~ Father"
H/O Opal Perry [Nails] Lee
Row __LEEJohn Wesley10/Mar/1954
Frankfurt Germany
Lawton OK
"In Loving Memory"
S/O Johnny W. & Beulah M. [Pack] Lee, Lawton Ritter Gray Funeral Home ~ Lawton OK
See obit
Row __LEEJohnny W.02/Apr/1915 29/Nov/1991 "SP5 US Army ~ World War II"
H/O Beulah W. [Pack] Lee, F/O John Wesley Lee
Row __LEEMary Jane [Post]30/Jan/191304/Aug/1988W/O Orbin Kenard Lee, D/O John Thomas & Minnie May [Timmons] Post
Unmarked grave
Row __LEEOpal [Nails] Perry16/Feb/1921
Wapanucka OK
Chickasha OK
"Our Loving Mother" "God knew best. His child needed rest"
86 Yrs, W/O [1] Richard Herman Perry, M 1937 [2] Glenn W. Lee, M 1969, D/O Johnny Nails & Dinah [McCoy] Nails Dixon, Smith Funeral Home ~ Anadarko OK
See obit
Row __LEEOrbin Kenard18/Feb/1907
29/Jan/1996 "US Army ~ World War II"
H/O Mary Jane [Post] Lee, S/O James Richard & Linnie Ann [Williams] Lee
Row 31
Row __LeFEVERDonnie26/Feb/1930     "US Army Ret E7" "Married May 4, 1963" "Together Forever" "Parents of Jeanne, LeeAnn, Lori, Tony""
Row __LeFEVERWilma Jean [Thomas]24/Jun/1937
Carnegie OK
Lawton OK
"Married May 4, 1963" "Together Forever" "World's best cook" "Parents of Jeanne, LeeAnn, Lori, Tony"
SS/W & W/O Donnie LeFever, M El Paso TX, D/O William Douglas & Grace [Kincy] Thomas, Pitcher Hackney Funeral Home ~ Carnegie OK
See obit
Row 40
LEIGHTONRichard Allen06/Apr/191912/Dec/1999H/O Ruby Lee [Clift] Leighton
Unmarked grave
Row 40
LEIGHTONRichard Allen Jr09/Mar/195406/Jul/1989S/O Richard Allen & Ruby Lee [Clift] Leighton
Unmarked grave
Row 40
LEIGHTONRuby Lee [Clift]29/Nov/193006/Aug/1975
W/O Richard Allen Leighton, M 21/Aug/1940 Burkburnett TX, D/O George Robert & Ellen Gertrude [Lewis] Clift
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row __LEMMONClint Benjamin--/May/1888
1973H/O [1] Stella Nutty [Arnold] Lemmon [2] Marguerite May [Horn] Holland, Charles V. Lemmon & Clara [Gilson] Lemmon Murphy
Row __LEMMONFern A. [Brock]15/Jan/1937 "Married Feb 18, 1955"
SS/W & W/O John W. Lemmon
Row __LEMMONJohn W.26/Apr/1922 14/Oct/2004
OK City OK
  Pfc US Marine Corps ~ World War II "WW II Veteran" "Caddo Indian ~ Native to this land" "Married Feb 18, 1955"
SS/W & H/O Fern A. [Brock] Lemmon, S/O Clint Benjamin & Stella Nutty [Arnold] Lemmon, Fort Cobb~Hackney Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Row __LEMMONRichard A.1923 1973S/O Clint Benjamin & Stella Nutty [Arnold] Lemmon
Row __LEMMONStella Nutty [Arnold]08/Feb/1888
Caddo CO OK
Anadarko OK
W/O Clint Benjamin Lemmon, Fort Cobb Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Row __LEMMONThomas P.1912 1939S/O Clint Benjamin & Stella Nutty [Arnold] Lemmon
See photo
Row __LEMMONSFannie188406/Jan/19101st W/O Levi Sherman Lemmons, buried Guthrie OK
Unmarked grave
Row 23.21LEMONEdgar01/Apr/188422/Jul/19331st H/O Jessie Ina [Ford] Lemon Godwin Selman, d 23 Jun 1975 Mansfield TX, buried Rendon Cemetery, Rendon, Tarrant CO TX, not W/ Edgar as double stone indicates, S/O Lewallen Luther & Ardella Frances [Snodgrass] Lemon
Row 26.25LETTJohn18691952 
Row 28.36LEWALLENKelby R.03/Jan/197019/Jan/1970 
Row __LEWISE. J.15/Oct/185917/Aug/1934Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
Row 2.34LEWISElsie Josephine [Evans] Lewis190819/Dec/2003
OK City OK
95 Yrs, SS/W & W/O Judge C. Lewis, D/O William S. & Emily [Winstone] Evans, Smith~Hackney Funeral Home
See obit
Row __LEWISFranklin Johnson15/Oct/1857
Springfield MO
Fort Cobb OK
H/O Sarah Jane [Tune] Lewis, S/O David Wesley & Nancy Jane [Hatfield] Lewis, Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Row 39
LEWISGeorgia Belle [Price]09/Dec/1916
Comanche CO OK
SS/W & W/O James Albert Lewis, D/O Thomas Ervin & Olive E. "Ollie" [McClellan] Price
Row 39
LEWISJames Albert24/Feb/1913
SS/W & H/O Georgia Belle [Price] Lewis
Row 2.34LEWISJudge C.26/Jul/1906
Gumlog GA
Chickasha OK
SS/W & H/O Elsie Josephine [Evans] Lewis, S/O Jewell Carlton & Jeanette B. [Swanson] Lewis
Row 7.25LEWISKenneth E.27/Jul/193727/Jul/1937Single marker
Row 7.26LEWISLarkin Benjamin01/Nov/187627/Mar/1933"Father"
H/O Rhoda [Reeser] Lewis, S/O Alexander Van Buren & Sarah [Hardy] Lewis
Add'l info from: Ben Lewis
Row 22.43LEWISThelma M. [Bayless]06/Aug/191816/Jul/1989SS/W Walter G. Lewis, D/O John N. & Vera Bayless
Row 22.43LEWISWalter G.12/Sep/191324 /ep/1998SS/W Thelma M. [Bayless] Lewis
Row __LINCOLNThelma D.16/May/1932 "Married Mar 22, 1950"
SS/W & W/O Warren F. Lincoln
Row __LINCOLNWarren F.20/Oct/192213/Dec/2006"Married Mar 22, 1950"
SS/W & H/O Thelma D. Lincoln
Row 34
LINDSEYEstel M. [McBride]30/Sep/1905
Washita CO
Fort Cobb OK
H/O Nettie Lindsay
Unmarked grave
Row 34
LINDSEYNettie M.24/Oct/190116/Jul/1982W/O Estel M. Lindsey
Unmarked grave
Row __LITERALThelma [Smallwood]08/Feb/191424/Feb/2003"At Peace"
Row 41
LOCKERachel Lynn [Odum]13/Dec/197924/Aug/2001Unmarked grave
Row __LOFTISMarion Edward05/Aug/193006/Sep/1930Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
Row __LOGANEllis189904/Jan/1924Gish Funeral Home ~ Anadarko OK
Unmarked grave
Row __LOGANJames W.18/Sep/1918
Wewoka OK
Muskogee OK
 "Oklahoma TEC5 404 Engr Combat BN ~ World War II"
Row 39
LONGAlfred L.19071973H/O Eleanor Ruth [Bidleman] Long
Row 4.4LONGB. L.18381921H/O E. H. Long
Row 11.18LONGBaby30/May/192330/May/1923 
Row 34
LONGBetty Ann [Cadell]21/Mar/190828/Dec/1997W/O Earl B. Long, M/O Robert H. Long
Unmarked grave
Row 11.17 LONGDora20/May/186609/Jul/1946"Mama"
SS/W & W/O Eveans Long
Row 4.5LONGE. H.20/Nov/184807/Mar/1909"Wife of B. L. Long" "She is not dead but sleepeth"
Row 34
LONGEarl B.15/Mar190509/Oct 1988H/O Betty Ann [Cadell] Long, F/O Robert H. Long
Unmarked grave
Row __LONGEleanor Ruth [Bidleman]19122004W/O Alfred L. Long
Row 11.17LONGEugene Cyrus Eveans10/Apr/187019/Nov/1949"Papa"
SS/W & H/O Dora Long, S/O John Fletcher & Arginette Ellen [Holbert] Long
Row 34
LONGNelson19011965Unmarked grave
Row __LONGRobert H. "Bob"06/Jul/1932
Custer City OK
Fort Cobb OK
  "US Army ~ Vietnam"
H/O Betty [Veltema] Long. M 05/Apr/1956 Anadarko OK, S/O Earl Benjamin & Betty Ann [Cadell] Long
Unmarked grave
Row 33
Row 33
LOSSOllie E.29/Jul/190128/Dec/1992 
Row 15.33LOVELESSArthur L.19181928SS/W Oklahoma E. "Okla" Loveless
Loveless Family Plot
Row 15.34
LOVELESSFrank Norris10/Jul/192314/Jun/1981"Married 3 Nov 1954"
SS/W & H/O Verda Mae Loveless
Loveless Family Plot
Row 15.33
LOVELESSOklahoma E. "Okla"19141928SS/W Arthur L. Loveless
Loveless Family Plot
Row 15.34
LOVELESSVerda Mae11/Apr/193329/May/1985 "Married 3 Nov 1954"
SS/W & W/O Frank Norris Loveless
Loveless Family Plot
Row 15.35
LOVELESSWilliam Elam20/Oct/1862
Tishomingo CO MS
08/Nov/1945Pampa TXH/O Burtie [Smith] Loveless, S/O James M. & Sarah E. [Condry] Loveless
Row __LOVELLCoy Dwayne26/May/1923
Clinton OK
Carnegie OK
 US Army ~ World War II
H/O Dorothy Bell [Hollands] Lovell, M 17/Nov/1943 Fort Smith AR, S/O William Riley & Nancy Arlena [Williams] Lovell, Fort Cobb Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
See obit
Row __LOVELLDorothy [Holland]17/Feb/192306/Aug/2005W/O Dwayne Coy Lovell
Unmarked grave
Row 18.28LOVELLGeorge Lee25/Sep/1925
Lucine OK
Anadarko OK
"Married 2 Jun 1945"
SS/W & H/O Mary F. Lovell, S/O George D. & Dora [Allard] Lovell, Smith Funeral Home ~ Anadarko OK
Row 18.28LOVELLMary F.18/Oct/1923 "Married 2 Jun 1945"
SS/W & W/O George L. Lovell
Row __LOWRIEG. E. Orgea  Unmarked grave
Row 2.32LOWRIEGeorge Alexander22/May/1837
Fort Cobb OK
 "Confederate Army ~ Civil War"
H/O Sarah [Wilson] Lowrie
See photo
Row 2.33LOWRIEImazell08/Apr/192515/Jun/1925"Inf dau of C. L. & Dorotha Lowrie"
See photo
Row __LOWRIEMary15/Mar/185815/Nov/1928Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
Row __LOWRIEOma [Lynch]17/Nov/190601/Nov/1995W/O Unknown Lynch, D/O Everett & Laura [Addison] Lynch
See photo
Row 12.4LOYDI. N. "Ike"13/May/191917/Sep/1993"Married 3 Sep 1940"
SS/W & H/O Lucille Loyd, S/O Andrew Fredrick & Johnnie [Smith] Loyd
Row 12.4LOYDLucille M.12/Jun/192031/May/1987"Married 3 Sep 1940"
SS/W & W/O I. N. Ike Loyd
Row 6.2LUDWICKOlga23/Aug/1914 24/Dec/1984 
Row 28.12LUMPKINLucindia Tabitha [Hopkins]20/Aug/186720/Feb/1952"Mother" "Asleep in Jesus"
SS/W & W/O Robert Sherman Lumpkin, D/O Unknown & Amelia "Milly" [Hayes] Hopkins
See photo
Row 28.12LUMPKINRobert S.05/Jul/1865
Albertville AL
Fort Cobb OK
"Father" "Asleep in Jesus"
SS/W & H/O Lucindia Tabitha [Hopkins] Lumpkin, D/O Robert A. & Frances Watts [Neal] Lumpkin
See photo
Row 14.24LUNDBORGAlfred P.18501921
SS/W Elizabeth A. [Horn] Lundborg
See photo
Row14.24LUNDBORGElizabeth A. [Horn]18541924"Mother"
SS/W Alfred P. Lundborg
See photo
Row 1.3LUNSFORDRobin Levern21 Nov 195521 Nov 1955 
Row 30
LYNCHBoyd C.19151977S/O Everett & Laura [Addison] Lynch
Row __LYNCHElizabeth14/Feb/1846 24/Jan/1938Harvey Funeral Home ~ Fort Cobb OK
Unmarked grave
Row 30
LYNCHEverett18791948SS/W Laura [Addison] & Harold Lynch, H/O Laura [Addison Lynch, F/O Harold Lynch
Row 30
LYNCHHarold19191970SS/O & S/O Everett & Laura [Addison] Lynch
Row 20.3LYNCHLaura  Loose concrete marker in front of cedar tree beside the GRIFFITTS
Row 30
LYNCHLaura[Addison]18851971SS/W Everett [Addison] & Harold Lynch, W/O Everett Lynch, M/O Harold Lynch, D/O John Mayfield & Virginia C. [Hopkins] Addison
Row __LYNCHWinifred "Winnie" "Belle" [Barker]29/Jun/1887
Sulphur OK
SS/W & S/O Charles A. Barker, W/O Luther Dawson "Doss" Lynch
Row __LYNNAnthony Terry06/Mar/196109/Feb/1965 
Row 13.27LYONSAnna Karoline "Carrie" [Hillers]15/May/1872
Sangamon CO IL
Britton OK
SS/W & W/O William Franklin Lyons, M 25/Nov/1890, D/O Johan Hinrich & Johanne Marie Caroline [Kleinhans] Hillers
See obit & photo
Row 13.26LYONSJohn Thomas "Tommy"28/Mar/1891
Farina IL
Rockford IL
  "US Army " "Son of W.F. & Carrie Lyons" "He left his home in perfect health, he looked so young and brave; we little thought how soon he'd be laid in a soldiers grave." " Died at Camp Grant, IL. Entered service 15 Jul 1918. Medical Corps"
S/O William Franklin & Anna Karoline "Carrie" [Hillers] Lyons, lobar pneumonia
See obit & photo
Row 13.27LYONSWilliam Franklin20/Jan/1857
Britton OK
SS/W & H/O Anna Karoline "Carrie" [Hillers] Lyons
See obit & photo

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