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 Cloudy Cemetery
Cloudy, Pushmataha County, Oklahoma
© Teresa Young



From Antlers, go east on HWY 3 towards Rattan 12 miles until you see Lake Ozzie Cobb & Cloudy sign. Turn left, north on Cloudy Rd. about 8.3 miles.  See a small green sign on the tree "Cloudy Cemetery" Turn left, north, go 1/10 mile turn 1st right road (East) which is 1/10 mile to the Cemetery

If you have family buried in this Cemetery and have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.

NOTICE. If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.
Allen Hunter Shane 9/28/2009 10/12/2009  
Allison E A     Photo
Allison Elsie J      
Allison Howard G 1888 1923 Photo
Allison Pat 7/22/1916 1925 Photo
Angel Donie 3/23/ 1921 11/14/2001 Photo
Armbrister David 8/11/1956 1/9/2009 Obit
Armstrong Sharon E 1935 2012  
James Gary 2/25/1950 1/22/2015 US Army  Obit
James Jefferson "Jim" 12/29/1888 9/28/1960 TX Pvt Co B 213th
Engr  WW I  Photo
Christopherson Marie Louise Blanchard 4/26/1935 9/17/2020 Wed Nels 11/30/1954   Obit
Christopherson Nels Ivan "Chris" 11/30/1933 Mar 2002 Wed Marie 11/30/1954
Richard "Ricky" 5/4/1960 12/14/2008 PV1 US Army
Coffelt Clyde Dale 8/7/1985 5/21/2020 Obit
Coffelt Johnny Dale 4/2/1953 11/15/2009  
Langley Roberta Mae Hinds 11/24/1954 9/29/2017 Obit
Langley Tye Bradey 4/4/2000 6/15/2000 Photo
Leflore Alice Bryant 5/15/1895 Jul 1926 Photo
Leflore Betty Jean Baker 5/26/1942   W of Robert   Photo
Leflore Bettye L Dickson 10/6/1922 2/11/1994 Wed Frankie 8/6/1940 Photo
Leflore Daniel "Dan" 12/18/1916 12/21/1988 Photo
Leflore Ethel 1917 11/25/1926 D of Alice
Leflore Frankie 7/1/1919 10/26/1981 Wed Bettye  8/6/1940 Photo
Leflore Gwenda Joy 2/8/1961 11/5/2020 Obit
Leflore Robert Franklin 9/1/1941 7/27/2002 H of Betty J   Photo
Leflore Roy Gene 1945 1946  
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