Welcome, I am Terry Dudley, area coordinator for Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma.
If you have information on cemeteries, obituaries, funeral home records, memorial cards or photos that you would like to add to this website, please see our How to Submit Information Page.
Photos may be used for your personal genealogy only. Permission is granted to download your family member photos to be used in connection to your family research. No commercial use of these photos allowed without written permission from the submitter. You may link freely to any headstone photo page, but you may not post photos on any website for any purpose.
As with all research, this is a source of information. It is up to the researcher to verify the data. The transcriber has attempted to transcribe the information as accurately as possible. This data may contain errors. Any additions or corrections greatly appreciated. Please contact area coordinator.
Don't forget to check the state Miscellaneous Obits page if you have not found who you are looking for. That page contains information for deceased who have Oklahoma ties and are buried in an unknown Oklahoma location or out of state.
This site may be freely linked, but not duplicated in any way without consent.
All rights reserved! Commercial use of material within this site is prohibited!
© 2000-2024 Oklahoma CemeteriesThe information on this site is provided free for the purpose of researching your genealogy. This material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, for your own research, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The information contained in this site may not be copied to any other site without written "snail-mail" permission. If you wish to have a copy of a donor's material, you must have their permission. All information found on these pages is under copyright of Oklahoma Cemeteries. This is to protect any and all information donated. The original submitter or source of the information will retain their copyright. Unless otherwise stated, any donated material is given to Oklahoma Cemeteries to make it available online. This material will always be available at no cost, it will always remain free to the researcher.