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© Mike Freels

© Mike Freels

Polson Cemetery

Delaware County, Oklahoma
Partial Survey

ALL photos © Annajo Cantrell Limore
UNLESS otherwise noted on photo page
Photo-survey - Dec. 2012
Additions to "Born" & "Death" dates are also added (dd/mm)

Photos © Mike Freels
Original listing © by: Patricia E. Jones

Location:  The cemetery is located several miles west of South West City, Missouri. Named for Dr. William D. Polson, and for the Polsons; their related families, which include The Ridge, Stand Watie, the Bells, etc. Washborne's and Washbourne's are buried here and they are all of the same family; a branch decided to renew the "old World" spelling i.e. Washbourne. Many of these people were related, and of the Cherokee Nation by blood heritage. Cemetery was surveyed in 2004.  (Patricia E. Jones)

If you have family buried in the Polson Ridge-Watie Cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTE: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.

I do not live in Delaware County and I do not have access to any records other than those presented here. Therefore, I am sorry that I am unable to answer any questions about specific people. I will however, gladly help, IF there is anything I can look up for you.

A-N   O-Z

FLAG POLE by: James A. Polson     Photo
MONUMENTS Stand Watie     Photo (page 1)  Photo (page 2)
POLSON CEMETERY History     Photo
ARNOLD Daniel G 07-May-1910 05-Dec-1972 image  Photo
ARNOLD Minnie "Modena" 03-Jun-1914 22-Apr-2004 Photo   American Legion Auxillary
BALLOU James C 10-Aug-1919 27-Mar-1988 image  Photo
BALLOU Jerry Ann 20-May-1925 08-Nov-1995 Photo
BANES Martha 1881 1962 Nov. 2012 - I found no "Banes" stone here. *ACL
(BARNES) BANES Clifford 1904 1950 Photo
(BARNES) BANES Lucinda 1867 1951 Photo
BARNES Matthew A 1871 1962 Photo
BARNES Sydna West 03-Nov-1904 05-Mar-1989 Photo
BARNES W. M. Clifford 14-Feb-1904 01-Sep-1950 Photo
BARNWELL M. E. 29-Apr-1881 09-Jan-1948 Photo  s/o Stephen Barnwell, Sr.
BARNWELL Velma 24-Jun-1892 21-Feb-1963 Photo
BELL James Madison 15-Oct-1826 23-Mar-1915 Photo  Husb.of Caroline Lynch; bn. in Cherokee Nation;
s/o of John Bell & Caroline Adair; Deer clain.
BELL William W(atie) 21-Oct-1864 25-Dec-1894 Photo  s/o James M. & Caroline Bell
BERRY Jane M. 1898 1967 Photo
BERRY Oscar Eugene 02-Oct-1893 11-Aug-1977 image  Photo
BIRKES Fred Unkn Unkn Photo
BITTLEBilly18-Jul-192019-Jan-1992image  Photo
BITTLEW. Harold30-Dec-191805-Sep-2000image  Photo
BLACKBOURNEInfantno dateno datePhoto
BLACKBURNMilley Ann29-Apr-183203-Aug-1908Photo
BLACKBURN Molly Ann 1832 1908 (W)  "Milley Ann" on stone *ACL
BLACKBURN Washington W. (Sr.) 05-Jan-1831 18-Mar-1881 Photo  (H)
BLACKBURN Washington W. Jr 07-Apr-1865 11-Sep-1880 Photo
BRASHAROlivia A (Crow)06-May-188928-Nov-1939Photo
BRICE Lettie Unkn July 1871 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
BROOKNER Jerald R 18-Feb-1907 14-Jan-1985 image  Photo
BROOKNERViolet (Lehigh)10-Apr-192206-Jul-2002Photo
BROWNClarence Orville27-Mar-190329-Mar-1984Photo
BROWN Emma C. 01-Jul-1883 23-Jan-1920 Photo
BROWNNaomi Mildred21-Jun-190820-Oct-1997Photo
BUSHYHEAD Jane Snell 1866 1945 Photo  Wife of Jesse Bushyhead; (m.1885)
M/o7 ch.; dtr. of John Snell & Kate Scrimsher
BUSHYHEADKenneth E14-Sep-192131-Aug-1981image  Photo
BUSKAVETAOpal V21-Dec-190827-Dec-1993Photo
CLINEMargaret F. Polson Wilson17-Jan-190230-Jan-1996Photo
COMPTONRuth R11-May-190803-Jun-2004Photo
COSBYBeverly A27-Feb-1939no datePhoto
COSBYLee M08-Dec-193710-Oct-2009Photo
CRAIG Alba J. 1871 1944 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
CRAIGAlbia J18711944Photo
CRAIGFannie F10-Jun-191831-Aug-1991Photo
CRITTENDENNicole R26-Nov-197922-Jan-1980Photo
DANIELInfant SonDec-1874Dec-1874Photo
DANIEL Linda Sue 1940 1966 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
DANIELMno date27-Feb-1875Photo
DANIEL Terry Lee 1940 1966 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
DANIEL W. 1853 1875 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
DODDDena "Tye"04-Oct-1939no datePhoto
DODDDonald Gene20-May-193303-Apr-2011image  Photo
EGGEBRECHTTeresa Lynn30-Jun-197303-Aug-1999 Photo
ELLIOTClint F.07-Apr-189418-Jun-1959Photo
ELLIOTEvertt Clifford18-Jan-192705-Sep-1977image  Photo
ELLIOTFrances V18961975Photo
ELLIOTFrankie Lee15-Oct-197711-Jul-2005Photo
ELLIOTHenry M19221980Photo
ELLIOTLillie Mae28-Aug-189124-Mar-1970Photo
ELLIOTLinda R05-Mar-194611-Jul-2011Photo
ELLIOTPorter M18901972Photo
ENIXBeulah C31-Mar-191411-Mar-2005Photo
ENIXBilly M28-Oct-191520-Sep-1993image  Photo
FICKLE A. Frances 1864 1937 Photo
FICKLE Joseph D. 1856 1937 Photo
FIELDSAlice A09-Nov-189926-Aug-1983Photo
FIELDSAlva Loyd04-Sep-189918-Sep-1985  Photo  & American Legion
FIELDS Annie 1884 1967 Photo  w/o Walker Fields;
d/o Jessie Bushyhead & Sallie Walker
FIELDS Cephus 1901 unkn s/o Walker & Annie Fields
FIELDSCharlene N18-May-193417-Sep-1989Photo
FIELDSClara M26-Feb-189915-Jan-1989Photo
FIELDSDewey M29-Oct-193008-Nov-1985Photo
FIELDSFannie Louella23-Oct-189723-Mar-1981Photo
FIELDSFranklin W13-Sep-193410-Nov-1991Photo
FIELDS Freeman 1875 1938 Photo  Husb. of Marguerite Roberson Fields
s/o Geo.W. Fields; F/o 3 ch.
FIELDSGerald C07-Mar-193402-Dec-1978Photo
FIELDS James M. 1913 1957 Photo
FIELDSJohn C08-Nov-189822-Sep-1981Photo
FIELDSKatherine B191619__Photo
FIELDSLena Ellen09-Mar-190623-Jun-1990Photo
FIELDS Marguerite 1877 1912 Photo  w/o R. Freeman Fields;
nee Roberson; M/o 3 ch.
FIELDS Nellie 1878 1957 Photo  (Nellie is on bottom of the stone-barely readable)
nee Todd; wife of Thos. Jefferson Fields
FIELDSPerry, Jr.07-Aug-192612-Jan-2000image  Photo
FIELDS Perry Ambrose 1896 1930 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
s/o Geo.Washington Fields; & Sarah McGhee Fields
FIELDS Roy 1897 1936 Dec. 2012 - did not find a stone *ACL
FIELDSSarah S15-Jan-190031-Jan-1975Photo
FIELDS Thomas J 12-May-1878 12-Aug-1915 Photo  s/o Geo.Washington Fields
& Sarah; Husb. of Nellie Fields
FIELDSW. E., Sr.21-Oct-189702-May-1984Photo
FIELDS Walker 1877 1960 Photo  H/o Annie; s/o Geo.W. Fields
& Rebecca "Betty" Silversmith
FIELDSWilliam Edgar19191987Photo
FIELYJuanita Price16-Dec-190305-Apr-1993Photo
FOGLE Clifford H. 10-Feb-1913 23-Jul-1960 image  Photo  
s/o Wm. F. & Nancy Fogle; CCM1 USNR WWII
FOGLE Nancy B(elle) 18-Dec-1884 28-Oct-1946 Photo  (W); d/o Geo.W. Fields
& Rebecca Silversmith; w/o William F.
FOGLE William F. 1881 1948 Photo  (H)
FRANCISCOPearl Maxine23-Apr-192621-May-1989Photo
FRANCIS Lee C. unkn unkn Photo
FRANCIS Ridge W. unkn unkn Photo
FRANCIS Ruth unkn unkn Photo
FRANCIS Shelby 1880 1962 Photo
FRYELanette Kaye01-Sep-196426-May-1981Photo
FRYELonnie C24-Jan-190515-Sep-1967Photo
FRYEPearly Louise29-Apr-194115-Feb-1943Photo
FRYEThelma M18-Apr-191916-Feb-2010Photo
GARRISONJohn Lain12-Nov-190307-Feb-1980Photo
GARRISONLola M29-Jan-191225-Oct-2005Photo
GEORGEEliza A18681957Photo
GEORGEIra H18751948  Photo
GOODINGSusan Arvell05-Jan-194310-Nov-1989Photo
GOTTDella King02-Jun-189217-Jun-1981Photo
HAMMACKDonald Wayne26-Dec-193701-Oct-1955Photo
HAMMACKElizabeth (Mahi)11-May-193522-Mar-2007Photo
HAMMACKRonald11-Mar-1936no datePhoto
HAMPTONLee Hardy08-Jul-189508-Jun-1915Photo  wife of E.V. Hampton
HARDING Amanda M. 1865 1945 Photo
HARDINGBethel Leona22-Jun-193920-Feb-2008Photo
HARDING Gracy 1921 1941 Photo
HARDINGHelenno dateno datePhoto  Listed on stone with Charlie
HARDINGJeff (J.D.)18851977Photo
HARDINGLila R07-Dec-192709-Dec-1927Photo
HARDINGMark Andre15-May-198928-May-2010image  Photo
HARDING Paul D. 1918 1921 Photo
HARDING R. Leon 1868 1948 Photo
HARDINGRuby Lee18891972Photo
HARDING William N. 1863 1932 Photo
HARDYMollie E24-May-186503-Aug-1903Photo
HENDERN Infant unkn unkn Photo
HIBBARDWilliam Troy13-Apr-191204-Dec-1983Photo
HOLLOWAYJesse "Jack"29-Aug-191201-Oct-1984Photo
HOLLOWAYLois Vera25-Nov-191801-Feb-1952Photo
HOPKINSElmo Marguerite22-Mar-192116-Apr-1922Photo
HOWARDAmanda A02-Oct-186328-Nov-1916Photo
HOWARDGladys Washbourne04-Jan-190823-Jul-1975Photo
HOWARDWalter S23-Dec-186109-Jun-1940Photo
HUFFMANEdward LeRoy22-Dec-192807-Apr-1974image  Photo
INLOW William Edgar 04-Oct-1894 23-Jun-1965 image  Photo
JOHNSTONRaymond R19021980Photo
JORDANJohn C18671950Photo
JORDANJohn David14-Mar-191020-May-1998Photo
JORDANMary Luella24-Aug-1914no datePhoto
KERNESJesse O19-Sep-191113-Aug-2004Photo
KERNESK. Berniece19-Jun-192508-Mar-2000Photo
LaCROIXElmer L26-May-191119-Jan-1982image  Photo
LaCROIXMabel (Mae)18-Jan-192406-Jun-1990Photo
LANIERAnnie Catherine18741880Photo
LANIERAnnie Washbourneno date14-Oct-1874Photo
LARSON Raymond E. 1884 1951 image  
OKLA Pfc Fld. Artill. WWII
(*I found no stone with this name)
LASITERJames L1925no datePhoto
LASITEROpal M19321981Photo
LAWRENCEE. Louise West31-Mar-192818-Jul-2007Photo
LONGMildred "Mickey" (Bittle)16-Oct-192430-Oct-2005Photo
MANNMary C08-Dec-1928no datePhoto
MANNVernon E19-Feb-191402-Nov-1996Photo
MARTINJames T17-Dec-191817-Feb-1992image  Photo
MARTINRuby M27-Apr-1925no datePhoto
MATTHEWSJames Edward13-May-195118-Sep-2012See More
MAYSDavid Elmer19191981image  Photo
MAYSOllie Leoma04-Oct-192108-Dec-1981Photo
McCARTNEYJoy Washbourne18891972Photo
McELROY Edna 1875 1956 Photo
McELROY William Anderson 1862 1954 Photo
McLAUGHLIN Betty 1888 1958 Photo
MOORENora D27-Oct-187403-Oct-1924Photo
MORGANAlbert John18961976image  Photo
MORGANFannie M19081991Photo
MORGANInfant Son19361936Photo
MOSBYLorine 19211939 Photo
MOSENora P. 18741924 (*I found no stone with this name)
NAGLEFrances Polson28-Jul-191225-Jul-2002Photo
NATIONOra 18701959 Photo
NORTHAlice Imogene15-May-193730-Jan-2005Photo
NUCKOLLSForest Vandel21-Jan-191202-Nov-2006image  American Legion
NUCKOLLSJulia Ann29-Apr-194807-Jan-1951Photo
NUCKOLLSLloyd E07-Sep-191806-Mar-1994image  Photo
NUCKOLLSRuth S18-Aug-190928-Jun-1995American Legion Auxillary  Photo
NYANDERCarl J11-Dec-189418-Jan-1983image  Photo
NYANDERLuvilla C17-Nov-189619-Nov-1987Photo

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