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Woodward County Obituary
Dunlap Cemetery

© Billings Funeral Home
(permission granted)
Submitted by: Ann Weber


July 29, 1926 - January 27, 2018

Della Stump 91 year old Woodward resident, died Saturday January 27 in Woodward. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 am Friday, February 2, 2018 in the First Christian Church of Woodward with Reverend Ronnie Hopkins officiating. Interment will follow in Dunlap Cemetery.

Della Marie (King) Stump was born on July 29, 1926 in Taylor County, Texas to Henry Allen and Bettie (Roquemore) King on the family farm. She attended grade school in Taylor County and graduated from Abilene High School in 1943. Della married Loyd H. Dimmick of Alva on August 4, 1945 in Abilene, Texas. After Loyd was discharged from the military, they made their home in Woodward. Della was employed by Woodward Building and Loan Company. Loyd died as a result of an industrial accident on August 18, 1958. Della continued working until July of 1961.

Della married Charles L. Stump on July 10, 1960 at the First Christian Church of Woodward. Charles brought with him a young son.

She then went to work for Wendell Nelson Insurance from 1962 until 1970. Della then began work as Chapter Manager of the Woodward County American Red Cross in May of 1971, retiring in 2001 after serving 30 years. During these years Della worked in all facets of the organization, from being an advocate for blood drives, and overseeing the distribution of all collections. She also worked through a relocation, as well as a name change to Northwest Oklahoma Chapter to recognize the five county service area she managed.

Della was a member of the First Christian Church of Woodward. She was also a member of the Woodward Business and Professional Women’s Club and Association of Retirees from the American National Red Cross, State of Oklahoma Unit.

Della is survived by her son, Tim Stump and wife Dot of Brewster, Nebraska; grandson, Joe Bob Stump and wife Melinda of Elsmere, Nebraska; and their children, Maddie and Hayden; grandson, Eric Millison of Weatherford; one sister, Sue Spencer of Artesia, New Mexico; several nieces, nephews other family and friends.

She was preceded in death by her parents, two husbands, three brothers, and five sisters.

In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Northwest Oklahoma American Red Cross with the funeral home accepting the contributions.

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