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Woodward County Obituary
Dunlap Cemetery

© Enid Morning News
March 2010
Reprinted with permission
Submitted by: Glenn Shroads

Lavita Ruth Arthaud

April 5, 1941 ~ March 11, 2011

The funeral for Lavita Ruth Arthaud, 68, of Mutual will be 10 AM Monday, March 15, 2010, at Fifth Street Church of Christ, Woodward. Jim Rucker will officiate. Burial will be 2 PM in Dunlap Cemetery, east of Mutual. Arrangements are by Nichols Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Woodward.

She was born April 5, 1941, in Mangum to Scott and Verna Wetsel Burcham and died Thursday, March 11, 2010, in Woodward.

She graduated from high school in Sweetwater. She received her bachelor of science degree in home economics from Oklahoma College for Women (now USAO). She obtained her master of science degree in educational guidance and counseling from Central State College (now UCO) in 1968.

She began teaching in 1965 in Mutual. She taught in Sharon and Woodward and was a traveling elementary school counselor in northwest Oklahoma.

She married Richard Wendell Arthaud August 6, 1966, in Woodward.

Surviving are her husband, Richard, of the home; two sons, Aaron Arthaud and Arlen Arthaud; two brothers, Ralph Burcham and Caroll Burham; and four grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by one brother.

Memorials may be made through the funeral home to The Church of Christ Pantry.

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