Albert W. Jackson © Alva Review-Courier 04-12-1931 Submitted by: Tim Dotterer
April 1, 1931
A. W. Jackson is Called by Death
Pioneer Farmer Dies at Home
A. W. Jackson, pioneer county farmer, passed away late Wednesday at his home 20 miles northwest of the city, according to word received here today.
The cause of his death could not be learned today.
The Fowitz mortuary hearse started for the Jackson home early today but was stalled in a mud hole near the Cline school, about 8 miles northwest of here. A wrecker was sent to pull the hearse out but before this could be accomplished, a road grading outfit, endeavoring to open the road, stalled immediately behind the machine.
Members of the family telephoned the body would be sent to the hearse in a wagon since no automobile could travel the road.
The body was not expected to arrive here until late tonight.
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April 12, 1931
Albert W. Jackson
Thursday morning, April 2, at 8:45 o'clock, Albert W. Jackson passed away at his home 10 miles west and 6 miles north of Alva. About a month ago he had suffered a slight stroke of paralysis, but had so far regained his strength that he could be about with the aid of his cane. However, last Sunday about 1 PM he was stricken and never rallied, dying Thursday morning.
Albert W. Jackson was the son of Robert H. Jackson and Sarah Nobles Jackson, and was born January 22, 1876, in Cook County, Texas. When five years old he moved to Wise County. There he grew to manhood. In 1897, he was united in marriage with Arabella Hailey. In 1900 they moved to Oklahoma; and for the past 25 years lived in Woods County, residing in Alva a part of that time. Three children were born to this union: Vernis and Rex Jackson, Alva, and a daughter, Alta, who died in infancy.
Mr. Jackson is survived by his wife, his two sons, two grandchildren, and the following brothers and sisters: J. D. Jackson, Seiling, Oklahoma, J. R. Jackson, Portland, Oregon; Fred and Cloid Jackson, of Alvin, Texas; M. R. Jackson, Artesia, New Mexico; Mrs. George Stewart, Marlow, Oklahoma; Mrs. J. H. McGee, Park Springs, Texas; Mrs. J. P. Blythe, Alvin, Texas; Mrs. William Nelson, Alvin, Texas; Mrs. Oakley Shaw, Elkhart, Kansas; Mrs. Dan Harris, May, Oklahoma.
From childhood, Mr. Jackson was acquainted with the church, having been brought up in a Methodist home. In early manhood he took a more positive stand for Christ, becoming actively obedient to His commands.
He had been a member of the Woodman lodge in earlier years. Like every man, his life was an open book before his neighbors. He seemed to have more than the usual love for his home and family, and the memory which his dear ones cherish is indeed a pleasant and happy one. Those who knew him best felt he was ready to take the great step out into the great beyond, and he died in the Christian Faith.
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Card of Thanks
We are deeply grateful to all our friends and neighbors who so willingly and kindly aided us during the illness and death of our husband and father, Albert W. Jackson. We are also grateful for the sympathy extended and expressed by the beautiful floral offerings. We thank the minister, Rev. R. G. Martin, Jr., for his service and the members of the choir who sang at the services.
Mrs. Albert Jackson,
Vernice Jackson,
Rex Jackson.
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