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Lige F. Gaskill
© Alva Review-Courier
Submitted by: Tim Dotterer

© Glenn

June 4, 1931

Lige F. Gaskill, Pioneer Rancher, Called by Death

Funeral plans are not yet completed today

Lige F. Gaskill, 66 years old, pioneer resident of Woods county since before the opening of the Cherokee Strip and one of the most prosperous ranchmen in the county, passed away at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Wichita hospital at Wichita, Kansas.

He was taken to the hospital three weeks ago for an ailment which had confined him to his ranch home near Freedom since last November. His illness started about two years ago.

No funeral arrangements had been completed late today.

Mr. Gaskill was the owner of a 3,000 acre ranch 8 miles northeast of Freedom, where he had made his home since 1901. The ranch is one of the best improved, best balanced and one of the largest in Woods county.

He came to the Cherokee Strip in the spring of 1886 to work as a rider for the old Schlupp and Ballinger ranch east of the present site of Alva. Before that time he had lived in Kiowa, Kansas, where he worked as a harness maker. He spent his early boyhood near Caney, Kansas.

When the Cherokee Strip opened he filed on a claim on the correction line south of Kiowa. In 1896 he moved to the Wildcat Springs Ranch at Fairvalley and in 1901 acquired the first nucleus of his ranch near Freedom.

He was married in 1900. His widow, Mrs. Mary E. Gaskill survives. Two sons, Dr. Lytle Gaskill of Caldwell, Kansas, and Ed Gaskill who makes his home on the ranch near Freedom, and a daughter, Miss Mary Gaskill, a sophomore at Northwestern College, also survive.

Mr. Gaskill was known as an enthusiastic road builder. He was largely instrumental in the successful improvement of U. S. Highway 64 through the western section of the county, this highway being one of his favorites projects.

He also was active and influential in Democratic party circles in the county, taking an active part in both the county and state organizations.

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June 5, 1931

Gaskill Rites at 2 Tomorrow

Funeral will be at Herod Hall

Funeral services for Lige F. Gaskill, pioneer Woods county ranchman, who passed away late Wednesday at Wichita, Kansas, will be held at 2 PM Saturday at Herod Hall on the Northwestern College campus.

The Rev. Ben Hulshof of the Sacred Heart Catholic church will preach the funeral sermon. Burial will be in the A. O. U. W. cemetery.

The body was returned here late Thursday for burial.

Pallbearers selected today are from among the many friends of Mr. Gaskill. Many of them had known him intimately since the opening of the Cherokee Strip, and some in the days before the opening when he rode the range for ranchmen in the Strip, and while he lived at Kiowa, Kansas.

The pallbearers are A. W. Kavanaugh, Steve Shea, George Hardbaugh, all of Alva; Rudy Eaton, Fairvalley; Sam Updegraff, Freedom; Albert Rumsey, Kiowa, Kansas; Walter Fulton, Fairvalley; and Mart Benson, Whitehorse.

Mr. Gaskill passed away at the Wichita hospital after an illness which had kept him at his ranch home near Freedom since last November. He had been in failing health for almost 2 years.

He was one of the outstanding ranch men in this section of the state, owning a 3000 acre well improved ranch 8 miles northeast of Freedom. He was a leader in the Democratic party in the west end of the County and was active in all good roads movements affecting Woods county.

Fowitz Mortuary is in charge of the funeral arrangements.

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June 9, 1931

Father of Student Dies at Wichita

Mr. Lige F. Gaskill, 66 years old, pioneer resident of Woods county and prominent ranch owner, died Wednesday at the Wichita Hospital, Wichita, Kansas. Mr. Gaskill is the father of Miss Mary Gaskill, a sophomore at Northwestern. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at Herod Hall.

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June 7, 1931

A Final Tribute for Lige Gaskill

Friends mourn his passing

Friends since the days when cattlemen controlled the ranges of the Cherokee Strip; homesteaders who treasured his friendship since the time of the opening of the Strip; County and civic leaders who depended upon his never – failing enthusiasm to forward the affairs of Woods county filled Herod Hall here Saturday to pay their last respects to Lige F. Gaskill, pioneer ranchman and leader, who passed away late Wednesday at Wichita, Kansas.

The Rev. Ben Hulshof of the Sacred Heart Catholic church officiated at the services. Friends from every section of Woods county and many from southern Kansas attended the funeral services.

Floral tributes were banked about the bier and at the grave in the A. O. U. W. cemetery where burial was made.

Mr. Gaskill came to the Cherokee Strip as a rider for the old Schlupp and Ballinger ranch in 1886. He returned at the opening of the Strip to take a claim near Kiowa, Kansas. Later he moved to Fairvalley where he accumulated a 3000 acre ranch.

He was an outstanding leader in Democratic circles in the county and was active in promoting good roads for his community and the County.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary E. Gaskill; two sons, Dr. Lytle Gaskill of Caldwell, Kansas, and Ed Gaskill of Fairvalley; and a daughter, Mrs. Mary Gaskill, sophomore at Northwestern College.

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June 11, 1931

Lytle F. Gaskill was born at Ioka, Keokuk County, Iowa, May 27, 1863 and departed this life June 3, 1931 at the age of 68 years and 7 days.

Mr. Gaskill came to Tyro, Kansas in 1871 where he grew to manhood. As a young man he learned the harness makers trade. In the spring of 1886 he came to Kiowa, Kansas, where he became a range rider in the Cherokee Strip. He made the race into the Strip taking a claim 4 miles south of Kiowa. In 1895 he settled were the present home is situated.

He was married to Mary E. Mc Sharry at Alva, Oklahoma, January 25, 1900. To this union was born four children. He was preceded in death by his almost inseparable friend, Alpha C. Updegraff who died in 1929.

He is survived by his widow, Mary E. Gaskill, two sons, J. Lytle, Edward A., a daughter, Ellen Mary; a brother, Ben Gaskill of Tyro, Kansas; two sisters, Lucinda late of Tyro, Kansas, and Mrs. Nell Gollihur of Spokane, Washington.

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Card of Thanks

We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness and the beautiful floral offerings, during the sickness and death, of our loving husband and father, Lige F. Gaskill.

Mrs. Mary E. Gaskill,
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Gaskill,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gaskill,
Mary Gaskill.

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