Oklahoma Cemeteries Website
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Edwardsville Cemetery
Canute,  Washita County, Oklahoma
©  Herbert Rickards


This cemetery is within the Canute Cemetery. As you enter the Canute Cemetery, proceed straight ahead about 300 yards, when you reach the metal poles, this is the Edwardsville Cemetery.

If you have family buried in this Cemetery or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator. You can also check out our How to Submit page.

Note: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.

If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.






Ashley Claudius Earl "Claud" 1882 1/16/1919  
Ashley Lucile 9/3/1914 7/24/1915  
Achley Maud Ann Murray 12/1/1883 11/3/1918  
Atkinson Infant 10/22/1906 10/22/1906 D of G N & Ethel
Ballew James 3/5/1860 10/1/1928 Wed Sarah 2/21/1884
Ballew Sarah J "Sallie" Derickson Aug1866 1956 Wed James 2/21/1884
Bates Crace 1898 1926 Photo rcm
Bates Norma C Beard 2/19/1912 3/21/1976 W of Virgil
Bates Susanah Raley 3/10/1832 8/16/1904  
Bates Virgil W 10/19/1902 3/29/1993 H of Norma
Bates William Ervin 6/27/1866 Jan 1932  
Beard Arvila A Justus Feb 1870 1926 Photo rcm
Beckham Mrs A A 1855 1943  
Beckham Amos 3/22/1857 1943 Wed Tennessee 9/8/1887
Beckham Jack Zachariah 6/5/1895 1936  
Beckham Nannie S Presley 1893 1918 1stW of Virgil
Beckham Tennessee Dora "Tenney" Lynn 1854 1948 Wed Amos 9/8/1887
Beckham Virgel O 3/7/1912 4/11/1912  
Beckham Virgil Myrtle 1/15/1889 1933 H of Nannie
Bohn Grover M 7/5/1884 1/15/1919 H of Mary
Bohn Mary Lenore Cotter 4/15/1896 9/13.1993 W of Grover
Boone Pokhanta Clymer 11/17/1880 6/24/1906  
Bowen George M 1856 9/23/1904  
Brewster Henry Edwin "Ed" 8/24/1904 2/26/1984 Wed Martha 9/30/1933  Photos rcm
Brewster Infant Son 1/25/1941 1/25/1941 S of Henry & Martha  Photo rcm
Brewster Martha Beatrice "Bee" Rose 2/26/1914 2/27/2000 Wed Henry 9/30/1933  Photos rcm
Brookshire Baby 1906 1906  
Brookshire Hannah Catherine Coop 1867 1909  
Brookshire Harry Edward 1899 1900  
Bryant Annie G Walker 10/28/1881 9/16/1901  
Budby T W 10/7/1846 5/13/1941  
Butterfield Alice Blanch Bullard 5/30/1866 2/21/1921 Wed George 12/25/1880  Photo rcm
Wed G H Butterfield 9/16/1916
Butterfield George R 8/25/1854 12/10/1915 Wed Alice 12/25/1880   Photo rcm
Butterfield Infant Daughter 3/28/1904 3/28/1904 D of George & Alice   Photo rcm
Butterfield Infant Son 7/14/1906 7/14/1906 S of George & Alice  Photo rcm

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 17:58:11 UTC

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