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© Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise

Erwin Eugene "Gene" Herren
© Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise
July 6 to Aug. 5, 2015
Submitted by: Ann weber

Erwin Eugene "Gene" Herren, a lifetime resident of Ochelata died Saturday, July 4, 2015 in Tulsa Ok. Funeral serves will be 1 pm Wednesday, July 8 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Bartlesville, OK. followed by a graveside ceremony at the Ochelata Cemetery beginning at 3 pm.
Full military rites will be performed by the American Legion. Gene was born in Ochelata, Ok. on July 24, 1932 to Henry Jackson Herren and Lola Viola Herren (ne. Jones). He attended Ochelata schools before entering the Army in 1952. He returned from Korea in 1954 after being honorably discharged. This two year stint was his only time that he did not reside in Ochelata.
He married Irma June Evans on May 11, 1960. June passed away in 1985. He retired in 1992 after 36 years. On 14 Dec 1992 Gene married Kathleen Cranmer. They continued to make their home in Ochelata.
He was an avid fisherman and enjoyed teaching his children fishing and sports. He coached 20 years at the Ochelata 4S Field and served several years on the Ochelata town council. He was a man of great Love and compassion. He had such strong hands to mold our family together and to shape each of us to become the most we could possibly be. He will be miss more than words can say and at the same time remembered with great Love by everyone. He taught his children to be honest and trustworthy and to work hard at everything they do.
He is survived by his wife Kathy Herren and children, Kathy Myers of Minco, Ok, Buddy Carroll of Arkansas, Gene Herren and Teresa of Ochelata, Denver Herren and Brandy of Brussles, Belgium, Tammy Parsons of Phoenix, Arizona, Joey Zukeran and Kathy of Tulsa, Ok, Tresa Beck of Dewey, Ok, Tracy Burnett of Bartlesville, Ok, Penny Herren of Bartlesville, 26 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. He is preceded in Death by his parents and brothers, Frank LeRoy Herren, Albert Paul Herren, Henry Harold Herren, Sisters Margie Olean Dean, Virgina Aline"Mike" Brown, Oneta Helen Card. In Lieu of Flowers please send donations to Ochelata Fire Department, PO Box 118, Ochelata, 74051 in Gene's name.


Thank You For Your Service!

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