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Mary Ann (Eastman) & Floyd Martin Brown
Tombstone Photo
Ochelata Cemetery
Washington County, Oklahoma

© Dennis Wilson

Dec 15, 1933 - Dec 20, 2019
Obit for Floyd posted by Jo Aguirre

(permission granted)

Floyd Martin Brown, 86, of Bartlesville, was in Bartlesville Friday when he left this earth for the arms of Jesus Christ his Savior.

Floyd was born the youngest of nine children to Edwin Martin and Geneva (Brown) Brown on Dec. 15, 1933 in Maysville, AR. At a young age Floyd and family moved to Ochelata, OK, where he received his education with the Class of 1951 and grew up in the Fire Baptized Holiness Church in Ochelata where as a young man he felt the Lord’s calling and was saved. One day while Floyd was sitting in his car, who should walk by but the soon-to-be love of his life, Mary Ann Eastman. She noticed his long pair of legs stretching out of an open car door and she caught his eye. They quickly fell head over heels in love and were united in marriage on June 16, 1956, in San Antonio, TX, where Floyd was stationed in the army. They briefly lived in Germany before Floyd’s honorable discharge, then made their home in Bartlesville where they raised and loved their three children. Once home in Oklahoma, Floyd started his 42-year career with Reda Pump, providing for his family before retiring in 1994. Floyd loved the Lord deeply. He was sanctified in the Wesleyan Holiness Alliance Church in Bartlesville where he was a charter member. Together Floyd and his bride enjoyed singing special songs during services and were active in the ministries of the church. They attended many camp meetings and cherished the many friends they made over the years. They loved to travel and took many memorable trips with their kids when they were young. In recent years, they travelled to Indiana to visit with Jonathan and his children. Back home, Floyd could oftentimes be found sitting out under his pecan tree where he would try to shoot the pesky squirrels with his pellet gun. Since he never hit one he trapped and released them at his granddaughter Shara’s house so he could visit them. He never passed up a bargain and was always happy to visit with friends. Floyd and Mary Ann were each other’s faithful companions and they enjoyed 62 years of loving marriage together before she preceded him in death and eternal salvation last October. Floyd missed her and he too will be dearly missed by family and friends.

Floyd is survived by two children Rebecca King and Leroy of Caney, Jonathan Brown and Carla of Whitestown, IN; daughter in law Sharon Brown of Bartlesville; eight grandchildren, Dustin Worthington and Kayla, Neal King, Brian King, Joshua Brown and Julianna, Shara Tate and Roy, Caleb Brown, Levi Brown, and Liberty Brown; 12 great grandchildren, EJ, Adriel, Ryker, Tanner, Austin, Dalton, Brianna, Austin, Dalena, Sharleese, Parker and Aryanna; and one great great granddaughter Adylanna.

He is preceded in death by his wife Mary Ann, parents, son Dale Alan Brown, all of his siblings which were his three brothers, Daniel, Leon and Tom, and five sisters, Zelma, Hazel Dean, Mary Margaret, Nellie and Doris.

Floyd’s family will receive friends at the Davis Family Funeral Home – Walker Brown Chapel, 918-333-7665, 4201 Nowata Rd, Bartlesville, on Friday, from 6-8 p.m.

Visitation will also be held on Friday from 10-8. Funeral services will be held 2 pm on Saturday, at the Davis Family Funeral Home – Walker Brown Chapel.

Interment will follow at the Ochelata Cemetery. Services are under the direction of Carter Davis and the Davis Family Funeral Home – Walker Brown Chapel.

Online condolences and remembrances may be shared at www.DavisFamilyFuneralHome.com.


Thank You For Your Service!


Obit for Mary posted by Jeff Smith
Feb 19, 1938 - Oct 5, 2018

(permission granted)

Mary Ann Brown, 80, of Bartlesville, was in Dewey Friday when she left this earth for the arms of Jesus her Savior.

Mary Ann was born the daughter of Richard and Laura Quincy (Walton) Eastman on Feb. 19, 1938, in Bartlesville. Growing up, her family split their time between Ochelata and California depending on the season. As a young girl Mary Ann had a little boy behind her in school who would pull the ribbons out of her braids, much to her dismay. One day while the family visited his home she realized he was using them to decorate his room. Mary Ann graduated from Ochelata High School in 1955 and soon after, while walking to the Fire Baptized Church in Ochelata, she noticed a long pair of legs stretching out of an open car door, she introduced herself and quickly fell in love with Floyd Brown. They united in marriage on June 16, 1956, in San Antonio, TX, where Floyd was stationed with the army. They briefly lived in Germany before Floyd’s honorable discharge, then made their home in Bartlesville. Once the children were older she took a job at Bo Peep Day Care which she enjoyed for many years.

Mary Ann loved the Lord deeply. She was saved on April 5, 1959, at the Ochelata Holiness Church and sanctified Sept 23, 1961, in the Bartlesville Holiness Church. She was a charter member of her current church the Wesleyan Holiness Alliance Church in Bartlesville. Mary Ann taught Sunday School for 40 years and she enjoyed singing special songs with Floyd during services. They loved to travel and took many memorable trips with their kids when they were young, and in recent years to Indiana to visit with Jonathan and his children. They attended many camp meetings and cherished the many friends they made over the years. She tended a small garden with her favorite rose bush with strict orders for Floyd not to mow and she cherished spending time with her grandchildren, reading to them as they were curled up on the couch.

Mary Ann is survived by her faithful husband of 62 years Floyd; two children Rebecca King and Leroy of Caney, Jonathan Brown and Carla of Whitestown, IN, daughter in law Sharon Brown of Bartlesville, brother Keith Eastman of Claremore, Gerald Eastman and Kay of Pahrump, NV; eight grandchildren, Dustin Worthington and Kayla, Neal King, Brian King, Joshua Brown and Julianna, Shara Tate and Roy, Caleb Brown, Levi Brown and Liberty Brown; and 11 great grandchildren, EJ, Adriel, Ryker, Tanner, Austin, Dalton, Brianna, Austin, Dalena, Sharleese and Parker.

She is preceded in death by her parents, son Dale Brown and sister Emma Jo Eastman.

Mary Ann’s family will receive friends at the Davis Family Funeral Home – Walker Brown Chapel, 918-333-7665, 4201 Nowata Rd, Bartlesville, on Monday, Oct. 8, from 6-8 p.m. Visitation will also be held on Monday from 10-8.

Funeral services will be held 10 am on Tuesday, Oct. 9, at the Davis Family Funeral Home – Walker Brown Chapel. Interment will follow at the Ochelata Cemetery. Services are under the direction of Carter Davis and the Davis Family Funeral Home – Walker Brown Chapel.

Online condolences and remembrances may be shared at www.DavisFamilyFuneralHome.com.

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