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William Edward "Bill" & Rosmary (Williams) Shea
Tombstone photo
Memorial Park Cemetery
Bartlesville, Washington County, OK

  © Joe Todd

William Served in the Military


Thank You For Your Service!

Obit for Rosemary posted by Ann Weber
Oct 18, 1930 - Sep 6, 2019


(permission granted)

Rosemary Shea, 88, longtime Bartlesville resident, died at 2:14 A.M. on Friday, September 6, 2019 at her home in Bartlesville.

Funeral services will be held at 1 P.M. on Monday, September 9, 2019 in the Stumpff Funeral Home Chapel with Brad McLean of San Antonio, Texas officiating.

Interment will be in the Memorial Park Cemetery directed by the Stumpff Funeral Home & Crematory.

Visitation will be at the Stumpff Funeral Home on Sunday, September 8th from 9 A.M. until 8 PM and the family will receive guests at the funeral home from 6 P.M. until 8 P.M. on Sunday.

Mrs. Shea was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on October 18, 1930 the daughter of Harvey and Effie (Short) Williams. She was raised in Oklahoma City until moving to Bartlesville with her family at the age of 12. She completed her education in Bartlesville, graduating from College High School in 1948. From 1947 until 1950 she was employed at the Osage, Arrow and Rex Theatres in Bartlesville where she met the love of her life, William Edward "Bill" Shea. She and Bill were married on July 19, 1950 in Bartlesville. During Mr. Shea's military service, she was employed at the Army Surplus Store in Lawton from 1950 until 1954. They returned to Bartlesville to make their home in 1954 and began their family in 1957, raising five daughters, 11 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and one great great grandson. She managed the Little League Baseball fields concession stand from 1978 until 1991. The most important job during her life was being a loving wife, devoted mother and doting "Nana".

Survivors include five daughters, Sue Shea Fox and husband John of Dewey, Cindy Shea Morris of Tahlequah, Shelli Shea and Lee Goodin of Bartlesville, Tracy Shea and Tim Fannings of Bartlesville and Kerri Shea Workman and husband Kenny Workman of Wann, 11 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and one great great grandson.

She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers, two sisters and her husband William E. "Bill" Shea on February 1, 2006.

In lieu of flowers a memorial fund has been established with Grace Hospice, 4100 S.E. Adams Road, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 74006

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