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Vivian Florence Rust
August 24, 1932 - January 13, 2023
Posted by: Jo Aguirre


(permission granted)

Vivian Florence Phillips Rust was born on August 24, 1932, to Dawson and Fannie Mae Phillips in West Monroe, Louisiana. She passed away in her home on January 13, 2023, at the age of 90.

Vivian was a long time resident of Bartlesville and a member of Bartlesville Southern Baptist Church. She married Jack Richard Rust on March 23, 1951, in Phillips, Texas. As the wife of an engineer, they were transferred to many locations, including Borger and Dumas, Texas, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Kenai, Alaska, and Teeside England. She was an excellent cook, loved to play bridge, and provided the best snacks on Jacks poker night. Upon retirement, they enjoyed traveling extensively worldwide.

Vivian Rust was preceded in death by her parents, her siblings, her husband Jack, son Phillip Rust, and 2 grandchildren, Cyndi and Kevin.

She is survived by her son, Rick Rust and wife Sherri; daughter, Karen Baldwin and partner David; son Doug Rust and wife Renee; daughter-in-law, Cheryl Rust; grandchildren, Nick, Tim, Sarah, Brandi, Eric, Steven, and James, and numerous great-grandchildren.

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