The file hstemplate.htm is the one to use for the headstone photos. Doing the pages is similar to the obit pages, adding the name{s} on the headstone to the page and the cemetery name. If Tammie has uploaded photos to your county, they will be found in the zfolder file. Every cemetery folder should have a pic folder, which is where all photos or graphics should be {any .jpg or .gif} You will need to download the photos from the zfolder to your computer then upload them to the appropriate cemetery pic folder.
On the photo page, where it says FULL NAME, type in the name of the headstone photo, on the next line, where it says Submitted & © by: "mailto: emailaddress" put in the email address if you have it or if the person who submitted obits or photos wants their email listed on the website. Where it says submitters name, but their name in. Anytime you put in an email address, instead of putting the @ symbol, put & # 6 4 ; {without spaces} so web spiders don't pick up the address and start sending a bunch of spam to our submitters.
On the line that says Name{s} of people listed on headstone, replace it with the appropriate name of everyone on the stone {I have some that have 5 people listed on it} Most only have one or two names.
On the next line where it says Name of Cemetery, replace that with the cemetery name. Save the page to your computer as before but leave out the word obit...for example: costerkm.html.
If you need to add a person to the cemetery because you have a photo and/or an obit, but they are not listed. Open the appropriate cemetery.htm file. Find where they would fit in alphabetically Copy & paste from the previous line if you want or type in the info copying what is used for the other entries. Put in the appropriate info as to last name, middle name birth date, death date. In the comments section and you have a headstone photo page for that person type in: Photo If they have an obit, in the last column type. Obit.
The important thing to remember is to upload the pages and photos to the appropriate folders.
ALL counties may not have a folder for each cemetery if we have no info on a particular cemetery, therefore the need to add it. The listings on the ftp program look just like those in Windows Explorer. By clicking on the folder icon {single or double click depending on how your computer is set up} it will open that folder with the listings. If you add a cemetery folder, be sure to add a pic subfolder.
The listing, when you open the ftp program and sign into your county page will just show a folder icon & / in the name box. When you click on a folder the address bar with show the folder icon /cemetery name/ . On the left will be the folders and files for your county. When you upload BE SURE you are in the correct folder. If you just need to transfer one file, single click on it to highlight it, then click on the arrow. If you need to send 2 or more files and you can't remember the names of the files you need to add, on the left side where it shows your computer, click on the Modified tap at the top and it will list the files by date. Just highlight the files by putting the mouse on the first file, hold down the left mouse button and drag your cursor to the last file you want to send & it will highlight just those. If you are starting from scratch and need to upload {or download} everything, left click the mouse anywhere in the box {either for your computer or the web site files} then hold down the control {Ctrl} key, and press the A key abd it will highlight every file. Then click on the arrow and wait for the files to transfer. * You might want to turn your volume down before uploading or downloading files, obits, cemeteries etc.*
Some information you need, such as templates for doing pages or headstone photos or obits can be found in your Z folder.
That pretty much covers what you need to do to get started. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, no matter how dumb you might think the question is. The only dumb question is the one that is never asked. I have done this for several years and believe me, at some point you can do this without thinking about it. Please don't be shy to ask questions...I asked a ton of questions and still do from time to time.
Doing this by email can be difficult. Since I don't know your extent of computer savvy, I may have oversimplified things, or explained things you already knew how to do. Since I made this tutorial for a wide variety of people, I've tried to do it so that those who have absolutely no savvy can do this. If I've include something you're already familiar with, just let me know and we can skip that part.
The way I did my files was to open Windows Explorer {if you don't know how, I'll walk you through it}...I made a directory folder named okcemeteries {in my case, one for each county I do, then the appropriate folders for each county. If you think you might want to take another county further on down the line, I suggest you make a subfolder for the county you are doing now.} I opened the county folder and made a directory folder for each cemetery, pic and miscobits that will show in the main directory, just like it shows in the ftp program for the website. Then each cemetery needs a pic folder. If there is already a cemetery folder do not create a new one.
I can't stress enough when you are uploading to the website to be sure you have the correct folder open and the files for jones cemetery go into the jones folder and not the main folder or the smith cemetery folder. Be sure the jones cemetery pic folder is open when you start loading photos for that cemetery. Otherwise, when you go to the web site you are going to get upset when all that work you did isn't showing up on the site.
I have almost gone bald trying to "get" this but if you stick with it and don't give up, eventually it will all make sense.
Please don't hesitate to ask for help. Email OKcemeteriesgroup