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B Surnames
Dwight Mission Cemetery
Marble City, Sequoyah County, Oklahoma

Photographed & © By; Ron Barnett

If you have family buried in this cemetery and would like to add their information, an obit, tombstone photo, funeral home record or memorial card to this website, please send area coordinator an e-mail.






Barnes Dilbert Age 13 1/12/1918 Photo
Barnes Drusilla "Sue"
12/1/1949 2/10/1996 photo
Barnes Helen Sharron 6/15/1942 6/15/1942 D of Roy & Annabel  photo
Barnes Mary 4/12/1814 7/4/1864 photo
Beaver Wilson Age 17 1/12/1918 Photo
Bell Alta Mae "Sally" (Stevens) 2/14/1946 8/14/2004 W of James L photo
Bell Anna Ellen (Thompson) 12/28/1904 7/31/1984 W of Floyd
Floyd "Bill" 12/30/1906 10/24/1955 OK Sgt 8905thBase Unit AAF   WW II
H of Anna    photo
Bell James Henry 4/29/1904 12/21/1979 H of Margie photo
Bell James Leota 8/28/1938    H of Alta   photo
Bell Margie Lee (Dotson) 11/21/1915 7/19/1990 W of James H    photo
Bias Elizabeth K (Wilson) 6/19/1867 6/8/1948 W of Giedon  photo
Bias Gideon Sylvester Sr 3/19/1854 5/3/1915 H of Elizabeth
Blair Barbara Ann 11/22/1943 12/13/1944 photo
Blair Levi 4/2/1920 2/15/2015 H of Pearline   photo
Blair Pearline Patricia (Conley) 9/7/1924 2/13/1988 W of Levi   photo
Bolen Hamon


11/12/1886 photo
Bolin Cynthia no dates    photo
Bolin Danny     photo
Floyd 10/8/1945 11/9/1999 OK Sgt Co A, 2ndBn, 1stBDE  Vietnam  photo
Bolin Joe Lee 4/3/1918 1/ 6/1994 H of Narcie   photo
Bolin Judy 3/1/1948    W of Ramon    photo
Bolin Narcie Jennie (Bush) 3/18/1927 9/16/2014 W of Joe
Bolin Ramon 1/9/1946 4/7/2014 H of Judy   photo
Watie D 11/4/1943 12/13/2002 Pvt US Army
Bolin Watie D Jr 10/25/1965 10/4/1972  
Bond Conley Charles 9/12/1905 12/9/1964 H of Viva    photo
Bond Viva Belle 12/28/1914 1/1/1980 W of Conley   photo
Boyd Alvin Clifford 2/14/1921 9/25/1984 Photo
Bridges Daisy Jan 10, 1880 Nov 22, 1922 photo
Brooks Lorna Jane (Choate) 10/25/1940 6/25/2015  
Brown A J 1/28/1932 1/18/1994  
Brown Betty Lou 11/4/1928 7/30/1957 photo
Brown C W 1869 1900  
Brown Callie (Aldridge) 1878 1920 W of W D Brown   photo
Brown Cherokee Anthony 12/20/1941 3/25/2017 Obit
Earl James "Bud" 10/19/1919 9/5/1980 S1 US Navy WW II   photo
Brown Flora 12/27/1895 6/30/1899 D of C M G & Rosa
Brown Frona B (Tillman) 5/2/1912 3/31/1989 photo
Brown George R 3/14/1917 8/10/2001 photo
Brown George W 6/11/1886 May 1972 H of Myrtle   photo
Brown Gracie Lee (Scott) 12/15/1901 11/4/1982 W of Frank    photo
Brown Huie 1/1/1925 2/9/1989  photo
Brown Jeff 3/12/1907 4/15/1989  
Brown John 1888 1895  
Brown Myrtle 5/10/1890 7/31/1974 W of George W
Brown Thomas Franklin "Frank" "TF" 1/21/1889 12/25/1965 H of Gracie photo
Brown Tom 1870 1885  
Brumley Ben A 10/27/1889 4/15/1974 H of Betty photo
Brumley Betty R (Crawford) 1/1/1892 3/18/1974 W of Ben    photo
Brumley Clara 11/16/1916 4/5/1936 photo
Brumley Ear Dean 3/24/1947 4/21/1963 S of Earnest & Helen photo
Brumley Earnest Eugene July 23, 1911 Sept 2, 1970 H of Helen   photo
Brumley Helen Geneva "Dollie" (Henson) 4/9/1904 5/15/1983 W of Earnest photo
Brumley John "Biggen" 5/29/1915 1/6/1974 photo
Bruner Solomon Age 9 1/12/1918 Photo
Bunch Lenard 2/24/1906 4/4/1906  
Burkett George Washington 1/19/1889 9/21/1958  
Buttrick Rev. Daniel Sabin 8/25/1789 6/8/1851 H of Elizabeth   photo
Buttrick Elizabeth (Proctor) 2/1/1781 8/3/1847 W of Daniel   photo
Byers Jettie Mae (Dial) 8/21/1903 4/6/1989 Wed John 12/20/1922    photo
Byers John Alvin 1/23/1900 2/28/1980 Wed Jettie  12/20/1922   photo
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