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John Dave Welch was born March 3, 1941, in Goodlet, Texas, to John and Oleta Welch. He passed away on January 29, 2015, in Shawnee.
John served six years in the U. S. Marine Corps and several years in the Army Reserves as a drill instructor.
He was retired from Tinker Air Force Base after 36 years of federal service.
He married Donna Kay Stokes on January 20, 1964, in Quanah, Texas.
John is survived by his wife, Donna of the home; son, David and wife, Tammi of Shawnee; daughter, Sherri and her husband, Keith of Shawnee; six grandchildren; three sisters, Linda Duncan, Vicki Cox, and Cordie Cunningham of Quanah, Texas; and John's best friends, Jake Budka, John T. Welch, Taylor Welch, Seth Budka, Noah Budka and Shay Budka.
John had many other relatives and friends.
Services will be at 3:00 p.m., Monday, February 2, at Faith Community Church in Shawnee officiated by Pastor Tom Harrison.
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