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Reprinted with Permission
© Shawnee News Star
1960 - 2007

Shawnee resident John Wesley McMahan, 46, died Monday, January 8, in Shawnee.
He was born February 6, 1960, in Shawnee to Kenneth and Marion Christensen McMahan.
John attended Pleasant Grove School in Shawnee until the family moved to Tecumseh. He graduated from Tecumseh High School in 1978. During his early years he participated in Boy Scouts, 4-H, FFA, Beta Club, DeMolay and was a proud member of the Tecumseh Alumni. He also attended ECU in Ada.
He went to work for General Motors, and then worked for Southwestern Bell Telephone in Shawnee. He was transferred to Dallas where he worked and lived for several years before returning home to Tecumseh in 2003. John most recently was employed at Unity Health Center.
He enjoyed family, friends and music. Throughout his life he raised money for several charities and always was the first in line to give to someone in need. He always met people with a smile and will be remembered for his kind heart and smiling face.
He was preceded in death by his father, Kenneth McMahan; brother, Charlie McMahan; and sister, Nancy McMahan.
Survivors include his mother, Marion McMahan of Tecumseh; four sisters and brothers-in-law and their families, Marianne and John Reiff of Amherst, Massachusetts; their children, Hannah Reiff and Charlie Reiff, Chelsea and Ryan Reiff-Gwyther; and their children, Emma and Avery all of Amherst, Massachusetts; Gayle and Dave Gilmore of Shawnee; their children, Chris O'Neal of Shawnee; and Amy and Brandon Steffens of Tecumseh; their grandchildren, Gaven Kanske and Cashen Steffens of Tecumseh; Susan and Mike Tischer of Tecumseh; their children, Dru and Kristi Tischer of Shawnee; and Matt Tischer of Norman; Frani and Mike Harris of Seminole; their daughter, Courtney Harris; numerous friends and extended family members.
Memorials may be made to Broadway United Methodist Church, the Tecumseh Alumni Scholarship Fund, or the Unity Health Center Foundation.
Services will be 10:00 a.m. Thursday at Broadway United Methodist Church with the Rev. Tracy Schumpert and the Rev. Trinnette Smith officiating.
The casket will remain open until service time and will not be reopened following the service.

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