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Howard Loyd, 90, died Friday, March 22, 2002, in Wheeler.
Mr. Loyd was born September 9, 1911, to Walter Lee and Julia Wyatt Loyd in Magazine, Arkansas.
He served with the Army during World War II in Quarter Master Corp.
He married Margie Cole on January 7, 1942, in Elk City, Oklahoma.
He was employed by Warren Petroleum and Gulf Oil Co. as a pumper.
He was a member of Assembly of God Church and served on the board at First Assembly of God Church in Shamrock and McLean. He moved to Shamrock from McLean.
He was preceded in death by his wife on December 30, 1990; a sister, Audrea Loyd in 1925; and three brothers, Granville Loyd in 1983, Arnie Loyd in 1990; and Lynn Loyd in 1981.
Survivors include two brothers, Gwen Loyd of Amarillo; and Robert Lee Loyd of Seattle; and three nephews, Lyndon Loyd of Wheeler; Ronald Loyd of Tecumseh, Oklahoma; and Junior Loyd of Choctaw, Oklahoma.
Services will be at 10:00 a.m. Monday in First Assembly of God Church in Shamrock with the Rev. Z. A. Myers, pastor; the Rev. Earl Ustead of Wheeler; and Dr. Lyndol Loyd of Mountainside United Methodist Church of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, officiating. Burial will be in Shamrock Cemetery by Wright Funeral Home of Wheeler.
The body will be available for viewing from noon to 8:00 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
The family suggests memorials be to First Assembly of God Church of Shamrock.
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