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1917 - 2004
Holcie H. “Joe” Estes, 87 of Lawton, OKlahoma, passed from this life
Wednesday, September 8, 2004 Tuttle, Oklahoma. He was born in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma to John Henry and Myrtle Cole Estes.
Mr. Estes married Gladys Smith May 21, 1938 and began his life. He was a chef and also owned and operated the Highway Cafe and the Country Kitchen Cafe in Lawton. Mr. Estes retired in the early 1990’s.
Mr. Estes is survived by his daughters, Mary Ruth Cardinal of Duncan,
Oklahoma, Nancy and David Hibbs of Newcastle, Oklahoma, son, Billy Dain and
Cecilia of Oklahoma City, nine grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren and one great, great grandchild and was preceded in death by his parents, sisters, Ruth Madden and Lorene Richardson and grandson Steve A. Cardinal.
Graveside services were 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 10, 2004 in Washington Cemetery with Rev. Ron Perceful officiating. Directed by Yoakum-Damet Funeral Home of Purcell.
Published September 15, 2004.
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