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Reprinted with Permission
© Shawnee News Star
1936 - 2004

Former Shawnee resident Gordon Biswell, 68, died Thursday, December 2, in Stillwater.
He was born March 23, 1936, in Union City to Oscar and Verna Biswell.
Mr. Biswell received a bachelor's degree from Oklahoma Baptist University and a master's degree from Central State University. He began his teaching career at Shawnee High School in 1958.
In 1970 he was named Teacher of the Year for the Shawnee Public Schools. He taught school until 1987. During those years, he served as athletic director for Shawnee High School and various other administrative positions, including vice principal of the middle school.
He grew up on a dairy near Union City and continued raising registered shorthorn cattle until 1988. He was a 40-year member of Fairview Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon, chairman of the deacons and treasurer. He had subsequent careers in the oil business and in property management.
He was a member of many charitable and conservation organizations, including Ducks Unlimited, Quail Unlimited and Nature Conservancy. He was an active volunteer with NatureWorks in Tulsa at its annual art show.
Survivors include his wife of 47 years, Macsene Biswell of Stillwater; son and daughter-in-law, Wade and Kristy Biswell of Tulsa; grandson, Conner Biswell; and sister Betty Jo Hill of Oklahoma City.
Service will 2 p.m. Monday at Fairview Baptist Church with the Rev. Chuck Utsler officiating.
Arrangements are under the direction of Walker Funeral Service of Shawnee.
Memorials may be made to the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, 825 NE 13th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104.

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