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Salem Lutheran Cemetery
Payne County, Oklahoma

Partial Survey

If you have family or friends buried in this cemetery and
would like to add their names and information, please send
an e mail to Sandi Carter area coordinator.

BAKERAndrew Joseph31/Mar/1986
San Antonio TX
Bethesda MD

"Spc US Army"
Son of Daniel & Joanne Baker
Motorcycle Accident
Lacy Funeral Home ~ OK City OK
BELDENBernard Reginald01/May/192510/Sep/2003
"Ens US Navy World War II"
BERGSTRASEREmma [Friedemann]05/Oct/1857 12/Jul/1902 Dau of Gustav William & Augusta Bucholz] Friedemann
BERGSTRASERTheodor25/May/1850 05/Feb/1914  
BERGSTRASERFrieda23/Sep/1895 02/Sep/1928"IHS"
SS/W & Husb of Pauline Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFAgatha07/Dec/187126/Mar/1962 SS/W Karl Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFBertha18911982SS/W Lydia Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFFrieda18871936Wife of Jacob W. Bieberdorf
SS/W & Mother of Melvin L. Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFKarl05/Oct/186320/Dec/1916SS/W Agatha Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFLydia18941984SS/W Bertha Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFMelvin L19221929SS/W & Son of Frieda Bieberdorf
BIEBERDORFPaul23/Jun/190219/Mar/1991"Uncle Paul"
SS/W & Wife of Adolf Bieberdorf
BIRDDoris Jane [Friedemann]09/May/192922/Jan/2004"In loving memory of"
CARTERLucy Niehoff18981981 
COWELLRebecca Katherine12/Oct/198507/May/1997 "Beloved Daughter, Sister and Friend"
DOBSONEsther Naomi04/Jan/192603/Feb/1995"Vocalist ~ Loving Mother"
FRIEDEMANNAdolf G.01/Sep/1866 11/Dec/1935 "Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" SS/W Frieda W. L. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNAdolph Theodore10/May/192129/Jul/2015Strode Funeral Home ~ Stillwater OK
FRIEDEMANNAlma Marie [Reinholtz]20/May/190923/Dec/1997"Together we toiled ~ Together we rest"
SS/W & Wife ov Herbert R. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNAugusta [Bucholz]29/Dec/183426/Jan/1914 "Mother"
SS/W & Wife of Gustav William Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNBert L.05/Aug/190428/Dec/1999 "But those enduring to the end shall be saved"
SS/W Lillian A. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNEmil F.16/Apr/190406/Jun/1902 
FRIEDEMANNEmilie21/May/1864 08/Mar/1952 "Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light ~ Ephesians 4~15"
SS/W Paul W. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNEmma O.26/Apr/189311/Nov/1893Dau of Paul W. & Emilie Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNFrieda Pauline08/Feb/191220/Jan/1999 
FRIEDEMANNFrieda W. L.12/Jul/188205/May/1965 "Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"
SS/W Adolf G. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNGus William11/Jan/191120/Mar/2002 "[Wed] Aug 12, 1941"
SS/W & Husb of Sophia Marie Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNGustav William29/Jan/1834 11/Jan/1911"Father"
SS/W & Husb of Augusta [Bucholz] Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNHerbert R05/Apr/190002/Jun/1995Son of Rudolph Arthur & Marie F. Friedemann
SS/W & Husb of Alma M. [Reinholtz] Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNJene C.11/Jun/1920
Grand Rapids MI
"Lift thine eyes to the mountains from whence cometh help"
SS/W & Wife of William Gustav Friedemann
Brown~Dugger Funeral Home ~ Perry OK
FriedemannKarl17/Apr/190315/Nov/1984"Jesus said I am the light of the world: He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life"
SS/W Regina [Rink] Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNLidia Augusta [Klein]18701954SS/W Robert J. Friedemann
FriedemannLillian A.22/Nov/191324/Nov/1991"But those enduring to the end shall be saved"
SS/W Bert L. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNLunetta R.04/Jan/191920/Apr/1984SS/W Paul J. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNMathilde01/Oct/187308/Apr1899"IHS" "Mother" "Befiehl dem harren deine wege, und hoff auf ihn er. Wirds wohl machen"
FRIEDEMANNMyrtle Jane [Bunney]06/Jan/1906
07/Feb/1993Stillwater OKDau of Noal Theotric & Ida Mae [Chase] Bunney
SS/W & Wife of Robert A. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNNorma Vivian19311931 
FRIEDEMANNPaul J. 30/Apr/191411/Feb/1994SS/W Lunetta A. Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNPaul W.10/Feb/186115/Mar/1945"Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light ~ Ephesians 4~15"
SS/W Emilie Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNRegina [Rink]06/Mar/190921/Sep/2003"Jesus said I am the light of the world: He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life"
SS/W Karl Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNRobert A15/Jun/189729/Jan/1979SS/W & Husb of Myrtle Jane [Bunney] Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNRobert F.03/Jan/193503/Jan/1935"Infant"
FRIEDEMANNRobert G.15/Dec/189120/Nov/1893 Son of Paul W. & Emilie Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNRobert J.18/Mar/186303/Oct/1942SS/W Lidia Augusta [Klein] Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNSophia Marie07/Jun/1921 "[Wed] Aug 12, 1941" SS/W & Wife of Gus William Marie Friedemann
FRIEDEMANNWilliam A19/Oct/193919/Oct/939"Son of Bert & Lillian Friedemann"
FRIEDEMANNWilliam Gustav05/Oct/1909
Noble CO OK
Stillwater OK
"Lift thine eyes to the mountains from whence cometh help"
Son of Rudolph Arthur & Marie F. Friedemann
SS/W & Husb of Jene C. Friedemann
Retired FBI Agent
FRIEDLESylvia Colleen21/Nov/195930/May/1999"Hier ruht unsere liebe tochter, Schwester, Schwägerin und Tante. ruhe in frieden*"
"*Here lies our beloved daughter, sister and aunt ~ Rest in peace"
GOOLSBYRuth Marie [Friedemann]04/Feb/191613/Mar/1987 
HEARPKristen Lou27/Jun/200227/Jun/2002 
HOFFMANHedwig Anna Augusta [Friedemann]04/Aug/190112/Feb/1982 "*Hier ruht unsere liebe Schwester"
"*Here lies our dear sister"
KLEINEwald Rudolf11/Dec/187831/Aug/1939"Father" "At Rest"
1st Husb of Amanda [Pansegrau] Klein Friedemann
Wed Abt 1903 Russia
Buried Eveergreen Memorial Park Cemetery Omaha NE
KOEPKEFranz C.18891929SS/W Meinna S. Koepke
KOEPKELudwig Carl C.17/Apr/185217/Mar/1914 "* Hier ruht in Gott"
"*Here rests in God"
KOEPKEMeinna18871938SS/W Franz C. Koepke
LAWSONFrank William24/Aug/191919/Jun/1986
"Sgt CO C 326th Engr Bn 101st Airborne Division ~ World War II"
MAINEMarlene [Friedemann]10/Jun/193516/Dec/1983 "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
MARXVirginia C19161978SS/W William H. Marx
MARXWilliam H19171993SS/W Virginia C. Marx
MERKLEMicheal George18/Oct/195431/Jul/1993 
MERKLENorma Jeanne02/Aug/193201/May/996SS/W Owen George Merkle
MERKLEOwen George22/Nov/192924/Apr/1999SS/W Norma Jeanne Merkle
MONLUXAndrew W.29/Jan/1920
Algona IA
Dallas TX
H/O Jean Eleanor [Hauser] Monlux, S/O Delos David & Elvira Ulrika [Seastrom] Monlux, veterinary pathologist
MONLUXJean Eleanor [Hauser]24/Apr/191728/Jun/2006 Wife of Andrew W. Monlux
MONTGOMERYJake Turner16/Oct/2011
OK City OK
OK City OK
Funeral Home Marker
MONTGOMERYKailey Elizabeth14/Jan/200303/Mar/2003
Tulsa OK
"Precious Daughter" "In His loving hands"
OINESBeverly Ann07/Dec/193425/Aug/1978  
OLTMANMarlene Evelyn [Beier]01/Nov/1935
Perry OK
Stillwater OK
Dau of Emil & Alvina [Karcher] Beier
Wife of Karl George Oltmanns, M 13/Jun/1954 Perry OK
Strode Funeral Home ~ Stillwater OK
REINHOLTZOlga W. [Rink]29/Oct/192126/Dec/2013"[Wed] Aug 15, 1943"
SS/W & Wife of William S. Reinholtz
REINHOLTZWilliam S. "Bill"18/Mar/191723/Jun/1999 "[Wed] Aug 15, 1943"
SS/W & Husb of Olga W. [Rink] Reinholtz
RINKJohann01/Jun/184327/Feb/1907Husb of Regina Rink
RINKRegina18511914"Hier ruht in Gott"
Wife of Johann Rink
TROMPLERDelilah19221941"The Lord is my shepherd"
SS/W Freda Mae Trompler
TROMPLERFreda Mae19251939"The Lord is my shepherd"
SS/W Delilah
TROMPLERLillie Mae19241924"Our Darling"
TROMPLERW. Paul "Bill"18/Sep/192906/May/2000 "[Wed] Apr 12, 1958"
SS/W & Husb of Wilma J. Trompler
TROMPLERWilbur Paul "Bill"18/Sep/1929
Payne CO OK
Payne CO OK
Grady CO OK
"[Wed] Apr 12, 1958"
Son of Fred Walter & Marjorie C. Trompler
SS/W & Husb of Wilma Jean [Reed] Trompler
TROMPLERWilma Jean [Reed]17/Aug/1922
Pocasset OK
Glenpool OK
"[Wed] Apr 12, 1958"
SS/W & Wife of W. Paul "Bill" Trompler
TURNERBarbara N.15/Apr/1928  "Parents of Deborah & Lisa"
SS/W & Wife of David A. Turner
TURNERDavid A19/Sep/192915/Jan/1980"Parents of Deborah & Lisa"
SS/W & Husb of Barbara N.Turner
Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church 1974-1980
WALLENDorothy Emma [Wiehe]03/Jun/1924 03/May/1998"[Wed] Feb 12, 1944"
SS/W & Wife of Irvin Eugene Wallen
Wed Stillwater OK
WALLENIrvin Eugene "Gene" PhD04/Oct/1921
Afton OK
"LCDR US Navy fighter pilot ~ World War II" "[Married] Feb 12, 1944"
Son of Stuvie C. & Mittie Ann Wallen
SS/W & Husb of Dorothy Emma [Wiehe] Wallen
Professor at Oklahoma A&M for a number of years
Strode Funeral Home ~ Stillwater OK

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