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R. L. Huggins

© The Grove Sun
Thursday July 4, 1940
Submitted by: George T. Huggins

Bob Huggins Leaves For Happy Hunting Grounds

R. L. Huggins, one of the best citizens of Delaware county, residing on his farm in the Hickory Grove locality, 5 miles north-west of Grove, died at the family residence, Tuesday night, July 2, 1940.

Our old friend, a former schoolmate (Bob and the editor attended the Rogers, Ark., Academy in 1894-5 when Dr. J. W. Scroogs, now director of Extension, Okla. University, was Professor ) has been confined to his bed the past nine months, and while skilled doctors, and a trip to the Mayo clinic were employed as a means to his benefit, all were of no avail.

We regret the passing of a true friends such as Bob Huggins was, and know that the hearts of his loved ones are heavily laden with grief, still we would not have Bob return to us if it were in our power to do so.

In our next issue we will give our readers more particulars concerning Bob.

Funeral services will be held for R. L. Huggins at the Hickory Grove school house, at 2 P. M., this afternoon, with burial in the Fairland cemetery.

The Sun extends its most sincere sympathy to Mrs. Huggins and all the children.

R. L. Huggins

© The Grove Sun
Thursday July 18, 1940
Submitted by: George T. Huggins

In The Memory Of Robert L. Huggins

R. L. Huggins was born June 9, 1874, died July 2, 1940. Age, 66 years and 23 days.

In the year 1902 he was married to Lula James, a very fine and accomplished woman. To this union were born eight children, all of who survive, also R. L. is survived by eight grandchildren.

When Bob's father died there were left in a cold and cruel world, three small boys without any mother. Bob was one of those boys, and Bob was the last of that family to say adieu to this world. Life was hard going for Bob Huggins as a boy, but at the age of 9 years he finished his attendance at the little winter subscription school. At the marriage of his aunt, Mrs. J. A. Malone, who then assumed the care of his grandparents, he started to school, in the fourth grade, at the age of 18 years. The following year, at the age of 19, Bob started in at the Rogers Academy supporting himself at all times. It was at the Rogers Academy the Sun editor first became acquainted with Bob.

What fine example Bob Huggins set, walking through life as a hard working boy, his head up, eyes, open, seeing beauty in all of Nature. He learned to work carefully and to love his work. He abhored dire and a sloven appearance. He believed in a personal God and earnestly tried to live by the understanding he had of the Bible. When Bob was seeking office he prayed that if he would fail the people or jeopordize his soul, to defeat him. Bob prized real friendship above material gain; often he said; "it's great to have real friends but far greater to be one." Bob loved fun, with music, honesty, purity and Godliness, but a workable charity for all faults and failures.

The editor of the Sun talked a few minutes with Mrs. Huggins at his funeral. We asked her to prepare some data regarding him in order that we might elaborate more fully as to his passing, and among her data was this, which we quote: "And oh! How we miss him! Truly a star has disappeared from our horizon, but the glow from his love we expect to retain till we, too, cross the bar."

To his beloved wife and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Huggins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gorton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Solon Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Huggins, also Gore and Shasta of the home, we extend our deepest and most sincere sympathy,

"The day is done and with the night

There comes a hush of holy calm."

May the Creator rest your soul, Bob!

R. L. Huggins

probably the Miami News Record - gth
Submitted by: George T. Huggins


News Record--
R. L. Huggins, a former member of the Delaware county election board and a long time resident of this vicinity, died at his home in the Hickory Grove district eight miles south of here, early today. He was 66 years old.

Mr. Huggins was born near Decauter, Ark., in 1874. He came to Indian Territory, settled in what is now Delaware county, in 1898. He was an extensive landowner.

A resident of the Hickory Grove vicinity in Delaware county for 30 years, Mr. Huggins was widely known in Delaware and Ottawa counties. He served as county commissioner for several years.

Survivors include his wife, Lula; eight children, Shink Huggins of Laredo, Tex., R. L. Huggins, jr., of Tulsa, Mrs. Helen Gorton of Miami, Solon and Wylie Huggins of Hickory Grove, and Gore, Edgar and Shasta Huggins of the home; eight grand-children and an aunt, Mrs. J. A. Malone of Bekersfield, Cal.

Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Hickory Grove school auditorium. Burial was at Hickory Grove.

Six sons of Mr. Huggins served as pallbearers. The Masonic lodge was in charge of the rites at the grave.

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