POAGE | Jessie Belle | Sect. 3 |
POAGE | Nina Mae | Sect. 3 |
POAGE | Roy Allen | Sect. 3 |
POARCH | Cora | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
POE | Alice Janet | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POE | Allison Jr. | Sect. 13 |
POE | Andrew Lee | Sect. 13 |
POE | Christina Michelle | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POE | Robert B. | Sect. 15 |
POETTER | Matthew R. | Sect. 12 |
POGUE | J. P. "Pete" | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POGUE | Larry Don | Sect. 11 |
POGUE | Pearl B. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POGUE | Thomas J. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POHLEMANN | Arthur E. | Sect. 1 |
POHLEMANN | F. Kathryn | Sect. 1 |
POINDEXTER | Arnold "Buddy" | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POINTER | Frances D. | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
POLK | Kathryn A. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
POLK | Olan D. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
POLLAN | Ada | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POLLAN | Norman | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POLLARD | James Ward | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POLLARD | Wallace Lee R. | Sect. 12 |
POLLARD | William C. | Sect. 11 |
POLLEY | Dellen Ben | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POLLIZI | Frank John | Sect. 9 N-Z |
POLLOCK | Baby | Sect. 2 |
POLLOCK | Becky S. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POLLOCK | Dudley Wayne | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POLLOCK | Jack H. | Sect. 3 |
POLLOCK | James Ross | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POLLOCK | Janell | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POLLOCK | Lillie B. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POLLOCK | Rahe | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POLLOCK | Robert C. Jr. | Sect. 12 |
POLLOCK | Ross Eugene | Sect. 12 |
PONDER | Alvin Dwight | Sect. 12 |
PONS | Bessie M. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POOL | Alma F. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POOL | Alpha A. | Sect. 18 |
POOL | Gary D. | Sect. 18 |
POOL | Jennie | Sect. 11 |
POOL | John H. | Sect. 11 |
POOL | Joseph Vincent | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POOL | Lewis | Sect. 13 |
POOL | Wyatt H. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POOLE | Edith M. | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
POOLE | Eugene Joe | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POOLE | Pearl B. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POOLE | Robert L. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POOLE | Stephanie L. | Sect. 13 |
POOLE | Vernon Jack | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
POOLER | Helen Aller | Sect. 6 N-Z |
POOR | Dorothy E. (Gibson) | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POOR | Orville Charles | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POORE | Donald Ray | Sect. 2A |
POORE | George L. Jr. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POORE | Zelia | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POPE | Doak Hinds | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POPE | Doyle G. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POPE | Embre E. | Sect. 17 |
POPE | Gladys A. | Sect. 2 |
POPE | Leona L. | Sect. 12 |
POPE | Lois "Sally" | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POPE | Preston E. | Sect. 2 |
POPENEY | Pearl A. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POPENEY | Woodrow P. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POPLIN | Bobby Raymond | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POPLIN | Darrel J. | Sect. 2 |
POPLIN | Harold Douglas | Sect. 17 |
POPLIN | Vallie B. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PORCH | Mark P. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PORTER | Betty Lou | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
PORTER | Charles A. | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PORTER | Charles D. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PORTER | Clinton Paul | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
PORTER | E. J. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PORTER | Earnest D. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PORTER | Edward L. Jr. | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PORTER | Elizabeth | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PORTER | Grayson A. | Sect. 17 |
PORTER | Hattie M. | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PORTER | Jack A. | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PORTER | Jacquelyn L. | Sect. 12 |
PORTER | Jennifer Kay | Sect. 17 |
PORTER | Leslie B. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PORTER | Pearl | Sect. 2 |
PORTER | Phyllis Marie | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PORTER | Troy Daniel | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PORTER | Violet M. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PORTER | William J. | Sect. 2 |
PORTER | William O. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PORTERFIELD | Earl D. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PORTERFIELD | Georgia E. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PORTERFIELD | Helen Marie Ann | Sect. 12 |
PORTERFIELD | James F. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PORTERFIELD | Linda F. (Adkins) | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PORTERFIELD | Susan M. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POSEY | Arvil A. | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
POSEY | Donald Ray | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
POSEY | Lucille | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
POSEY | Thomas Allen | Sect. 13 |
POSTERT | Loreana M. | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
POSTLEWAIT | Carlene Helen | Sect. 19 |
POTES | Dollie J. | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
POTTER | Charles H. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
POTTER | James W. | Sect. 17 |
POTTER | Ruby L. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
POTTS | Benjamin F. | Sect. 13 |
POTTS | Roy L. | Sect. 13 |
POUND | Florence Rose | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POUND | Richard J. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POUNDS | Bessie N. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
POUNDS | Elton N. | Sect. 11 |
POUNDS | Floy A. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
POUNE | Geneva | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POURDAWOOD | Seyed R. Eric | Sect. 9 N-Z |
POWEL | Bessie Lee | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POWELL | A. Jewell | Sect. 12 |
POWELL | Bernard | Sect. 15 |
POWELL | Bertha A. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POWELL | Billy Ray | Sect. 3 |
POWELL | Clarence O. | Sect.10 Part 1 |
POWELL | Clark L. Dr. | Sect. 4 |
POWELL | David F. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POWELL | Dewey M. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POWELL | Dorothy | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWELL | Emily C. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWELL | Emit | Sect. 13 |
POWELL | Freda R. | Sect.10 Part 1 |
POWELL | Freda R. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
POWELL | Gertrude | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POWELL | Horace | Sect. 13 |
POWELL | Johnie | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWELL | Johnnie | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWELL | Leroy | Sect. 9 N-Z |
POWELL | Lilith Marie | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWELL | Mary A. | Sect.10 Part 1 |
POWELL | Nell M. | Sect. 4 |
POWELL | Peggy | Sect. 17 |
POWELL | Philip Russell | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POWELL | R. B. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
POWELL | Robert S. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWELL | Samuel Edward | Sect. 13 |
POWELL | Sarah E. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POWELL | Susan E. | Sect. 12 |
POWELL | Thelma "Jean" | Sect. 19 |
POWELL | Tom | Sect. 17 |
POWELL | Violet | Sect. 14 N-Z |
POWELL | William H. Jr. | Sect.10 Part 1 |
POWELL | William H. Jr. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
POWELL | Wilmer A. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
POWER | Ann S. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWER | James Henry | Sect. 2 |
POWER | Sarah Ellen | Sect. 2 |
POWER | Walter Hines | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
POWERS | Elizabeth R. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
POWERS | Gary Seth Don | Sect. 13 |
POWERS | Larry N. | Sect. 11 |
POWERS | Nancy Docie | Sect. 2 |
PRADMORE | John A. | Sect. 4 |
PRATER | Emsey Dwight | Sect. 13 |
PRATER | Ernest L. | Sect. 11 |
PRATER | Samuel George | Sect. 13 |
PRATHER | Leo L. | Sect. 18 |
PRATT | Ed O. | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
PRATT | Edward Wayne | Sect. 18 |
PRATT | James H. | Sect. 13 |
PRATT | Jesse Ernest | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PRATT | Jesse Ernest | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
PRATT | Lee Roy | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRATT | Nancy Lucille | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRATT | Rhuel Grant | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRATT | Roy E. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRATT | Ruby R. | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
PRAY | Bettie Ruth | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRAY | M. M. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRAYTOR | Betty Marie | Sect. 19 |
PRAYTOR | Billy F. Sr. | Sect. 19 |
PRAYTOR | David Patrick | Sect. 13 |
PREBLE | Bobby Neil | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PREBLE | Faye | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PREBLE | Vernon L. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRECURE | Chester A. | Sect. 2 |
PRECURE | Clayton A. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRECURE | Dennis D. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRECURE | Ethel M. | Sect. 2 |
PRECURE | Eula E. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRECURE | Margaret Jane | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRECURE | Orris Kirk | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRESLAR | William E. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRESLEY | Carrie R. | Sect. 2 |
PRESLEY | George W. | Sect. 2 |
PRESLEY | Haskell | Sect. 2 |
PRESLEY/HASKELL | Carrie R. | Sect. 2 |
PRESLEY/HASKELL | George W. | Sect. 2 |
PRESSON | Elvin P. | Sect. 2 |
PRESSON | Marjory Ruth | Sect. 11 South |
PRESSON | Phyllis I. | Sect. 2 |
PRESTON | Donald "Peanut" | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRESTON | Virginia R. | Sect. 17 |
PRESTON | Walter P. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PREWITT | Arthur J. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PREWITT | Dorothy J. | Sect. 18 |
PREWITT | James H. | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PREWITT | James H. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
PREWITT | Laura A. | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PREWITT | Laura A. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
PREWITT | Wilma D. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRICE | Alma J. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Carl | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRICE | Cecil V. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRICE | Charles B. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRICE | Charles G. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
PRICE | Conrad E. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRICE | Donald Wayne | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRICE | Dorothy | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRICE | Dustin James | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRICE | Elvin N. | Sect. 3 |
PRICE | Emily | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRICE | Emma A. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRICE | Emma S. | Sect. 8 Part 1 |
PRICE | Eula V. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Harry | Sect. 13 |
PRICE | Harve H. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Herschel L. | Sect. 1 |
PRICE | Ida M. | Sect. 4 |
PRICE | Iola Boyet | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PRICE | Jake Edward | Sect. 1 |
PRICE | Jewell (Gilbert) | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Johnny M. (Kellog) | Sect. 12 |
PRICE | Lawrence | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRICE | Lucy E. | Sect. 3 |
PRICE | Mary | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRICE | Mary L. | Sect. 4 |
PRICE | Mary P. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRICE | Maude | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRICE | Michael Ray | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Patricia Ann | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Peter L. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRICE | R. D. "Dewey" | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PRICE | Ralph Alfred | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PRICE | Ray B. | Sect. 17 |
PRICE | Ray D. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRICE | Robert E. Lee | Sect. 8 Part 1 |
PRICE | Royal N. | Sect. 4 |
PRICE | Ruby K. | Sect. 10 Part 2 |
PRICE | Samuel C. | Sect. 13 |
PRICE | Thad | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRICE | Tommy Lee | Sect. 12 |
PRICE | William C. | Sect. 3 |
PRICKETT | Margaret E. | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
PRICKETT | Perry W. | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
PRICKETT | Russell B. | Sect. 3 |
PRICKETT | Russell B. | Sect. 3 |
PRICKETT | Russell B. Iii | Sect. 3 |
PRIDEMORE | Mary A. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRIETO | Ignacio Soliz | Sect. 19 |
PRIETO | Pauline | Sect. 19 |
PRIMEAUX | Roswell J. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PRINCE | Dolores M. | Sect. 18 |
PRINCE | James Ernest | Sect. 12 |
PRINCE | Lorenzo D. | Sect. 18 |
PRINGLE | Audrey A. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRINGLE | Carl J. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRINGLE | Della F. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRINGLE | Roy C. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PRITCHARD | Bertha B. | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
PRITCHARD | Bonnie J. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRITCHARD | Charlie M. | Sect. 11 |
PRITCHARD | Cicero Delbert | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRITCHARD | Howard Wayne | Sect. 3 |
PRITCHARD | Jim H. | Sect. 13 |
PRITCHARD | Maggie L. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRITCHARD | Marion E. (Gene) | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRITCHARD | Marion O. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRITCHARD | Nancy E. | Sect. 11 |
PRITCHARD | Richard Terry | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRITCHETT | Charlotte E. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PRITCHETT | Otis L. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PRITNER | Ashton W. | Sect. 17 |
PRITNER | Eva M. | Sect. 17 |
PRIVETT | Marjorie Anne | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PROCK | Larn | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PROCK | Stanford | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PROCK | Vivian | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PROCTOR | Clyde | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PROFFER | Wendy Jill | Sect. 12 |
PRONK | Geraldine | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PROPES | Lue Ellen | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PROTHEROE | Ivor Rich | Sect. 8 Part 1 |
PROVINE | Dee | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PROVINE | Joseph Allan | Sect. 11 |
PRUITT | Billy D. | Sect. 4 |
PRUITT | Faye Perdue | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PRUITT | Jerry L. | Sect. 13 |
PRUITT | Lucille Elizabeth | Sect. 10 Part 4 |
PRUITT | Ulysses S. | Sect. 13 |
PRYOR | Baby | Sect. 13 |
PRYOR | Edna D. | Sect. 11 |
PRYOR | Jesse A. | Sect. 12 |
PRYOR | William H. | Sect. 11 |
PRYOR | Woodrow F. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PRYOR | Zula F. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PUCKETT | Bonnie J. | Sect. 11 |
PUCKETT | David Lee | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | David Lee | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Dorene | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Dorene | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Edmond | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Edmond | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Eugene | Sect. 19 |
PUCKETT | Ira M. | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
PUCKETT | Kendall | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Kendall | Sect.10 Part 1 |
PUCKETT | Mary Lillian M. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PUCKETT | Myrtle C. | Sect. 4 |
PUCKETT | Opal Fern | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PUCKETT | Richard Gerald | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PUCKETT | Robert D. | Sect. 7 N-Z |
PUCKETT | Theodore L. Sr. | Sect. 11 |
PUCKETT | Viola B. | Sect. 10 Part 5 |
PUENTE | George V. | Sect. 13 |
PUERTA | Constancia | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PUERTA | Sidonio M. | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PUETT | Margarette | Sect. 11 |
PUETT | Thelma | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PUGH | Abraham L. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PUGH | Abraham L. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PUGH | Arthur Rice Jr. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PUGH | Dalton V. | Sect. 3 |
PUGH | Edward L. Jr. | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PUGH | Emma R. | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PUGH | Ida Ann | Sect. 3 |
PUGH | John D. | Sect. 3 |
PUGH | Lena M. | Sect. 3 |
PUGH | Linda Ann | Sect. 9 N-Z |
PUGH | Pauline L. | Sect. 3 |
PUGH | Robert T. | Sect. 3 |
PUGH | Terrie Kristine | Sect. 13 |
PUGH | Theople V. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PUGH | Wilma D. | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PUGLIESE | Linda Linora | Sect. 13 |
PULIS | J. D. "Vernon" | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PULIS | Leon Houston | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PULIS | Pearl P. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PULLEN | Sherman | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PULLEN | Willie T. (Ingle) | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PULLIAM | Della | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PULLIAM | John T. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PULLIAM | Pete | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PULLIAM | Willie | Sect. 13 |
PULLIAM | Wm. Morgaridge | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PUMPHREY | Esther Fay | Sect. 3 |
PUMPHREY | Todd V. | Sect. 3 |
PURCELL | Charles E. | Sect. 11 South |
PURCELL | Clyde Coleman | Sect. 18 |
PURDY | Donald Ray | Sect. 12 |
PURKEY | Beverly Ann | Sect. 12 |
PURSER | Cora E. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PURSER | Robert B. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PUTNAM | Betty F. | Sect. 10 Part 3 |
PUTNAM | Eugene M. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PUTNAM | Frankie Lee | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PUTNAM | Lena Mae | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PUTNAM | Lura J. | Sect. 8 Part 2 |
PUTNAM | Minnie (Gilbert) | Sect. 6 N-Z |
PYATT | Alvin G. | Sect. 2 |
PYATT | Arvil Lee | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PYATT | Floyd Lee | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PYATT | Freeda A. (Tackett) | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PYATT | J. R. | Sect. 2 |
PYATT | Lois Marie | Sect. 2 |
PYATT | Virginia June | Sect. 2 |
PYBAS | J. R. | Sect. 3 |
PYBAS | Jordan C. | Sect. 1 |
PYBAS | Jordan C. | Sect. 1 |
PYBAS | Lelia | Sect. 3 |
PYBAS | Lydia Elizabeth | Sect. 1 |
PYBAS | Tressa "Richards" | Sect. 1 |
PYBURN | Michael L. | Sect. 14 N-Z |
PYBURN | Muriel M. | Sect. 10 Part 7 |
PYBURN | Roy E. | Sect. 10 Part 7 |
PYLE | James Doyle | Sect. 13 |
PYLE | Jasper Arland | Sect. 17 |
PYLE | John Willie | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
PYLE | Winfred Earline | Sect. 10 Part 6 |
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