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Skip Van Winkle
Age 74 - Nov 27, 2018

©  Kristy Fox

Info by Jeff

Skip VanWinkle's legal name was Kim Knape. He was born in Oklahoma in 1944?.  He was on the baseball team of McLain High School & also Tulsa University.

Teegarden & VanWinbkle were an American Musical Duo, with Skip on the electronic organ, organ pedal base, vocals & David Teegarden on Drums, vocals.  They formed the band & took their folksy rock to Detroit.

Their single "God, Love and Rock & Roll" (borrowed heavily from "Amen" peaked at #22 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1970. They occasionally worked with Bob Seger appearing in live concerts.

In 1997 they had an album "Radioactive.

Skip  passed away on November 27th, 2018 in Los Angeles County, CA. He was Cremated.

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