Oklahoma Cemeteries Website
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Manwarring Cemetery
Okfuskee County, Oklahoma

© Oscar & Shirley Custar
Submitted by: Brenda Franklin

Manwarring Cemetery is located in the South-East corner of Section 17, Township 13 North, Range 10 East. Established before Statehood, the oldest grave marked is Mrs. C.E. Manwarring who died in 1898. Located in the town of Haydenville.
This information is being added based on the list from Oscar and Shirley Custar. Survey was made in the 1980's by them and the cemetery is listed in "Okfuskee County Cemeteries Volume 2" by Shirley Jean Custar. Oscar has granted permission to list this information listed in their work. Thank you!

If you have family buried in this cemetery and would like to add their information, an obit, tombstone photo, funeral home record or memorial card to this website, please send area coordinator an e-mail.

ARMSTRONG Clara O 14-Mar 1907 29-May 1907 d/o S.L. & L.B.
ARNALL E.M. 5-Jan 1860 13-Dec 1900  
ARNALL Eunice 19-Mar 1899 20-Mar 1899  
BACON Waddy J 16-Apr 1866 16-Aug 1905  
CARR Cornelius 10-Mar 1868 20-Dec 1900  
CROW Infant 16-Nov 1901 17-Nov 1901 s/o G.G. & J.B
CROW Mary V 10-May 1846 7-Jan 1905 w/o C.G.
GLIMP Lloy Lee 13-Nov 1903 13-Feb 1905 s/o J.D. & M.J.
HERTEL L.C. 14-Oct 1903 23-Jul 1905 s/o F.W. & C.O.
HERTEL Ruth 19-Sep 1908 31-Aug 1909 d/o F.W. & C.O.
MANWARRING Burhl 1-Feb 1904 18-Apr 1904  
MANWARRING Lydia D 26-Feb 1900 19-Oct 1908 d/o Gaydon & Ada
MANWARRING Meyrle 2-Nov 1905 20-Nov 1907 s/o G.A. & Ada
MAYES W.J. 30-Oct 1834 30-Jun 1908  
MCKINNEY Claude richard 22-Sep 1905 16-Nov 1905 s/o W.B. & J.V.
MCKINNEY Ruth 17-Sep 1907 23-Sep 1907 d/o F.O. & C.B.
SMITH Leroy 12-Feb 1900 19-Oct 1900 s/o M.A. & M.J.
STAUS Clara A 9-Oct 1877 11-Dec 1907 w/o A.J.
WEBSTER Infant 18-Dec 1890 28-Jul 1900 s/oM.C. & Marget
WHEELER Banie M 1-Apr 1901 7-Nov 1901 d/o Q.O. & M.P.

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