Oklahoma Cemeteries Website
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Buckeye Cemetery
Okfuskee County, Oklahoma

© Oscar & Shirley Custar
Submitted by: Brenda Franklin

The buckeye cemetery is located in Section 27, Townshp 12 North, Range 9 East, the Northwest 1/4 of the sutheas 1/4 in Okfuskee county. The cemetery is two and 1/4 miles East and1/2 mile North of Castle. It was named for the Buckeye Creek which runs nearby.
This information is being added based on the list from Oscar and Shirley Custar. Survey was made in the 1980's by them and the cemetery is listed in "Okfuskee County Cemeteries Volume 2" by Shirley Jean Custar. Oscar has granted permission to list this information listed in their work. Thank you!

If you have family buried in this cemetery and would like to add their information, an obit, tombstone photo, funeral home record or memorial card to this website, please send area coordinator an e-mail.

COXRuby Lee21-Jul 191116-May 1934 
COXW. H.no dates   
HUMPHREYEmma2-Oct 185911-Nov 1957 
HUNTERDelmer Seymouh4-Feb 19148-Mar 1914 
KLUDJoseph P. 6-Nov 1976 
MCCLEARYFlorence20-Jul 190225-Nov 1906d/o F. R. & Jessie McCleary
MCCLEARYFred R5-Dec 187222-Jul 1915 
MCCLEARYJessie P22-Oct 18818-Dec 1945 
MCCURDYTiilla J18641929 
MCCURDYWilliam Austin18561935 
MOUNTGOMERYBertha V.29-May 190117-Aug 1919 
MOUNTGOMERYLuther30-Sep 19073-Jul 1921s/o P. I. & Dovie Montgomery
MOUNTGOMERYWoodrow E3-Feb 190314-Sep 1913 
REEDInfant24-Sep 192728-Sep 1927 
REEDArlison Jewell15-Feb 193327-Apr 1934 
REEDGarland R25-Sep 190113-May 1927 
REEDLaura22-Aug 1904  
SCOTTEliza M12-Aug 19059-Apr 1928 
SEXTONAustin M13-Jan 190923-Apr 1933 
SEXTONMyrtie E3-Nov 18806-Jul 1975 
SEXTONT. Edward7-Mar 188326-Dec 1930 
SLAGLEMargaret Emily May15-Apr 185126-Dec 1913w/o William T. Slagle
SLAGLEW. T.14-Oct 184918-Feb 1947 
SMITHWillard4-Feb 191227-Feb 1912s/o Howard & Laura Smith
STEVENSONSarah J18661947 
TANNERLeonard Lee23-Nov 18974-Aug 1923s/o Lee & Mary Tanner
TANNERLouisa M26-Oct 18409-Nov 1916w/o Conrad Tanner
UNTERKIRCHERRoger B5-Feb 192612-Nov 1928 
WALLSAlthia C.28-Jan 186714-May 1940 
WALLSDewey M6-Jan 190131-Oct 1974 
WALLSHenry M10-Sep 186221-Feb 1933 
WALLSJ. L.7-May 185118-Sep 1915 
WALLSLydia Alice25-Apr 18654-Feb 1950 
WALLSRose Mno dates   

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