If you know of other cemeteries in Nowata County, Oklahoma
that are not listed here, please e-mail Tammie
The following information was obtained from the
USGS National Mapping Information website
Name of Cemetery | Latitude | Longitude |
Armstrong Cemetery | 364328N | 0953233W |
Ball Cemetery | 364538N | 0953220W |
Bezoin Cemetery | 364545N | 0953954W |
Brown Cemetery | 364124N | 0953434W |
Buffalo Cemetery | 365057N | 0953327W |
Childers Cemetery | 364829N | 0953219W |
Coker Cemetery | 364039N | 0953129W |
Goodtraveler Cemetery | 364959N | 0953206W |
Goose Neck Cemetery | 365240N | 0953508W |
Hickory Creek Cemetery | 365359N | 0953729W |
Lain Cemetery | 365835N | 0952641W |
Lowrey Cemetery | 364604N | 0953138W |
Madden Cemetery | 364136N | 0952936W |
Martin Cemetery | 364624N | 0952743W |
McMains Cemetery | 364339N | 0952657W |
Melton Cemetery | 365750N | 0953607W |
Memorial Park Cemetery | 364043N | 0953832W |
Mount Washington Cemetery | 365108N | 0953906W |
Patrick Cemetery | 365411N | 0954829W |
Riley Cemetery | 364352N | 0953422W |
Secondine Cemetery | 364350N | 0953210W |
Steward Cemetery | 365340N | 0954349W |
Taylor Cemetery | 363857N | 0954034W |
Wells Cemetery | 365036N | 0953620W |
Willey Cemetery | 364416N | 0954830W |
Wolfe Cemetery | 364916N | 0953300W |
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