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Charles J. "Joe" Robedeaux, Sr.
Jun 7, 1948 - May 20, 2013

© by: Kristy Fox

Obit Posted by Jo Aguirre


Charles J. “Joe” Robedeaux, 64, of Ponca City, passed away Monday, May 20, 2013 in Arkansas City, Kansas. 

Joe was born on June 7, 1948 in Pawnee, OK to C. G. and Dorothy (DeRoin) Robedeaux. 
Joe spent his early years in Greasy Creek on the farm in Enid, OK. He graduated Ponca City High School in 1966. On March 27, 1967, Joe enlisted in the US Army where he was in the 101st Airborne “Screaming Eagles”. He was in Vietnam when he was severely wounded, receiving the Purple Heart and being discharged on November 7, 1968. Joe was married to Charlene Hodges in 1969. Joe then graduated Oklahoma State Tech in Okmulgee in 1971. Joe worked for the US Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Oil Field. There was a lady that moved to Oklahoma from Elkhart, KS by the name of Maxine. Joe and her met and were married in 1991. 

Joe was preceded in death by his parents and Steele Standsblack, the man that raised him, and Brother- Charles Grant Robedeaux, Jr. 

Joe is survived by his wife-Maxine, 2 Children; Jolene Robedeaux and Charles Joseph Robedeaux, Jr. both of Ponca City. Step Daughters; Andrea Robertson of Elkhart, KS, Joan Sanders of Levelland, TX and Patricia Woodward of Phoenix, AZ. One brother-Augustus Lee Robedeaux and 3 Grandchildren; Austin, Marshall and Alexandra. Numerous brothers and sisters from the DeRoin and Robedeaux families. 

Wake service will be Wed., May 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., Noon meal on Thursday with services following at 2:00 p.m., all at the Otoe-Missouria Community Building, with Joe Dent officiating. Casket Bearers will be Mark Hendricks, Charles Mitchell DeRoin, Austin Robedeaux, Zachary DeRoin, Jess Robedeaux and Alexander Hawzipta.

Burial will follow in the Otoe-Missouria Tribal Cemetery with military honors provided by the Ft. Sill Military Honor Guard. 


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