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Wanda Elizabeth (McCullough) & Edwin Henry Miller
Cemetery Photo
Grace Hill Cemetery
Perry, Noble County, OK

 Photos © Cathy & Thomas


Thank You For Your Service!

May 11, 1924 - Jun 12, 2016
Obit for Wanda posted by Jo Aguirre


A graveside service for Wanda E. Miller, age 92, of Edmond, formerly of Enid, is 10:00 am, Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at Grace Hill Cemetery in Perry, Oklahoma with Pastor Dan Heath officiating. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home.

Wanda (one of thirteen children) was born May 11, 1924 in Perry, Oklahoma to William C. McCullough and Malinda E. (Jeffries) McCullough, and passed away Sunday, June 12, 2016 in Oklahoma City.

During WWII, Wanda worked as “Rosie the Riveter” on ships, and after the war was a telephone operator for Southwestern Bell, eventually retiring from Central National Bank.

She is preceded in death by her husband, Edwin H. Miller; one daughter, Evelyn Tillery; eight brothers, and one sister.

Wanda is survived by her daughter, Joyce Bean of Edmond, Oklahoma; four grandchildren, Mindy Sinclair, of Rogers, Arkansas; Amanda Pruitt of Harrah, Oklahoma; Tiffany Epperly of Edmond, Oklahoma; Jennifer Bean of Edmond, Oklahoma; ten great-grandchildren; her “older” twin brother, Walter McCullough, of Enid, Oklahoma; and two sisters, Winnifred Cameron, of Enid, Oklahoma; and Mary Jones, of Enid, Oklahoma.

Memorials in Wanda’s name may be made to the American Cancer Society with Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home serving as custodian of the funds.

Condolences may be made online at www.ladusauevans.com.

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