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Rena L (Purdy) & Ned R Foster
Cemetery Photo
Grace Hill Cemetery
Perry, Noble County, OK

 Photos © Cathy & Thomas


Thank You For Your Service!

Obit for Rena posted by Wanda Purcell
Dec 5, 1907 - Aug 20, 2000

Funeral services for Rena L. Foster were held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at the Henninger-Allen Chapel with the Rev. Richard L. Leonard officiating.

Burial followed in the Grace Hill Cemetery in Perry under the direction of Henninger-Allen Funeral Home.

Rena was born December 5, 1907 in Strong City, Oklahoma to Joseph and Ollie Ann Painter Purdy and died Sunday, August 20, 2000 in Integris Bass Baptist Helath Center. She moved to Clinton, Oklahoma in 1925 and graduated from Clinton High School. On September 11, 1928, she married Ned Foster in Winfield, Kansas and they made their home in Perry, Oklahoma.
They moved to Enid in 1949. Rena worked as a bookkeeper for the Highway Department in Clinton and several other businesses in the Enid area. Ned preceded her in death on May 26, 1991.

Survivors includce one son, Patrick Nimrod of Oklahoma City, two sisters, Alice Boyer of Boulder City, Nevada and Gayle Elliott of Doylestown, PA; four grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, two great-great
grandchildren, and numberous nieces, nephews and other relatives.

In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by four brothers and five sisters.

Memorial in her name may be made to the American Legion Children's Home in Ponca City through the funeral home.

Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK

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