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Fern Harris, 79, of San Antonio, Texas, was the daughter of Elmer Leroy "Roy" and Elsie Fern (Alderson) Harris. She was born on July 27, 1924 in Perry, Oklahoma. On Wednesday, September 24, 2003 she peacefully passed from this life into an everlasting life with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She died in San Antonio, Texas, where she had lived for many years.
Fern served her country as a secretary in the US Women's Army Corp in Germany and Austria from February 2, 1945 to June 16, 1948. She enjoyed photography and was an avid artist.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at Grace Hill Cemetery in Perry, Oklahoma. The Rev. Buddy Hunt will officiate. Services are under the direction of Brown-Dugger Funeral Home.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Women's War Memorial in Washington, D. C. Memorial may be sent in care of Brown-Dugger Funeral Home.
Fern is survived by two brothers, Lawrence Chester Harris and his wife, Marion, of Roswell, New Mexico, and Richard Leroy Harris of Guthrie, Oklahoma, and numerous nieces and a nephew.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Roy and Elsie Harris; her step-mother, Ethel Rood Harris and a sister, Eula May Harris
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