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Alexander "Alex" Hunter
Cemetery Photo
Grace Hill Cemetery
Perry, Noble County, OK

 Photos © Cathy & Thomas

Obit posted by Jo Aguirre

Perry Journal
21 June 1928 Page 1


Alex Hunter died Thursday afternoon at four o'clock from injuries received when he fell from a banister on the second floor of the court house at noon. 
He was a veteran of the Civil War one of two remaining in Perry and came to Noble county with the opening of the Cherokee Strip having since resided here. Mr. Hunter was rushed to the home of his daughter Mrs. Webb Smith, where he has made his home following the accident, where an examination showed the injuries he received were not serious, however internal injuries and the shock of the fall eventually brought on his death. Perry Journal   23 June 1928  Page 1   

Funeral services for Alexander Hunter, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Webster Smith Thursday  were held 
from the Christian Church this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Many were in attendance at the servicesm including members of the W.R.C. and the American Legion.   The sermon was preached by Reverend Warren Johnstone , pastor of the church and interment was made in Grace  Hill Cemetery.  



Thank You For Your Service!


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