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Sandy Baptist Church Cemetery

Sulphur, Murray County, Oklahoma

© Dennis Muncrief
Turn north on the first section line west of Sandy Creek (off highway 7, between Sulphur & Davis). Three miles north and ½ mile east. The cemetery is located about 1/8 mile behind church in the trees.
This is a Choctaw Indian Cemetery, located northwest of Sulphur OK.
I have transcribed from readings obtained when I visited this cemetery on May 20, 2000.
If you have family buried in the Sandy Creek Cemetery or can take a gate photo or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTICE. If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.
NOTE Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.






*2 Children's Graves
Red Bricks at
Head and Foot
*2 Metal Markers
Barely Legible
*3 Concrete and
Metal Markers,
Illegible, bur.
in "Foraker Plot"
*Concrete Slab,
Marbles Inlaid,
No Markings
*Concrete and
Metal Marker,
*Metal Marker
-Nameplate Missing
*Tombstone Base
Tombstone Missing
Alexander Rev James 1874 12/23/1918 Baptist Missionary
Barehead Ora Gourd 8/24/1915 7/11/1984  
Earnest Dean 3/19/1932 6/14/2005 PFC US Army  Korea
Berryhill Rubylee M Sealy 10/21/1929 1/31/2010  
Jimmy Charles 12/10/1932 2/25/2006 Wed Julia  7/7/1952
SFC US Army  Vietnam
Blue Julia Madell Brown 7/16/1935 4/20/2003 Wed Jimmy  7/7/1952
Brokeshoulder Benjamin F 1/4/1918 4/21/1918  
Brokeshoulder John F 9/21/1883 4/3/1918  
Brown Angie L 5/11/1910 4/9/1983  
Brown Donald Ray 43y 9da 6/10/1977  
Brown Rev Elias 7/25/1901 9/16/1982 Wed Vera 1/8/1931
Brown Etta Edwina Monroe 6/8/1915 2/22/1983 Wed  Willie 7/26/1938
Brown Harley B 9/25/1873 2/16/1917 H of Susan
Brown Jackson Age 2 6/3/1913  
Brown Susan Lewis 9/18/1880 5/5/1962 W of Harley
Brown Vera Virgie 6/6/1904 3/31/2003 Wed Elias 1/8/1931
Brown Rev Willie 4/3/1911 2/22/1983 Wed Etta 7/26/1938
Clay Joseph Paul 7/29/1949 12/7/2020  
Reuben 6/19/1914 7/2/1984 PFC US Army  WW II
Cobb Mary Ann      
Cravatt Ada Catherine Foraker 6/15/1912 12/19/1982 Wed Henderson 9/20/1935
Cravatt Albert "Buddy" 1889 1935 H of Clicy
Cravatt Albert Benjamin 5/6/1937 6/25/1975 H of Dorothy (m 1973)
Cravatt Clicy 1890 1951 W of Albert
Cravatt David 9/11/1939 1/20/2020  
Cravatt Dorothy Lee Tyson 12/5/1938 3/16/1998 W of Albert B  (m 1973)
Cravatt Gary Ray 1/8/1953 2/21/2006  
Cravatt Gene Henderson 5/26/1938 4/10/2006  
Cravatt Rev Henderson "Jack" 1/22/1911 12/17/1980 Wed Ada 9/20/1935
Cravatt Norman 8/4/1956 8/27/1983 s/o Ada & Henderson
Vernon Ray 9/25/1920 4/19/1991 US Army WW II
Cunnentubby Lucy Alexander (Gilbert) 8/7/1876 8/7/1908 W of Cyrus Gilbert
W of  P K  Cunnentubby
Charlie Henderson 5/4/1945 11/29/1997 Pvt US Army  Vietnam
Wed Mamie 6/26/1964
Eddy Mamie Louise Welborn 3/13/1946 1/2/2022 Wed Charlie  6/26/1964
Michael Joe 11/28/1967 3/6/2008 US Air Force
Edwards Minie 11/7/1885 11/16/1905  
Foraker Ada L Aug 1884 1915  
Foraker Amanda "Mandy" Cooper 10/1/1904 2/18/1987  
Foraker Ben Tom 9/17/1926 2/23/1975  
Foraker Susan Sealy 2/20/1899 4/30/1934  
Fulson Weldon Lee 10/16/1949 1/20/2022 Obit
Gilbert Lela Cunnentubby 5/4/1894 10/20/1918  
Ivan Lee 4/23/1943 8/28/2002 US Navy
Kenneth Ray "Bob" 1937 1985 AE3 US Navy
Green Jerome 10/31/1979 9/2/2020  
Hawkins William "Billie" 1857 3/2/1927  
Jackson Frances Pearl Seeley 11/17/1921 3/20/1976 W of Johnson
Jackson Johnson 3/10/1910 4/10/1997 H of Frances
Jacoway Vanessa Sylvia 8/14/2002 4/3/2004 D of Ada
Henry 3/3/1889 10/27/1918 Pvt US Army Inf
James Thomas S 12/25/1880 6/9/1913  
Jeff George 1881 1926  
Lewis Marvin Ray 9/17/1945 8/20/2012  
Loman Howard Wayne 4/18/1951 1/10/2021  
Looney Lucille Alexander 10/8/1914 7/11/2002 W of Robert
Looney Robert Jerome "Rube" 6/22/1911 12/16/1978 H of Lucille
Looney Tony Wayne "Bones" 2/24/1953 4/3/2018  
Meely Lawrence Ray 8/29/1960 11/25/2020  
Nail Gracie(?)   11/1/1966  
Nail Grover(?)   11/30/1966  
Nail Webster 7/14/1885 3/3/1903  
Nelson Wilma Lee Brown 4/7/1940 8/15/2009  
Nokes Vera Cravatt 9/24/1918 8/22/2004  
Pettigrew Hermon Folsum 6/2/1920 6/12/1920 S of Joseph & Serena
Pettigrew Joseph "Joe" 11/15/1879 3/28/1951 H of Serena
Pettigrew Serena Fulsom (Alexander) 1879 1956 W of James Alexander
W of Joseph Pettigrew
Robles Audra Lynn Wallace 3/30/1982 2/5/2017  
Sealey Sallie Leader 9/25/1888    
Emerson Lee 5/17/1917 11/17/1990 US Army WW II
Wed Leora 2/26/1945
Sealy Gilbert 9/30/1859 2/1/1946  
Sealy Leora Alexander 11/16/1923 2/2/2008 Wed Emerson 2/26/1945
Shipman Doris Lena Cravatt 2/22/1924 9/30/2006 Wed G W 8/29/1947
G W 8/11/1920 3/13/2012 Wed Doris 8/29/1947
BM2 US Navy  WW II
Simpson Rudolph "Giggi" 9/28/1933 5/24/1999  
Stribling Caroline Vee Alexander 7/8/1910 7/5/1963  
Thomas Henry 5/16/1901 11/13/1924  
Tyson Harding 1922 3/18/1947  
Wade Emma 1/15/1867 1/12/1920  
Wallace Era Brokeshoulder 1/15/1913 12/1/1999  
James Fredrick 7/17/1951 4/8/2021 US Army National Guard
Desert Storm
Wallace Marvin Edward 10/12/1949 8/29/2024  
Ward Lillie Mae Brown 6/16/1915 12/13/2009  
Whitetail Tommy Wayne 1/13/1947 10/13/1947  
Worcester David Doyle 4/28/1955 4/1/2000  

This page was updated: Monday, 20-Jan-2025 14:31:11 UTC

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