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Green Hill Cemetery
Davis, Murray County, Oklahoma

© Arlene Ingram

© Dennis Muncrief & Various Submitters

Davis, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory was established in 1886 when the Santa Fe Railroad build a line from Gainesville, TX to Oklahoma City. There was a siding and depot built at that time and a store owner by the name of Sam Davis was hired to be the first depot agent.
The land surrounding the depot was owned by a Chickasaw Indian named Nelson Chigley. Chigley had the railroad survey off a town in the middle of his ranch around the new siding and depot. This was a cattle and cotton shipping center and a receiving point for much new mercantile products for the area. In 1890 a post office was established and the name was chosen as Davis in honor of Sam Davis the first Depot agent and the first merchant of the new town.
Green Hill Cemetery is owned, maintained and supervised by the city of Davis. The cemetery is well kept by a full time cemetery maintenance crew and has a full time sexton. The cemetery is current in use and has many new burials each month.
The city has no plans to change locations of the cemetery. The cemetery has been in use by the city for well over 100 years. There is evidence that it was a burial ground for the early Indian inhabitants before the white man ever sat foot in the area.
An asterisk * has been placed following an entry which the information came from a family member and there is no marker. Two asterisks ** have been placed after a family who was killed by a tornado in 1916. They also have no individual headstones, there is one common grave with a single monument.
Registry is complete through 2000, with occasional additions.
If you have family buried in the Green Hill Cemetery or can take a gate photo that I can place on the website or can give driving directions to the cemetery or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTICE. If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.
Note: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.

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