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George W. Taylor
The Mulhall Enterprise
Friday, September 19, 1902
Submitted by: Debby Cook

George W. Taylor With His
Threshing Engine Crash
Through Beaver
Creek Bridge.
Never was Conscious, and Died Following
Day ----Henry Davis Fell With
Bridge but Escaped Injury.
On Monday, Sept. 15, as George W. Taylor was crossing the county bridge one half mile south of Mulhall with his threshing engine, the bridge gave way under the weight, the engine plunged down to the dry creek bed, and now lies bottom up across the creek, haven fallen nearly thirty feet. Mr. Taylor who was driving the engine was thrown clear off the wreck but fell on the hard bottom in a helpless bruised condition where the scalding steam and water from the upturned engine ran under and about him literally cooking a part of his body. In the opinion of the doctor, this scalding was sufficient to cause death even tho the fall of thirty feet should not prove fatal.
The accident occurred at about 5:30 in the evening. The bridge which is near 100 feet in length, was condemned by the township board last spring and notices to that effect had been posted. Last spring after the high water which swept two feet over this bridge the road overseer placed some additional stringers to strengthen it, but it was in no fit condition to bear up under the weight that was put upon it especially without planking.
Henry Davis who was with the engine took warning at the indication of a break in the bridge and ran, while he did not escape a fall he went down with a section of the floor and thus escaped the long fall. He was considerably bruised but soon got on his feet and went to George and dragged him out of the hot water. Arthur Taylor who was with the crew had not yet reached the bridge. As soon as he could find out the situation he came to town for assistance.
George Taylor's body was brought to town to the home of his brother John Taylor, where he lingered in an unconscious condition until about 1 o'clock the following day.
Mr. Taylor was an industrious man, and was well liked by all who knew him. His violent death is regretted by the entire community. He leaves a young wife and one child about eight months old.
George W. Taylor whose violent death is above described was born June 1, 1863 in Bureau county, Illinois. His parents came to Sedgwick county, Kansas, from Illinois and again removed to western Kansas. From there they came to Oklahoma in the spring of '89. George here took a claim of 160 acres which has since been his home. He was married December 24, 1900, to Miss Grace Madison who with their eight month old baby is left to mourn his untimely death. To her in this deep affliction the sympathy of the entire community goes out. Besides his wife his aged mother and brothers and sisters also mourn.
The funeral took place from the home of his brother John Taylor, Wednesday at 11 o'clock under the direction of the K. of P. of which he was a respected member. The religious services were conducted by Elder Wm. Judd. The body was followed to Roselawn cemetery by a large number of friends, the K. of P. attending as paulbearers and escort.

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