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Penelope Spaulding
The Mulhall Enterprise
Friday, May 15, 1903
Submitted by: Debby Cook

Died, at the family home, six miles southeast of Mulhall, May 10th, 1903, of heart disease, Mrs. J.W. Spaulding.
Mrs. Spaulding had been suffering greatly for the past two months with the disease which ended her life. For some time, her life had been despaired though everything was done to bring relief and a cure.
She leaves a husband and ten children to mourn the loss of a faithful wife and mother.
Penelope Melton was born June 28, 1862 in Illinois and was married to Jessie W. Spaulding at Butler City, Kansas, August 11, 1882. A son, Arthur G., enlisted in the army as a member of Co. "H." 9. U.S. Infantry, now stationed at Madison Barrack, N.Y., was telegraphed for but did not arrive until after the funeral.
The funeral was largely attended by the neighbors of the deceased. Elder Leo Anthis conducted the services. The burial took place at Roselawn cemetery.

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