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Phoebe I. Robinson |
The Mulhall Enterprise |
Friday, August 22, 1902 |
Submitted by: Debby Cook |
Died at about 5 o'clock Thursday morning, August 21, of myocarditis and odema of the lungs, Mrs. Phoebe I. Robinson, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Phillips on east Baty avenue, Mulhall, Oklahoma.
Mrs. Robinson was born in Lake county, Ohio, in 1832, removed in 1840 to Delaware county, Iowa, from there to Jasper county, Missouri in 1868, and in 18?7 went to Montana and lived in the mountains until she came to Mulhall last February.
The day she was taken sick she seemed unusually well and walked from the house to the restaurant for dinner and back. She complained of feeling poorly in the evening. A physician was called and at first it was thought not serious, but later the developments become more alarming. During the tent meetings she was a constant attendant as far as her strength would allow, and no opportunity for a testimony or prayer was neglected by her. She showed great anxiety for the success of the meetings and contributed greatly to the success. Now that she is gone, her words and example will leave a deep impression on all who came in contact with her. She exemplified a ripe Christian character, which was backed by a bright testimony and rich Christian experience. She leaves five children, two here, Mrs. John Phillips and Frank Kelly, one son in Montana, one in Washington and a daughter in Wyoming.
Funeral at 10 a.m. today from the residence.
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