Died at the home of his son Frank Phillips May 6th, 1902 at six o'clock a.m. Henry Marquis Phillips in his 83d year. Deceased was born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, December 19, 1819. He was left an orphan at an early age, and made his home with his uncle Abram Piatt, with whom he removed to Illinois at an early day, Piatt Co. was named after this uncle. He was married June 6, 1842 to Miss Sarah Keart, seven children were born to them only two survive him, John and Frank who live here with their families.
He has made his home here the past three years with his sons, during all this time he has been very feeble seldom getting away from home. He was of a cheerfull disposition and bore his affliction uncomplainingly. He retained his faculties to the last, expressing himself as willing to go. He had been suffering with cold and other troubles since last fall. He had been helpless and confined to his bed but two or three weeks.
His funeral took place from the house where he died, at 10.30 a.m. May 7, Rev. J.C. Reeve conducting the service of singing and prayer after which the Masons, of which order he was a member, took charge of the ceremonies. He was laid to rest in Rose Lawn cemetery.