Died, August 30, 1896, Frank Mittasch, age 18 years and 3 days. Frank was a patient sufferer for seven months. He was a noble and generous hearted boy, well loved and respected by all. He passed away without a struggle at 7:30 last Sunday evening. He will be missed by all. He told us he was going home, and we have every reason to believe he has. The parents, brothers, sisters have the sympathy of all the people. May the Lord bless and comfort them!
Why should we linger while heaven lies in view,
While earth's fast receding and soon will be no more;
Pleasures and treasures which once here we knew,
No more can they charm us with such a goal in view.
Loved ones in Jesus they've pass on before,
Now resting in glory they weary are no more;
Toils are all ended and nothing now but joy
And prayers ascending their ever glad employ.
What tho' all my heart is yearning for the loved of long ago --
Bitter lessons sadly learning from the shadowy page of woe.
If I've Jesus, Jesus only He'll be with me to the end,
And unseen by mortal visions angel bands will o'er me bend;
When I soar to realms of glory and an entrance I away,
If I whisper, Jesus only, wide will ope' the pearly gate.
When I join the heavenly chorus and the angels' hearts I see,
Precious Jesus, Jesus only will my theme of rapture be.