Funeral services for Mrs. Daisy Barbara Lewis, 66 years old, who died February 10, 1934, in Oklahoma City, were held in the Methodist church of Mulhall, Monday afternoon February 12, conducted by Rev. W. I. Smith, pastor of the West Side Methodist church, Guthrie, assisted by Rev. W. S. Franklin, pastor of the Methodist church at Mulhall. Daily Barbara Kemp, daughter or Lucius S. Kemp and Susan A. Kemp, was born in Grundy County, Iowa, October 17, 1867. She was married to W. T. Lewis of Dallas, Texas, February 14, 1892. To this union one son Elijah T. Lewis was born who now resides in California. She was an Oklahoma pioneer having lived here since the opening in 1889 and went through the hardships and struggles of pioneer life, bravely and courageously, and in 1905 she homesteaded a cabin in Beaver County, which part is now known as Texas County, Oklahoma. Ten years ago she came to Mulhall to live with and care for her mother, who passed away September 4, 1933. Since that time Mrs. Lewis' health failed rapidly and on Jan 17, 1934, she had a paralytic stroke form witch she never rallied. Her love for her nephew Wayne Kemp was close to worship and he returned that love with devoted care to the end. She leaves to morn her death her son, two grandchildren, three brothers, Fred C. Kemp of Ridgeway, Colo., L. S. Kemp of Ouray, Colo., and C. F. Kemp, Guthrie, Okla. Also four sisters Mrs. Ethel Cramer, of Waterloo, Iowa, Grace L. Blakesley of Manitou, Okla. and Mrs. Mary E. Matthews, Mulhall, and numerous other relatives. She was a Christian and had an understanding sympathy for the needy and would gladly deny herself for others. She was buried in Rose Lawn cemetery under the direction of the Beaver Valley Funeral Home.