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John A. Hunter
The Mulhall Enterprise
Friday, May 16, 1902
Submitted by: Debby Cook

Died, at his home six miles southeast of Mulhall, John A. Hunter of apoplexy in his 71 year, May 11, 1902, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Hunter had been in unusual good spirits the day before and on the morning of his death. On Saturday the 10th he was about his usual duties chatting with his neighbors as he met them and expressed himself as feeling better than usual. On Sunday morning he was cheerful and went out to look over his crops. Soon after his return about 12 o'clock he was stricken and never recovered consciousness. Mr. Hunter was one of the early settlers in this vicinity.
The funeral took place from his late residence Tuesday May 13. His remains were followed to Rose Lawn cemetery by a large procession of his friends and neighbors. Elder Leo Anthis conducted the funeral ceremonies. Mr. Anthis furnishes us with the following sketch of the life of the deceased:
John A. Hunter was born May 3, 1831, was married to Julina Medcalf May 31, 1853. Seven children were born of this union, five of whom are still living. Julina Hunter died March 25, 1869. John A. Hunter was married to Nancy J. Finch February 19, 1871, born to this union ten children, six boys and four girls. Eight still survive him, two boys having passed on before. He united with the Church of Christ the year of 1870 being a faithful and obedient Christian.

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