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May Hall
The Mulhall Enterprise
Friday, December 8, 1899
Submitted by: Debby Cook

The funeral of Mrs. May Hall, who fell asleep in Jesus on the morning of November 30, 1899, between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock, took place Friday afternoon, December 1, 1899, at 2 o'clock from the home of her father, Mr. O.H. Barnard. Rev. W.E. Jones conducted the funeral services, assisted by Revs. Keller and Mitchell. Rev. Jones preached a very touching sermon from the text, Luke 12:40, "Be ye therefore ready also, for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
There was genuine sorrow all through the neighborhood at the death of Sister Hall, who was well known. She was sick about two years. She bore it patiently and was ready when the summons came, for she was a devoted follower of Christ, and all inspiration to those around her. She was converted about four years ago at a revival service held at Pleasant View school house. She was a member of M.E. class at Stony Point.
Sister Hall was born September 23, 1866, died November 30, 1899. She was married to Mr. Hall May 3, 1893. She leaves a sorrowing husband, a father and mother, sisters and brothers to mourn her loss. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to these bereft ones, and pray that God's grace may sustain and comfort them. The remains of the beloved sister were laid away to rest in Rose Lawn cemetery.
The bereaved parents extend thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Clark, and to all their kind neighbors and friends for help and sympathy in their sorrow.

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