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Thomas Duree
The Mulhall Enterprise
Friday, August 28, 1903
Submitted by: Debby Cook

The funeral of the sixteen months old boy of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Duree took place from the M.E. Church Thursday afternoon, August 14th. Rev. Paul J.E. Everett, of Orlando, conducted the services and preaching from the 4th verse of the twenty-third Psalm: "Yea, thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; they rod and thy staff, they comfort me." The sermon was one of consolation and hope to stricken hearts. The deceased was one of the twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Duree (Osha Coulson), and had been very sick for several weeks and died at their home in Orlando, August 12th.
The body was brought here for burial in Roselawn cemetery. Several Orlando people accompanied the stricken parents and assisted in the last sad rites. Friends in Mulhall, who were notified, also attended.
(The above should have appeared two weeks ago.)

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