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Eagle Scout Project to help restore Mulhall Cemetery

Published in the Guthrie News Leader
Friday, March 31, 2000.
© Guthrie News Leader
Used with permission.

Mulhall Cemetery will be receiving a facelift Sunday in an effort to restore its original beauty, thanks to the determination of an Eagle Scout's community project and the efforts of the Mulhall Cemetery Board.
During the past ten months, the cemetery board and many volunteers have endeavored to restore the cemetery which was heavily damaged by the May 3rd tornado. Major clean up efforts have included removing debris, repairing and replacing damaged headstones.
Last fall, Eagle Scout candidate Casy Cundiff of Troop 111, pledged his assistance to relieve the board of the responsibilities for the tree and shrub replacement as a community service project for his Eagle Scout requirement.
Although the committee readily accepted his offer and tentative plans were made for late December planting, a medical tragedy postponed the planting project.
Cundiff experienced what seemed to be wisdom tooth problems in November, but early in December, the 15-year-old was hospitalized only to discover that malignant cells of a rare and aggressive cancer. Myofibro Sarcoma, were reproducing rapidly in his right mandible.
After undergoing three Surgeries in December and January, Cundiff began an aggressive 23-week chemotherapy protocol for cancer treatment on January 16.
Although he recuperates at home between hospitalizations, the teenage is still determined to complete the cemetery beautification project while planting conditions are still favorable.
Prior to his hospitalization, Cundiff and his brothers Cody and Cary, his parents Steve and Janet Cundiff spent as much time as possible in Mulhall, helping his grandparents, Mulhall residents Hugh and Frances Johnson, recover from their own devastating losses.
The Putnam City North High School freshman credits his grandparents, both active community leaders and volunteers, as his inspiration to help the Mulhall community recover from the devastating effects of the tornado.
Cundiff, his family and the cemetery board have organized the planting to begin at 2 p.m. Sunday at the cemetery. Those wishing to assist the effort are encouraged to bring shovels, work gloves and other planting supplies to the cemetery.
Donations of trees and shrubs will be accepted and cash donations may be sent directly to Janice Gorrell, Cemetery Board Secretary, Route 1, Box 14, Mulhall, OK 73063

Follow Up Story

Written and © by: Bob Chada
April 2, 2000

© Bob Chada
Casy Cundiff, on the left supervising three other scouts (Chris Porter and Mitch Sims and Kyle Roetker) of Troop 111, Baden Powell District, Last Frontier Council, BSA, selected for his Eagle Scout project the restoration of beauty to the Mulhall Cemetery.
The tree planting, scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, April 2, came off without a hitch.
An army of some 50 people participated in the project including members of Troop 111, their families, Mr. Paul Moore, Scout Executive for the Last frontier Council, Tammie & J'Koa Chada who write this website and many from the Mulhall Community.
© Bob Chada
Tractors with post hole augers were provided by Charlie Gorrel and Randy Galloway, cemetery Association President. A large trailer mounted water tank was provided by Willis Dogget.
In a little over an hour, some 50 Bradford Pear trees were planted, staked and watered in along the north boundary road of the cemetery. The trees were donated to the project by Toby Gooddale of The Valley Tree Farm in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
This project is a shining example of the community impact that one young man can have in his pursuit of his Eagle Scout Rank.

J'Koa and I (Tammie) extend our condolences to the family of
Casy Cundiff
who was lifted up by Angel Wings to his new Pain Free home on May 29, 2001.
Rest in Peace Casy.

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