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Malissa Lucille (Mercer) & Edward Oliver Heidebrecht
Cemetery Photo
Mountain View Cemetery
Mountain View, Kiowa County, OK

  Photos © Sharon Lee-sha9876


Thank You For Your Service!

Obit for Malissa

Published courtesy of the Cordell Beacon

© Cordell Beacon

Lucille Heidebrecht was born July 31, 1921, to Elbert T. and Lizzie Jones Mercer, and died April 12, 2002, at the age of 80.

She married Edward O. Heidebrecht on June 3, 1943 in Clinton. She was a graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford. She was a school teacher at Finley Elementary in Holtville, Calif. for 18 years, retiring in 1986. She also taught in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona over her 44 year teaching career. During the summer breaks, Heidebrecht and her family would return to Oklahoma to farm their land. After the death of her husband in 1997, she moved to Integris Village in Cordell. She was a past member of the Holtville United Methodist Church, and attended the Cordell United Methodist Church.

Services will be held at 12 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, at the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, under the direction of Kiesau Marler Funeral Home in Clinton.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Ed, and brother Wayne Mercer.

She is survived by her daughter; Jo and husband Gregg Atkins of Las Vegas, Nevada; granddaughters, Kena Oswalt, Regina Gusberti; stepson Skyler Atkins; brother Clarence Mercer; and sisters Edna Withgott and Frances Rhodes.

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